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Find out who wrote the Book of Hebrews

Who wrote the Book of Hebrews

Our western society is based on the Catolic religion, so it is very important to know the bases of this to understand our way of life and our thoughts. To know religion we must know the sacred books and at the same time analyze their authorship, knowing the important roles of religious authors. In this lesson from a TEACHER we are going to talk about one of these authorships and we will discover who wrote the Book of Hebrews.

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  1. What is the Book of Hebrews?
  2. Contents of the Book of Hebrews
  3. Authorship of the Book of Hebrews

What is the Book of Hebrews?

The Book of Hebrews, also known as Epistle to the Hebrews, is one of the twenty-seven religious books that make up the so-called Christian new testament, therefore being part of the second part of the biblical texts.

One of the most interesting elements of this text are the different denominations that it has, since Depending on the source where we go, the title can vary in different ways, some of its names that of

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Book of Hebrews, Epistle to the Hebrews, Letter of Saint Paul to the Hebrews, or even simply as To the hebrews.

As for its position within the Bible, we must speak of its belonging to the second part of this book, that is, to the New Testament. To this part of the Bible belong all those texts that speak of the history of christianity from Jesus to him Apocalypse, speaking, therefore, of the life and work of Jesus and from the early years of the Church.

As for its recipients, we must bear in mind that all those titles that speak of "Hebrews" have been included according to scholars later, since the letter seems to make references to Jews who have converted to the Christian religion and who receive the denomination from Jews.

Who wrote the Book of Hebrews - What is the Book of Hebrews?

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Contents of the Book of Hebrews.

Before you know who wrote the Book of Hebrews it is important that we stop to know the content of the work and, thus, understand the importance of the book and its relationship with the Hebrews. This is of vital relevance to understanding the situation that led the author to write the work.

The play begins by talking about the son of God, saying that it is more important than the prophets and angels, being its essential message to follow the path of the only God. It is said that after his death, Jesus ascended to heaven and sat next to his father, being above the angels.

The text continues talking about the danger of unbelief, of the punishments that the biblical texts give to those who are unbelievers and asks the Hebrews not to fall for it. It is said that all those who want to end their life in heaven must have a strong faith, never doubting their only God.

The text continuously defend the figure of Jesus, giving him the importance of high priest and remembering the vital importance of him to believe. This is because he was a figure who differentiated Christians and Jews and therefore for the Hebrews it was essential to defend Jesus and the importance of him within the texts.

The general contents of the work go through a series of recommendations for Hebrews, the defense of the figure of Jesus within the religion and the request to the Hebrews to maintain a firm belief in the Christian faith. In general, it is a work for the Hebrews to follow the good path in religion.

Who wrote the Book of Hebrews - Contents of the Book of Hebrews

Image: Slideplayer

Authorship of the Book of Hebrews.

To continue with this lesson we must talk about who wrote the book of Hebrews, being one of the most relevant themes of the work, since there are many theories about what its author might be.

The first thing to understand about this topic is that the true author of the work remains a mystery since, although there are numerous hypotheses and theories, there is no type of absolute truth about who wrote the work. This is because, contrary to the usual ones in the letters, the typical part of these texts does not exist in which the name of the author and who it is intended is placed.

At first it was thought that the author was Paul of Tarsus, being the author of previous epistles, and there were references that suggested that it was possible that the author was him. But over the centuries this thinking has changed, as scholars believe that these references were added later.

Currently the majority thinking is that the work was not by Pablo Tarso, his thinking being very far from what we see in the texts. The doubt about the author even leads to not being clear about the origin of that, existing different theories about whether he was Jewish, Hebrew or neither.

Therefore, among the many authors who could write the work, although none of them seem close to reality, they were Paul of Tarsus, Luke, Barnabas, Clement of Rome and Apollos. All of them may have had reasons to write the texts we talked about in this lesson, but there is no proof that it was any of them. Therefore, the predominant thought on this subject is that the author was anonymous, being a follower of the Christian faith whose name has not survived to this day.

Who wrote the Book of Hebrews - Authorship of the Book of Hebrews

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