The 3 STAGES of the Modern Age

The most traditional version for split the story uses 5 different stages, one being the well-known prehistory and the others covering since the birth of writing Until now, but even with this, human beings have tried to go further and that is why we have divided these stages into other sub-stages. To talk about the subdivisions of an important historical period in this lesson from a PROFESSOR we are going to talk about the stages of the Modern Age.
- Characteristics of the Modern Age
- The Renaissance: 15th and 16th century
- The Baroque: 17th century
- Illustration: 18th century, the last stage of the Modern Age
Characteristics of the Modern Age.
The Modern ageIt is the third of the stages in which universal history is usually divided, being included between the 15th and 18th centuries.
Its start and end date usually vary a lot depending on the nation that talks about the stage, but it is generally said that its beginning is due to the
discovery of America in 1492, to the fall of Constantinople in 1453 or to the discovery of the printing press by Gutenberg, on the other hand its end is usually marked by the united states revolution in 1776, by the French Revolution in 1789 or by the Spanish American wars of independence.The Modern Age was characterized by move from the darkness of the Middle Ages to a new stage where the modern values, but without neglecting the importance of remembering the ancient classics that were so important in those centuries.
Unlike other stages, the Modern Age does not usually have different sub-stages, but sometimes there is talk of a division of the period, which is what we are going to talk about in this lesson.
The Renaissance: XV and XVI century.
Considered as the first stage of the Modern Age, the Renaissanceis considered a period of transition between medieval and modernist thought.
The word Renaissance It is usually used to refer to the artistic period that occurred throughout Europe, although predominantly in Italy, but it can also refer to the historical period of the 15th and 16th centuries in which the great changes took place with respect to the medieval period.
The Renaissance gets its name from the search for the Greek and Roman classics, being a key factor the so-called humanism, values that return to the Greco-Latin culture and see the world and being human in a different way, going from seeing God as the center of the universe to thinking that man is the center of everything.
Characteristics of the Modern Age in the 15th and 16th centuries
The Renaissance marked many of the key elements of the Modern Age, and therefore we must list its main features to see its marked importance and differences with the previous stage. The main characteristics of the Modern Age are:
- Appearance of new territories, partly because of the discovery of America but also because of the increasing relevance of regions that seemed more remote. The contact between the new and the old world affected the society of the time in many ways.
- Modern states appear, with a monarch with much more power and with the disappearance of the most classical feudalism.
- Appearance of the bourgeoisie, a lower class with great economic powers that wanted to ascend socially, clashing with the closed class system.
- The Church was in a serious crisis and its power was increasing, being the reason for the appearance of the Protestant Reformation, some schisms and the Counter-Reformation.
- Crisis in the arts and sciences that forces us to observe the past and change our conception of the world.
The Baroque: 17th century.
To continue with this lesson on the stages of the Modern Age we must talk about the period of the Baroque, being a form of intermediate point between the beginning and the end of the Modern Age.
As in the case of the Renaissance, we can use the artistic style of the Baroque to talk about the main characteristics of a stage of the Modern Age located in the XVII century.
During this century the main characteristics of the Modern Age became common, at the same time that a series of crises began to appear that would lead to the change of era. The main characteristics of the seventeenth century in Europe were the following:
- Economic crisis caused in large part by the extension of the population in previous centuries, poor harvests were a constant and famines and diseases ravaged the cities.
- Took place the Thirty Years War which was key to the European map, being a confrontation between the Spanish and the French and between reformists and counter-reformists. For this reason we can say that all the major European regions participated in the confrontation, being like a kind of world war.
- A scientific revolution takes place, this century being one of the greatest thinkers in this regard. Among the great advances is the thought of Galileo Galilei, Isaac Newton's gravity or the establishment of the experimental method as the basis of science thanks to Francis Bacon.
- It was a century characterized by the large number of works, being called the Golden Age in Spain, and being the century of great authors such as Cervantes, Shakespeare or Charles Perrault.
- Emergence of absolutism, being the idea that the king is the supreme leader sent by God, obtaining the absolute power of all the powers of the state.
- Emergence of parliamentarism in the United Kingdom, being a model in which the king governs, but according to laws that emanate from a chamber made up of numerous representatives.

Illustration: 18th century, the last stage of the Modern Age.
The last stage of the Modern Age consisting of the eighteenth century and generally ending with the French Revolution in 1789 it is usually considered the IllustrationThis being a cultural and intellectual movement that usually characterizes this century of our history.
The great thinkers of the Enlightenment were in charge of thinking about the form of government of the nation, being they the cause of the great revolutions that marked the shift towards the contemporary age and being, therefore, this key movement for the change of era.
To better understand this last stage of the Modern Age, the one that marks the end of the entire period, we must talk about its peculiarities, and therefore the main characteristics of the 18th century are as follows:
- The revolutions they were a constant in this period, the United States and France being especially important, which changed the political landscape forever.
- Appearance of Enlightened Despotism, being an absolutist form of government but with the philosophical elements of the Enlightenment.
- The appearance of the liberal and egalitarian thoughts of the illustrated ones changed the way of seeing the world, being the reason why the colonies and the slaves began to see that they should be the same as the Europeans.
- Arrival of the industrial revolution in the United Kingdom that would change the system of production and trade forever.
- Freedom and reason as key factors of any society and therefore nucleus of the new forms of government.
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