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The best 10 Psychologists in Funza (Colombia)

Alejandra Bermudez She has a degree in Psychology from the Universidad El Bosque de Bogotá and has and has an experience of more than 6 years dedicating herself professionally to the practice of psychology.

This psychologist is an expert in treating some difficulties as varied as the usual ones anxiety disorders, low self-esteem, work stress and the always so complicated conflicts relatives.

Luchy Mejia She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Santo Tomás de Aquino and also has a Master's degree specialized in the interesting field of Professional Coaching granted by The Newfield Network school From Chile.

This psychologist has extensive experience in the specific treatment of problems related to impulsivity, lack of control over the emotion of anger, low self-esteem and the Depression.

Laura Ulloa Rocha She has a degree in Psychology from the Konrad Lorenz University Foundation and she has almost 10 years of experience dedicating herself professionally to the undoubtedly exciting field of mental health.

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Among the difficulties most dealt with by her are low self-esteem, depression, complicated divorce cases, family conflicts and couple crises.

Claudia Alexandra Rodriguez Yepes She graduated in Psychology at the Catholic University of Colombia and after spending some time, she decided to study a Master's degree through the Complutense University of Madrid focused on the practice of Legal Psychology and Forensic.

Psychological reports and forensic expert opinions are without any doubt the specific area where this professional psychologist manages to stand out the most.

Yolima Esmeralda Ramírez Becerra She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Santo Tomás and has a Master's degree specialized in the application of Family Therapy, which she also studied through her from this same university.

Some of the difficulties most treated of her are anxiety disorders, depression, low self-esteem and the currently common work stress. In addition, we should also know that in the consultation of this psychologist we can receive couples therapy in the event that a crisis has arisen within our relationship.

Helen Caballero Leguizamón She obtained her degree in Psychology at the Javeriana University of Bogotá and later, she specialized via Diploma in the practice of effective Animal Assisted Therapies.

She stands out for her great ability in treating difficulties such as very high levels of stress, complicated stages of grief, anxiety or the well-known bipolar disorder.

Marcela alarcon She has a degree in Psychology from the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana and has a Master's degree specialized in the practice of known as third generation therapies, which was issued to him by the famous International University of Valencia.

She is an expert in the treatment of depression, job stress, complicated bereavement with a family member, or attention deficit disorder (ADHD).

Lina Maria Gonzalez Jimenez She has a degree in Psychology from the Universidad de los Andes and has a specialized Diploma in the field of Parental Models, issued by the famous COLPSIC psychology center.

She specializes in the treatment of difficulties caused by work stress, situations complicated grief towards a relative, erectile dysfunction and the currently very common disorders of the anxiety.

Miguel Aviles She has a degree in Psychology from the Konrad Lorez University Foundation and has a degree that formally accredits it. as an expert in the field of Clinical Psychology, which was awarded by the famous Catholic University of Colombia.

Where this specialist undoubtedly manages to stand out the most is in the specific treatment of difficulties such as anxiety disorders, very high levels of stress and in some complicated cases of chronic depression.

Natalia Johana Ochoa Acevedo She completed her basic studies in Psychology through the Catholic University of Colombia and later, she was gradually specializing both in psychotherapy therapy at the individual level and in couples therapy and family.

This excellent psychologist can undoubtedly help us greatly in the event that we are going through an unpleasant family conflict, an anxiety disorder, or even a possible addiction to Internet.

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