The 95 best phrases of Helen Keller
Philanthropist, political activist and writer, Helen Keller was a great figure in contemporary American history. Not only did she win people's hearts by her works, but she also won their admiration after showing that her visual and auditory limitations were not an impediment to getting noticed and gaining recognition for her merits.
Here you will find a selection of the best Helen Keller quotes, commented, that reflect the way of thinking of this important historical figure.
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The most memorable Helen Keller quotes
Being deaf-mute, after an accident at nineteen months of her life, this activist had to fight her whole life to find a way to communicate with others and she showed that having the necessary resources and adequate social support, investing effort in it, she can move forward even in those tough terms. Let's see how this author understood life through a compilation of reflections and phrases by Helen Keller.
1. What once enjoyed, you never lose.
The things we love most remain in our hearts.
2. I long to perform a great and noble task, but it is my main duty to perform small tasks as if they were great and noble.
Each task has its importance, although it is difficult for us to recognize it at first.
3. The best and most beautiful things in life cannot be seen or touched, they must be felt with the heart.
Love gives us another perspective.
4. Optimism is the faith that guides achievement.
Optimism allows us to come up with better solutions.
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5. The world is full of suffering but also of overcoming it.
Overcoming pain makes us stronger people.
6. We could never learn to be brave and patient, if there was only joy in the world.
We also need to live difficult experiences.
7. Character cannot be developed in tranquility and stillness.
Overprotection is also harmful, as it takes you away from the world.
8. Why be content with living in tow when we feel the yearning to fly.
Find your happiness and live for it.
9. There is no king who did not have a slave among his ancestors, nor a slave who did not have a king among his own.
We all have the same human origin.
10. We can do very little alone; together we can do a lot.
As the saying goes: 'in unity is strength'.
11. Literature is my Utopia. There is no barrier of senses that can take away this pleasure.
Showing his love for literature.
12. When one door of happiness closes, another opens, but many times we look at the closed door for so long that we do not see the one that has been opened for us.
The importance of not clinging to the past.
13. It is a terrible thing to be able to see and not have vision!
Talking about people's inability to have an open mind.
14. I'm not the only one, but I'm still somebody.
Each one has the importance of her in the world.
15. The books speak to me without impediments of any kind.
Books have a special magic for each reader.
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16. Science may have found a cure for most ills; but he has not found a remedy for the worst of all: the apathy of human beings.
A criticism of the lack of empathy of some people.
17. Keep your face towards the sunlight and you will not see the shadow.
One way of referring to stay optimistic.
18. Between not seeing and not hearing without a doubt it is much worse not hearing because not seeing cuts you off from objects but not hearing cuts you off from people and that makes you an object.
An interesting reflection on how significant human communication is.
19. Only through experiences of judgment and suffering can one strengthen the soul, clear vision, inspire ambition, and achieve success.
The way we earn our strength.
20. Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light.
Friends have great meaning in our life.
21. Everything we love deeply becomes part of ourselves.
The experiences stay with us over time.
22. Nothing can be done without hope and trust.
Two things necessary to succeed.
23. The Arab proverb expresses an admirable truth: This is your world, in which you find yourself.
House who is responsible for their actions.
24. No pessimist has ever discovered the secret of the stars, or sailed into an undiscovered land, or opened a new hope in the human heart.
Pessimism only leads us to sink into misery.
25. Tyranny cannot defeat the power of ideas.
Tyrannies sooner or later end.
26. Life is a succession of lessons that must be lived to be understood.
Never underestimate an experience.
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27. For me, the basis was the determination of Anne, my teacher.
Figures that become great examples.
28. Death is nothing more than passing from one room to another. However, there is a difference for me, you know? Because in the other room I will be able to see.
His reflection on death.
29. With my three faithful guides, touch, smell and taste, I make countless forays into the border region of experience and visible from the city of light.
The way of living through the senses.
30. Every optimist moves along with progress and accelerates it, while every pessimist keeps the world at a standstill.
The way optimists live.
