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This is how true friendships are, in 9 characteristics

Most of us are constantly surrounded by people; The simple fact of being in a society leads us to interact with all kinds of people, so it is normal that from time to time the initiative comes out of us to stay in free time. But… Does frequent dating make that relationship a true friendship?

It may sound strange that outside of work or academia someone constantly meets people whom they consider insignificant, but if we think about it for a moment, it is not so much. After all, there are habits that create routines so present in our daily lives that we do not question them. For example, the fact of always going to one of the bars that are more or less the same distance from work, despite the fact that we cannot find a rational reason to explain it.

So that, true friendships are something we may not have ever even experienced, and we may not even be aware of it. How to recognize them?

  • Related article: "The 12 types of friends: what are yours like?"

The characteristics of true friendships

Below you can find the main characteristics of strong and honest friendships, based on true affection.

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1. They listen as much as they talk about themselves

Real friends do not meet with us simply to have someone listen to them narrate their lives. Explaining what happens to us is a good way to organize our ideas and release stress, but the objective of this type of personal relationship is not this.

For this reason, in practice, true friendships are those in which, as far as dialogue is concerned, they are based on both giving and receiving. You talk about yourself when you feel like it, but he must also know how to listen and respect the moments when the other wants to explain their concerns, concerns, wishes, ideas, etc. Also, when this happens, you don't change the subject at the slightest opportunity to talk about yourself again.

2. They are there to comfort you

The saddest moments always they are more bearable if you have the possibility of having friends. One of the greatest benefits of friendship, in fact, is that those people who have passed us by significant moments for us are the most indicated to accompany us in the emotional pain of disappointment or of duel.

3. They congratulate you when it's time to rejoice

True friends know be there when there is reason to be happy about a success It has come through on its own merits. For example, if a good university has accepted our admission to it, or when we have won a sports award.

These situations are much sweeter if others share them with us and congratulate us on a success that has come through effort. It makes sense that the social recognition that comes with achievements is expressed more in those people with more reasons to be happy.

4. They always have time to cultivate that friendship

As much as it is said that there are friends so important that they may not even see us for a long time and when we return, everything continues as at the beginning, in cases where there is true friendship. very good excuses are needed to let time pass without attempts to reconnect.

This is so because the passage of months without dialogue is, in practice, a sign that the emotional bond is diluted unless there are very specific reasons to talk or to meet. Those who really have reasons to stay in touch, do so naturally, without feeling forced to do so.

  • You may be interested: "The epidemic of loneliness, and what we can do to combat it"

5. They are honest

Constructive criticism is also part of a worthwhile friendship routine. If there is something in our way of behaving that can clearly be improved, our friends tell us so in a way that makes it clear by what path we can continue to progress to correct that mistake. However, this honesty is something that is part of the framework of your relationship, so true friends they do not speak ill of us behind our backs.

6. They help you to be a better person

Real friends are people who inspire us, who invite us to improve. This is so for two reasons.

On the one hand, these friendships are honest enough to clearly communicate to us what significant mistakes we make, so We know that when one of these people calls our attention to something we have done, there really are reasons to rethink our attitude.

On the other hand, these friends have certain characteristics that we admire and, since at the same time we do not see them as idealized people, They are an example of what we could do.

7. They create with you a private language and humor

The complicity between those who share a true friendship is such that their day to day is full of veiled references to funny facts, anecdotes, shared beliefs, etc. The friends who have been friends for the longest time They can create their own vocabulary that is difficult for others to understand.

  • Related article: "The 9 benefits of having a sense of humor"

8. They know how to keep secrets

It seems silly, but it is very important that friendships are contexts in which we feel safe so that we can express in them our secrets and concerns. Whether or not this information passes into the hands of other people says a lot about the quality of these types of relationships, as it jeopardizes their stability.

9. There is at least one hobby in common

For a friendship to be worthwhile, it is necessary to share at least one hobby. This doesn't have to be a sport; talking about a certain topic, for example, can be considered an example of something that interests two people.

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