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The 10 best Psychologists who are experts in adolescents in Getafe

The psychologist Javier Ares He is a professional specialized in attending to adolescents who may present any type of problem, all of this both in person and by video call.

His intervention integrates various therapies based on the scientific method, such as the cognitive-behavioral approach and Therapies Contextual, with which he deals with emotional problems, addictions, anxiety, impulsivity, low self-esteem and relationship problems.

Javier Ares is a Graduate in Clinical Psychology with Honorable Mention from the UCM, has a Master's Degree in General Health Psychology, a Training Course in Mindfulness and also has two Master's degrees in Cognitive-behavioral Psychotherapy and in Clinical and Psychology of the Health.

The psychologist Juan Garcia-Bouza She has been serving adolescents and adults for more than 15 years, currently offering her services both in person and online and with all the guarantees.

His intervention is based on Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy and Cognitive-behavioral Therapy, with the her which she attends to school difficulties, anxiety, depression, addictions, low self-esteem and stress.

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Juan García-Bouza has a degree in Psychology from the UCM, he has a Master's degree in Clinical and Health Psychology from CINTECO, a Postgraduate Specialist in Relational Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy and a Training Course in Psychology of Drug addiction.

The psychologist Elena Almodovar She has a degree in Psychology from the Complutense University of Madrid, has a Master's degree in Health and Behavior Therapy and also has Postgraduate degrees in Psychosomatic Medicine and Health Psychology, in Clinical and Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy and in Clinic and Intervention in Trauma.

Throughout her career, this professional has specialized in attending to all kinds of queries in the field adolescent and her services are currently offered both in person and online.

Her intervention integrates the cognitive-behavioral approach together with EMDR Therapy and Mindfulness, tools of proven efficacy with which she attends to cases of anxiety and impulsivity, depression, trauma, relational problems and low esteem.

The psychologist Romina Paola Giarrusso is the director and founder of the prestigious center PSiCOBAi, where it serves teenagers and children online with all possible comforts for each of its clients.

Graduated in Psychology from the Catholic University of Buenos Aires, this professional has a Health Master's Degree in Clinical Practical Psychology and has a Training Course in Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology in Childhood and Adolescence, as well as another in Disorders of the Childhood.

His intervention is individualized and is based on the cognitive-behavioral approach, therapy with which he attends the self-esteem problems, learning difficulties, anxiety, personality disorders and cases of ADHD.

The psychologist Paz Holguín She has a degree in Psychology from the UAM and also a Degree in Evolutionary and Developmental Neuropsychology from She isep, and also has a Master's Degree in Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy and a Training Course in Psychology Systemic

His intervention is offered both online and by video call and is offered from the approach cognitive-behavioral, orientation with which he attends all kinds of problems and queries in the field Teen.

In your consultation you will find a professional specialized in treating cases of anxiety and depression, divorce processes, low self-esteem, school difficulties, family conflicts and stress.

The center Advance Psychologists de Madrid is one of the most prestigious both in the Community of Madrid and in the field national and for more than 20 years its professionals successfully serve adolescents of all ages.

The center's team of therapists is specialized in applying various therapies of proven efficacy, among which the cognitive-behavioral approach and the Humanist Therapy, with which they deal with relationship problems, sexual difficulties, depression, anxiety, low self-esteem and problems relational.

The Consulting Psychologist Thomas Saint Cecilia he directs the Center for Psychological Consulting CECOPS where she attends both in person and remotely to adolescents with anxiety problems, eating disorders, depression, relationship problems or stress.

Tomás Santa Cecilia has a degree in Psychology from the UAM, he has a Master's degree in Psychology Advanced Cognitive-behavioral and also has a Postgraduate Degree in Treatment and Intervention of Anxiety and Stress.

The psychologist Patricia Gutierrez Albaladejo She has been offering her services to adolescents of all ages for more than 15 years and currently her intervention is offered both in person and online.

Her intervention integrates the cognitive-behavioral approach together with Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, with the which treats cases of anxiety and depression, codependency, low self-esteem and disorders of the personality.

This professional has a degree in Psychology from the Autonomous University of Madrid, she has a Master's degree in General Health Psychology from the Autonomous University of Madrid and she also has a Higher Training Diploma in Clinical Psychology from the same University.

The psychologist Patricia Sánchez Merino She has a degree in Psychology from the Autonomous University of Madrid, she has a Master's degree in General Health Psychology from the same university and also has an EMDR Therapist Training Course.

Her intervention is based on EMDR Therapy and in her consultation you will find a professional specialized in attending to both online as in person relational problems, anxiety, trauma, depression and violence domestic.

The psychologist Amaia Ramos She has a Degree in Psychology from the University of Deusto, she has a Master's Degree in General Health Psychology from the Alfonso X El Sabio University and a Postgraduate Expert in Gender Violence from the University of Nebrija.

In your consultation you will find a professional specialized in attending both in person and in the modality telematics problems of anxiety and depression, low self-esteem, stress, gender violence and addictions.

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