Education, study and knowledge

The 10 best child psychologists in Mérida

Gemma Echevarría Correa She has a degree in Psychology from the National University of Distance Education and also has a Master's degree specialized in Child and Adolescent Clinical Psychology issued by the Higher Institute of Studies Psychological.

We can contact this specialist if, for example, we find ourselves going through a depression in adolescence, a sleep problem or a stage with very low self-esteem.

Pura Cano She has a degree in Psychology from the National University of Distance Education and has a Master's degree specialized in the application of Systemic Family Therapy, awarded by the Training Center Psychosolutions.

Where this psychologist undoubtedly manages to stand out the most is in the treatment of difficulties such as depression, anxiety, very high levels of work stress or conflicts between family members.

Francisco Hidalgo Diaz He graduated in Psychology at the University of Seville and later, he studied a specialized Master both in Forensic Psychology and in Psychological Expertise through the Miguel de Cervantes.

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This psychologist is an expert treating some difficulties such as depression, anxiety disorders, addictions, relationship crises or complicated infidelity situations.

Alicia Donoso Campos She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Seville and a Master's degree also issued by this same university, which formally accredits her as an expert in the field of Family Mediation.

Over the years this psychologist has been able to treat on more than one occasion, some difficulties such as phobias, attention deficit (ADHD), lack of control over impulses or problems sleep.

Maite Diaz Mendoza She has a degree in Psychology from the National University of Distance Education and has a Postgraduate specialized in the area of ​​Child Psychology, which was taught by the Postgraduate Center ITEAP University.

Her remarkable academic training allows her to be very efficient in treating some difficulties such as panic disorders, adolescent depression, or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Mercedes Marabel Martinez She completed her basic studies in Psychology at the Complutense University of Madrid and after obtaining her academic qualification, she thought that She had to delve into the study of Cognitive Therapy so she did a specific Master's degree through the National University of Education at Distance.

Together with this specialist we will be able to treat very efficiently a wide variety of possible difficulties, her being some examples of these phobias, sleep problems, anxiety or depression in teenagers.

Isolda Rodríguez Ramos She has a degree in Psychology from the Autonomous University of Madrid and also has a specialized Master's Degree in Clinical Practice issued by the Menéndez Pelayo International University.

Over time, this psychologist has been able to acquire great skill in treating difficulties such as developmental disorders, Asperger's syndrome, anxiety or low esteem.

Javier Garcia Marquez He has a degree in Psychology from the Pontifical University of Salamanca and has a Master's degree from the ITEAP university study center, specialized in the correct application of Psychopedagogy Clinic.

In the consultation of this specialist some difficulties are usually treated very frequently, such as Bullying, anxiety disorders, dyslexia, Asperger's syndrome or attention deficit (ADHD).

Maria Eugenia Sierra Garcia He graduated in Psychology at the Pontifical University of Salamanca and after spending some time, he had the opportunity to be able to specialize in the field of Child Clinical Psychology thanks to a Master's degree that was also taught by the same University.

Depression, developmental disorders and school phobias are some of the personal difficulties that are most frequently treated in the consultation of this specialist.

David Bejarano Domínguez He has a degree in Psychology from the Pontifical University of Salamanca and has a specialized Postgraduate degree in the area of ​​Child and Adolescent Psychology, issued by the National University of Education to Distance.

This psychologist manages to stand out for his remarkable ability in treating difficulties such as low self-esteem, recurrent panic attacks, depression, obsessive compulsive disorder (TOC).

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