Education, study and knowledge

The best 10 Psychologists in Sant Vicenç de Montalt

Marta Lozano Jacas She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Barcelona and a Master's degree also issued by this same university, specialized in the specific study of the social cognitive field.

This psychologist manages to stand out due to her great ability in treating difficulties such as lack of impulse control, depression, very low self-esteem, or very high levels of stress labor.

Jaume esteve perez She graduated in Psychology from the National Distance Education University and later, she decided to take a course training specialized in the practice of Child and Adolescent Psychology through the Higher Institute of Psychological Studies (ISEP).

In the consultation of this specialist, some psychological difficulties such as bad managing the emotion of anger, attention deficit (ADHD), sleep problems or disorders of anxiety.

Elisabet Rodriguez She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Barcelona and has a Master's degree specialized in the specific area of ​​General Health Psychology, awarded by the Madrid Distance University (UDIMA).

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We can contact this specialist if, for example, we find ourselves going through a severe depression, a stage of very low self-esteem, a developmental disorder or a crisis of couple.

Patricia morales she has a degree in Psychology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona and has a specialized training course in Clinical Sexology, which she was taught by the Institut d'Etudes de la Sexualitat i la Parella de Barcelona.

This psychologist is an expert treating some difficulties such as anxiety disorders, very high levels of work stress, couple crises or conflicts between family members.

M. Montserrat Naranje She completed her basic studies in Psychology at the University of Barcelona and after obtaining her accrediting academic degree, she thought that she should specialize in the application of Psychoanalytic Therapy so she did a specific Master through the Catalan Association but the Clinic i l 'Ensenyament del Psicoanálisis.

Where this psychologist undoubtedly manages to stand out the most, is in the treatment of difficulties such as depression chronic disorders, anxiety disorders, addictions, couple crises or dysfunctions of any kind sexual.

Marc Jarque Rubio She has a degree in Psychology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona and has a specialized Master's degree in Human Resources Management, issued by the IL3 Continuous Training Institute of Barcelona.

Over the years, this psychologist has been able to treat some difficulties such as recurrent panic attacks, depression or complicated stages of mourning on more than one occasion.

Anna Mach She graduated in Psychology through the Open University of Catalonia and after spending some time, she had the opportunity to She can specialize in the use of Brief Strategic Therapy thanks to a Postgraduate course that was taught by the University of Girona.

Her remarkable academic training allows her to be very efficient in treating some difficulties such as phobias, conduct disorder, recurrent panic attacks, or anxiety.

Meritxell Sánchez Costa She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Barcelona and a specialized Master's degree in Clinical and Health Psychology, which was issued to her by the University of Vic.

The complicated stages of grief, postpartum depression or sleep problems, are some of the difficulties that are most frequently treated in the consultation of this specialist.

Savino Musicco He has a degree in Psychology from the Universidad degli studi di Urbino and has a Master's degree issued by the University of Barcelona, ​​specialized in the correct application of Cognitive Therapy Social.

We should not hesitate to put ourselves in the hands of this specialist if, for example, we find ourselves suffering a cocaine addiction, severe depression, a phobia, or very high levels of stress labor.

Leticia Paisal Alvarez She has a degree in Psychology from the Open University of Catalonia and has a Postgraduate course also taught by this same university, which formally accredits her as an expert in the area of ​​Clinical Psychology and Health.

Together with this specialist we can effectively treat a wide variety of possible difficulties, which may be some examples of these: social isolation, generalized lack of motivation, depression or low esteem.

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