Education, study and knowledge

How often do you water your margarita? About time management

Often when we come across a margarita, we think of the typical “Do you love me? Don't you love me? " to "find out" if someone else is interested in us. However, instead of thinking about someone else, think about yourself and ask yourself: Do I love myself or don't I love myself? Am I worrying about loving myself? Am I managing my time well to cultivate and get satisfied with what I do?

  • Related article: "Time management: 13 tips to take advantage of the hours of the day"

On time and life management

We have had to live in an era that advances rapidly and forces us to live quickly and even with stress, as if we were with the “pilot automatic ”when doing things and it will not cost us a great effort to carry out routine tasks such as driving, going to and from work, etc. We live so fast that we spend our days ritualizing habits and, in the end, our brains automate them.

But What if we do the same with our own lives, with our relationships, with our purposes? What happens when we get up and go to bed doing the same things, without having surpassed ourselves, without having achieved an objective, without rethinking anything, without looking at where we really want to go, what we want to do or who we want be?

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Putting on autopilot can take us away from those things that are truly important to us. If we spend too many hours at our work, we may not spend enough time with our relationship, our friends, or ourselves.

It is true that it is becoming more and more difficult to find time to think beyond our day to day life and to implement life projects that exceed daily responsibilities. However, if this occurs it is possible that you are not managing your time properly and you are neglecting certain things that are also important to you. Once we learn to manage it, we will have much more awareness and much more control over our lives and, as a consequence, we will feel more satisfied and self-realized.

  • You may be interested: "On happiness: what is it that we all seek?"

What is life? Time (+ space)

Ask yourself if everything you are doing today brings you closer to where you want to be tomorrow.. Ask yourself if you are dedicating enough time to things that are important to you, to your life priorities.

To do this, I invite you to do the following exercise. Take a pencil and paper and draw a daisy. You are the daisy, so on each of the petals write the important areas of your life (family, professional, etc.) and think about what you would like to improve on each of them. Based on this, set goals. If that seems like too much to begin with, start with those areas that you are neglecting and that are most important to you.

Think about what resources you need and determine small objectives, that is, the steps you will have to take to reach that goal. The difference between goal and objective It lies in the fact that the goal is the destination we want to reach, and the objectives are small actions that help us achieve it.

For example, if I want to improve my English, I could set as a goal: "Pass the C1 exam in January 2019" and as objectives: (1) Study English for one hour each day, (2) Attend language exchange tandems, (3) Every time you watch a series, do it in English.

It is important that the objectives are personalized and achievable. It is useless to set ourselves very ambitious goals if we are not going to meet them. They must also be measurable, as it is preferable to set the goal of "going to the gym three days a week" than "doing sports regularly."

Once you have your goals, plan your day or week and set priorities. Not all activities are equally urgent or important, so prioritizing becomes a key aspect of managing your time.

Other important aspects to take into account when managing your daily time so that you can meet the proposed objectives are:

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