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Can self-esteem affect addiction?

Perhaps you have ever wondered if, in reality, how you see yourself can influence some form in the possibility of developing an addiction, either to a substance or to a behaviour. That is what we are going to talk about in this article.

It is necessary to point out, although it is something that we have already indicated in previous articles, that in the development of a dependency there may be a great number of factors that influence it, and yes, self-esteem, the way we perceive ourselves, is one of those factors determinants. So that, Let's see how addictions and self-esteem interact.

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Why is self-esteem so important as a factor in the development of addictions?

We can say that self-esteem is the perception that the individual has of their own value. It has been described as an "emotional and cognitive assessment of oneself as a human being." This element is essential, because directly influences how people feel and perceive themselves, but it also influences how they act with others.

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It is easier for people who have an acceptable level of self-esteem to feel much better in all areas of their lives. It is also important to indicate that the esteem that someone has of himself has a lot to do with his experiences and their experiences, and that it is not the same to have gone through negative situations that have done it. This it can cause guilt and other feelings that can make you self-perceive in a way that is not real and that can end up hurting you.

The really negative thing about all this is that, if that bad self-esteem lasts too long, it can lead to the development of an addiction that makes you feel better.

Self-esteem and addictive disorders
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Self-esteem is fundamental

Not perceiving ourselves positively influences all areas of our life. Everything we do, think and say is wrong, nothing can go right because we can't do anything right. We cannot help it, it is how we feel, and therefore we act accordingly.

To give an example, in the case that a boy lives in an environment in which always, no matter how hard he tries, he is told that he does nothing well, for many years he will listen to it. That continuous bombardment will sooner or later end up internalizing the idea that it is true, that it does nothing well, and little by little and without himself wanting it, he adapts his behavior to that belief that, for him, it is a absolute.

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Addictions and self-esteem: what is the relationship?

Self-esteem can be achieved in the short term through external validation, which can result in a lack of motivation and lower self-esteem. On the other hand, others believe that high self-esteem leads to the independence and confidence that are necessary for positive mental health.

It is important to note that we cannot always control how our actions impact our sense of identity. The relationship between addictions or negative behaviors such as substance abuse and low self-esteem has been studied for a long time, and there are, As we have said before, many factors involved in this relationship, such as environment, genetics, past experiences, social environments... It seems plausible that these factors may contribute to some people developing addictions.

Actually, this is the tail-biting whiting, a vicious cycle in which one aspect feeds on the other: when you do not value yourself, you look for a way to alleviate all the discomfort that it generates. You do that with him alcohol, drugs or any other addictive object, but on the other hand, when you use, you feel bad because you are doing it, and again, you are at the starting point.

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How an addiction can affect the mind and body

Addiction is a term that refers to any type of behavior or substance that an individual uses to satisfy a psychological or physiological need. Although it does not always lead to physical addiction, it can cause mental and emotional dependence on the addicted substance or behavior, which leads to long-term health consequences.

The brain is affected by addiction in many different ways, which can lead to health problems, such as anxiety, depression, and even suicide attempts.

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