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Great inventions in history

Great Inventions in History - The Most Important!

Since the emergence of civilization, the different cultures that have walked the Earth have been contributing its grain of sand by leaving a series of advances that have been of great use to the following generations. In this lesson from a TEACHER we bring you the great inventions in history ranging from prehistory to the present day, therefore, today we benefit from inventions made at the dawn of civilization and from yesterday's inventions.

Next we are going to offer you a list of the great inventions of ancient civilizations:

The fire

Without a doubt, the most important discovery within the prehistoric societies It was the fire since it was from that moment when the human populations managed to improve in their quality of life to a great extent, being able to cook food and, thus, achieve that the protein intake go up.

It was in the Middle Pleistocene that fire control was achieved. From that moment on, the different groups began to look for ways to transport this element. In this other lesson we discover you how was the appearance of the fire.

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The wheel

On the year 3000 a. C. We will find one of the most important inventions within human civilization: the wheel. It was invented in the Near East to help transport other types of objects. At first, they were used for commercial purposes, while the Assyrians used this invention to create their famous war chariots.


Continuing with the great inventions of History, we also place ourselves in the year 3000 a. C., in Mesopotamia. The Sumerians They invented the cuneiform system, a writing system that was based on a pictographic system, that is, they tried to capture what they wanted to say.

Over time, this was evolving and went from being a pictographic to become a writing where the sounds were representeds, it was at this time when it began to spread through its vicinity and varying in the various civilizations. Here we discover more aspects about the writing appearance.

Great Inventions in History - The Most Important! - The great inventions of the Old Age

In the 15th century (1450), Johannes Gutenberg created the first printing press in Europe. Undoubtedly, this object had been known in China for a long time, although it was a system based on the placement of a series of plates that allowed the creation of equal copies.

The system devised by this man made it possible to make any impression thanks to his mobile character system, being the first work done, the Bible. From that moment on, a large number of books were copied that brought culture closer to a greater number of people, since prior to the creation of this invention it was the monks of the monasteries who made the copies to hands; in this way, these were considered works of art and only a privileged few could afford such objects.

Thanks to the arrival of the printing press, this lowered its price somewhat since the copies were cheaper. For the creation of this object to take place, it was necessary a long time ago the creation of the paper, an element that accelerated communications throughout Europe, as well as allowing the creation of less voluminous and heavy books or codices.

Great Inventions in History - The Most Important! - The printing press, the great invention of the Middle Ages

And now we go to the Modern Age to know the most important inventions of this period in history:

The light bulb

Continuing with our lesson on the great inventions of history, we advance in time to the 1879, the year in which Thomas Edison created the light bulb. Until then, humanity was illuminated at night thanks to the oil lamps placed both in the streetlights of the cities, and in private homes.

This invention greatly revolutionized the way of living the night of civilization, because, apart from giving a much stronger light, allowed to stop walking in the shadows at night, making the nights.

The phone

Alexander Graham Bell In 1876 he manufactured the first prototype of the indispensable telephone, an object that made it possible to connect geographically very distant points in an instant. What would our society be without the telephone? In our day, we can't live without acquaintances Smartphones, machines that, although much more advanced, have as their primary use the power to connect people, just like the first telephone in history.


It was manufactured for the first time in the year 1886 by Karl Benz, although the first prototype would appear in 1910 at the hands of Henry Ford. This vehicle had the goal of being able to carry out the work of land transport much faster than the traditional model, which until then was the carriage or the train.

Soon after, the same states saw the great advantage that there was in the use of these elements, so they decided make the request that they create vehicles where more people could enter, thus creating the well-known transport public.


In 1928, Alexander Fleming discovered this drug, which was capable of fighting against bacteria, making it possible to end certain diseases that left hundreds of deaths annually behind them.

This invention or discovery is undoubtedly one of the most important within civilization, since we are faced with the first antibiotic history that had to be tested on animals, in fact, was discovered occasionally, while looking for a solution for livestock.


Finally, and now in 1983, appeared one of the most necessary tools today: Internet. It was created by the US Army to be able to communicate all your computers, making it possible to transmit information quickly and safely.

Later, it was reaching the rest of the population, making the means of communication increasingly easier, although at the same time more dangerous, since everyone is connected and we can suffer any cyber attack, we are also aware of the certain addiction that this creates, so a series of measures must be taken when using this type of inventions.

Great Inventions in History - The Most Important! - Inventions of the 19th and 20th centuries, Modernity

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