Education, study and knowledge

Top 9 Psychologists in Ohio

Nuria Miranda he graduated in Psychology through the University of Les Illes Balears and after spending some time, he obtained a Diploma specialized in the application of Solution-Centered Therapy.

It is in the specific treatment of difficulties such as addictions, anxiety, conflicts family members or depression, where this specialist undoubtedly manages to stand out when applying any of her therapies.

The Psychology Clinic Healthy Center is one of the most recommended online psychology centers today and currently its services are offered with all the guarantees and comforts to children, adolescents, adults, elderly people and also couples who may have any type of trouble.

The team of professionals at this center is highly qualified when it comes to serving in the best possible way relationship problems, anxiety or depression, low self-esteem, cases of ADHD and disorders of the learning.

In addition to that, the intervention of the Healthy Center is based on the application of various therapies adapted to the particular needs of each client, among which the cognitive-behavioral approach or Coaching stand out.

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Juan Martin Florit He graduated in Psychology from the University of Mar de Plata and later made the decision to specialize in Child and Adolescent Clinical Psychology so he did a Master's degree through the University from Palermo.

This psychologist has remarkable experience in the specific treatment of chronic depression, codependency, couple crises and intra-family conflicts.

Diego Tzoymaher He has a degree in Psychology from the University of Buenos Aires and has a Postgraduate degree specialized in the specific field of Scientific Journalism, issued by the Fundación Instituto Leloir de Argentina.

Throughout her professional career, this psychologist has been able to treat on various occasions some difficulties such as anxiety disorders, job stress, or obsessive compulsive disorder (TOC).

Arodi Martinez She has a degree in Psychology from InterAmerican University College and also has a specialized Master's Degree in General Health Psychology as well as a Doctorate in Psychology.

Undoubtedly, it is thanks to her training that this psychologist has been able to obtain great skill in treating some psychological difficulties such as addictions, anxiety, stress or low self-esteem.

Julieta Araoz Castelli He graduated from the Complutense University of Madrid with a degree in Psychology and later decided to complement his studies by completing a Health Master specialized in Clinical Practice.

This psychologist is an expert treating difficulties such as anxiety, job stress, chronic depression, bipolar disorder or poor management of the emotion of anger.

Marta Valmaña She has a degree in Psychology from the Catholic University of Valencia and also has a specialized Master's Degree in General Health Psychology also issued by this same university.

We can go to her consultation if, for example, we find ourselves suffering from an anxiety disorder, a serious depression, a problem of low self-esteem or a crisis within our relationship.

Sarah Amoroso She obtained her Bachelor's degree in Psychology from John Carroll University in Ohio and after obtaining her accrediting degree, she was she specializing little by little over time in the use of cognitive therapy and in the correct application of the personal coaching.

Her professional experience allows her to deal with some difficulties with great efficiency today. psychological disorders such as anxiety disorders, mismanagement of the emotion of anger or disorder bipolar.

Gabriela sehinkman She graduated in Psychology from Ohio University and since then, it is important to mention that she is she specialist she has been able to accumulate more than 30 years of experience working continuously within the field of mental health.

She mostly specializes in the treatment of difficulties such as depression, anxiety, dependency situations, couple crises or family conflicts.

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