31. The subtlety of our vision does not depend on how much we are able to see, but how much we are able to feel.
Vision and feeling as one sense.
32. Many people have the wrong idea of what constitutes true happiness. It is not achieved through self-gratification but through faithfulness to a worthy purpose.
The true recipe for happiness.
33. Happiness does not come from outside, it comes from within.
Each one must seek his own happiness.
34. Happiness is the perfect ending and the fruit of obedience to the laws of life.
Happiness is the highest goal of all.
35. Security is more than anything a superstition.
Security can become an excuse not to try again.
36. Never bow your head, always keep it upright. Look the world straight in the face.
Face your problems and you will find peace.
37. How many times do we travel the same roads, read the same books, speak the same language, and yet our experiences are different.
Each experience is unique.
38. Universal knowledge, broadly speaking, is an imaginary conception.
Does universal knowledge really exist?
39. Resolve to stay happy, and you and your joy will form an invincible host against difficulties.
Never lose an optimistic view of life.
40. Life is either a daring adventure or it is nothing.
Keller's way of seeing life.
41. In spite of the sensitivity in the corporeal perception, my spirit impels me to use words that are intimately linked with sight and hearing, though I can only guess their meaning from their analogies and my imagination.
Express yourself through your senses.
42. How insignificant my world would be without imagination.
Imagination is the root of many things.
43. Sometimes we think that there is no God, because if there were, he would have created man incapable of sinning. As if someone wanted to be an automaton!
Human perfection does not exist.
44. I do not want the peace that passes all understanding, I want the understanding that brings peace.
A peace where we can learn from mistakes.
45. The only really blind people around Christmas time are those who don't have Christmas in their hearts.
A criticism of those who only see Christmas for its consumer potential.
46. People cannot be developed in simplicity and silence.
To grow, we need to experience various situations.
47. Love is like a beautiful flower that I cannot touch, but whose fragrance makes the garden a place of delight as well.
Reflections on his experience in love.
48. People do not like to think, if one thinks, one must come to conclusions. The conclusions are not always pleasant.
It is difficult, but sooner or later we must reflect.
49. So much has been given to me that I don't have time to reflect on what has been denied me.
Focus on what you have rather than what you lack.
50. There is more meaning in each thing in itself, than all the things that can be seen by sight.
Appearance is not everything.
51. It is not necessary, as is generally believed, to give up natural pleasures before you can conquer spiritual ones. On the contrary, we enjoy it with more exquisite relish as we grow inwardly.
Pleasures and tranquility can go hand in hand.
52. It all comes down to this: the easiest way to be happy is to do good.
A simple way to get joy.
53. You have set yourself a difficult task, but you will succeed if you persevere, and you will find great joy in overcoming obstacles.
Perseverance helps us achieve goals.
54. Loyalty or fidelity are nothing more than an imitation, if they do not help us to build a world unspeakably more perfect and more beautiful than material.
Goals that we can achieve with these values.
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55. How interesting and charming are the games of heaven, water and earth... precious mirror where that other higher world that is the goal of our faith and our dreams is reflected!
Talking about the wonders of nature.
56. Sight is the function of the eyes, but vision is the function of the heart.
We cannot see everything with our eyes, because the essence is internal.
57. The greatest result of education is tolerance.
Education must also focus on cultivating values.
58. What I am looking for is not out there, it is in me.
All of our answers are within us.
59. We can do what we want if we stick with it long enough.
Sometimes we can fall into procrastination.
60. Many people, despite having excellent eyesight, are blind in their perceptions.
Talking about those who have little understanding of their environment.
61. The only thing worse than not having sight is not having sight.
Closed-minded people never advance.
62. In these dark and silent years, God has been using my life for a purpose that I do not know, but one day I will understand and then I will be satisfied.
Showing your strong faith in God.
63. The night of blindness also has its wonders.
Talking about the positives of his blindness.
64. The world without color and sound is made in terms of measurements, shapes and inherent qualities.
Explaining the things found in the world.
