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Are you taking care of your social eating?

When we hear about healthy eating, we often think of eating beneficial foods to take care of our physical health. But... Do we think about the social food we are eating every day? Are we surrounding ourselves with the right people that we also feed on?

Just as we care about taking care of our diet and food to have good physical health, We have to think about another fundamental food from which we nourish ourselves without being too conscious: the persons.

  • Related article: "Top 14 Soft Skills for Success in Life"

The importance of social relationships

In the same way that there are foods that harm our health and others that are beneficial and our diet must be based on their consumption, the same happens with human beings. These are part of the food we consume daily, so our "social diet" or "social diet" should be based on surround ourselves with those who make a real contribution to us.

Make the following effort and think of the five people you spend the most time with. As they are? Do you think there is something of them in you? Reflect on who from that list adds to your life, who remains or simply leaves you as is; about who will help you get to the next level you want to achieve. Do we want people to push us up or down?

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If you want to achieve your goals, it will be essential to surround yourself with individuals who, in some way, help you pursue those goals, and get away from those that in no way add to you or much worse, subtract you when it comes to achieving your goals. Could someone who wants to overcome their drinking problem do it if her best friends had the same problem?

Every human being that passes through our lives in a more or less significant way leaves a kind of imprint on us. Therefore, try to surround yourself with people who are a role model for you, who already have what you want to achieve. If you want to be a more ambitious person who strives to achieve your goals, surround yourself with those who have already achieved or are achieving what they set out to one day.

If you want to be a better person, surround yourself with those who do good. If you want to adopt a more optimistic attitude towards life, surround yourself with positive people. Artists surround themselves with artists, entrepreneurs with entrepreneurs, drinkers of drinkers ...

The potential of the people around us: social feeding

People can arouse concerns, be the engine of change, teach us and make us grow. Or, on the contrary, negatively influence us and suck our energy. It is our choice to choose the people we surround ourselves with and decide if we have to do big or small modifications in our social life: if we have to dedicate more time to those that add and less to those that do not or, if it were the case, get away from those toxic people who take away our potential.

Whether what we want is to dedicate more time to individuals in our social circle or if we want to get closer to those who can help us achieve what we want, the key is to show a sincere interest in the lives of the rest. To do this, you will have to talk to them regularly so that the relationship strengthens.

To improve your social skills, you will have to take into account, initially, certain key points:

  • Learn to listen.
  • Learn to pay compliments.
  • Ask and share experiences, feelings and opinions from the assertiveness.
  • Don't judge what they tell you.
  • Take care of your body language to show interest.

Let's not forget about self-esteem

In addition to the above, to know how to surround yourself well and consciously choose your social circle, you must first learn to be happy with yourself. If you don't think about yourself and respect yourself, you will hardly be able to build healthy relationships, because you will be looking for in others what you lack in a not very adaptive way. When, on the contrary, you know that your happiness does not depend on others, you become more aware of what the relationships that bring you and which ones do not and you will develop the ability to better choose the environment from which you you nurture.

Therefore, you must learn to gain confidence in yourself and in the decisions you make, to accept yourself as as you are and, when there is something you want to change, work on your own personal development from I respect. In short, you will have to learn to love yourself. Your self-esteem, inner strength and joy will be good allies to be a more attractive person and it will be easier for you to approach whoever you propose.

To a greater or lesser extent, whether we like it more or less, that people influence us is a fact, either positively or negatively. We are social beings, and as such, we learn by vicarious (or observational) learning, that is, we learn by observing what others do; and we do it since we were little. The cognitive process that comes into play is the projection of oneself on the actions of the other.

Don't let chance decide for you the social circle you surround yourself with. Be the one responsible for choosing who you are going to nourish yourself with and who you are not. Stay away from toxic people who suck your energy and surround yourself with those who water and make the seeds that you sow grow. Of people who even sow other seeds in your own way so that new shoots grow.

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