65. As they argued among themselves that it can't be done, it was done.
Sometimes we don't need words but actions.
66. The Bible to me is a deep and comforting feeling that things that can be seen are temporary and things invisible are eternal.
Talking about his trust in the bible.
67. Unless, like lilacs, we can rise pure and strong above squalid surroundings, we will probably be weak morals in any situation.
We will always have the tendency to sin.
68. Everything has its wonders, even darkness and silence, and I learn, whatever state I am in, to be happy.
A beautiful way to see the good in difficulty.
69. A happy life does not consist in absence, but in mastering difficulties.
I don't know about escaping, but about facing difficulties.
70. When I learned the meaning of "I" and "my" I found out that I was "something" and I began to think.
Taking awareness of herself.
71. What a blind man needs is not a teacher but another me.
There are times when we need someone to understand us.
72. The effort we put into achieving something beautiful is never wasted.
The effort is always there. We just have to find motivation.
73. In the wonderful realm of the mind I have to be free like everyone else.
We can all be as free in our mind as we want.
74. Experience is the best teacher.
A certain fact.
75. I can't do everything, but I can still do something; And just because I can't do everything, I won't give up doing what I can.
It is impossible to do everything, but to give the best in what we choose to do.
76. Do not worry about what you have lost, open your eyes to the new opportunities that you have right in front of you.
There will always be a new opportunity.
77. Form, proportion, and order are unable to engender the idea by themselves in the mind. abstract of beauty, unless there is already a mutual understanding of soul that gives life to these elements.
Talking about the forms that inhabit the world.
78. I am not going to refuse to do the "something" that I can do.
Find your passion and stick with it.
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79. Tolerance is the mind's greatest gift; it takes the same brain effort that it takes to balance yourself on a bike.
Tolerance helps us not only to grow, but to have better relationships.
80. The most important question is not the type of environment we have, but the type of thoughts that we elaborate every day, the type of ideals that we follow; in a word, the kind of people we really are.
Our thoughts can be encouraging but they can also stop us.
81. In a beautiful statue I find both the perfection of the corporeal form and the qualities of integrity and balance.
In art we always find beauty.
82. As selfishness and complaint pervert and cloud the mind, sex with its joy clears and sharpens the vision.
The emotional benefits of sex.
83. Only through proving yourself and experiencing suffering can you be strengthened spirit, inspired ambition, and achieved success.
When we surpass ourselves, we achieve a new vision of ourselves.
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84. I would take a long walk in the woods and intoxicate my eyes with all the beauties of the world of nature.
The wishes Helen had if she could regain her dulled senses.
85. But whatever the process, the result is wonderful.
It may not be as expected, but it may be better.
86. Militarism... it is one of the great bastions of capitalism, the day militarism weakens, capitalism will fail.
Military force as an accomplice of capitalism.
87. When we do the best we can, we never know what miracle happens in our lives or in the lives of others.
Never doubt your strength or your capabilities.
88. Your success and your happiness are in you.
And therefore, they depend only on you.
89. Physics tells me how I can live comfortably in a world in which color and sound are unknown.
Physics as your staff in an almost imperceptible world.
90. Those of us in mourning are not alone. We belong to the largest company in the world: the company of those who have known suffering.
It is in difficult times that we find true support.
91. Each object is presented through my fingers, always keeping its exact position and not like the invertible image when reflected in the retina, which, as I understand it, only your brain can restore to its normal position through infinite work and constant.
The way you can observe the world.
92. All the actions of my life depend on my hand as a central axis.
Our actions depend only on us.
93. Difficult to be a woman, college student and disabled in the United States at the beginning of the 20th century; and even more so, being a socialist.
The challenges he had to overcome.
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94. My part of work may be limited, but the fact that it is work makes it precious.
Dedicate yourself completely to whatever you do.
95. What great invention has not existed in the inventor's mind for a long time before being put into tangible form?
It all starts with an imaginary idea.