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The best 12 Psychologists in Chía (Colombia)

The psychologist Leandro Fernandez He offers an online psychotherapy service aimed at children, adolescents, adults and also couples who may request his services.

Graduated in Psychology from the University of Santiago de Cali, this professional has a Master's Degree in Neuropsychology Clinic by the San Buenaventura University and with a Postgraduate Specialist in Evaluation and Diagnosis Neuropsychological.

His intervention is integrative in nature and some of the areas that he most successfully addresses in his sessions are anxiety disorders and depression, low self-esteem, emotional problems, behavior problems, learning disorders, low self-esteem and stress.

The psychologist Mauricio Saenz He graduated in Psychology from the Catholic University of Colombia, has a Master's Degree in Clinical Neuropsychology from the International University from Valencia, a Bachelor in Artificial Intelligence from the same university and a Postgraduate in Occupational Psychology and another in Epidemiology.

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His intervention integrates various psychological therapies of proven efficacy, such as the cognitive-behavioral approach, Therapy Brief, Mindfulness or Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, all of them adapted to the particular needs of each customer.

In her consultation you will find a professional specialized in attending online to children, adolescents, adults and elderly people who may have problems with anxiety, depression, stress, trauma, addiction or conflict in the couple.

The Clinical Psychologist Yoana Andrea Losada offers a quality psychological care service in the online mode and aimed at young people, adults, the elderly, families and couples.

Her intervention integrates the cognitive-behavioral approach together with various therapies of proven efficacy, all of them adapted to the particular needs of each person served.

In her consultation you will find a professional specialized in dealing with cases of emotional dependence, as well as anxiety, depression, divorce processes, relationship problems, sexual abuse and cases of self harm.

The psychologist Adriana Esther Marzola She is also specialized in individual intervention, as well as in couples and families. In consulting him we will find effective solutions for a wide variety of problems through the application of different therapies in an integrative way.

Thus, his main specialties are emotional dependence on the partner, self-esteem problems, communication or coexistence problems and conflicts in the family environment.

The psychologist's consultation Juan Carlos Prada It is the ideal place to go if we are interested in requesting the services of a qualified and experienced professional in dealing with different clinical cases.

In her consultation we will find a therapy professional who combines a technically specialized intervention with a committed, humane and close treatment with anyone who decides to initiate a psychological intervention with he.

The psychologist Freddy Castro Garcia offers a consultation both in person and online for people of all ages, both adolescents and adults individually, as well as as a couple and in the family environment.

Do not hesitate to go to their consultation or request their telematic services if you are looking for an intervention specialized in life crises, problems arising in the couple or in parenting counseling of the children.

The psychologist Paula Catalina Zaldúa She also offers quality psychological care for adults, as well as couples and families with children, through the application of different professional therapies.

Some of her main intervention specialties are cases of depression, anxiety disorders, self-esteem problems and also sexual behavior disorders.

The psychologist Elsy Vargas Vergara she serves adults individually, couples and children from 10 years old. One of her main specialties is sex therapy to address all kinds of problems, so do not hesitate to go to her consultation if you are interested in this type of therapy.

Among the many consultations that this psychologist attends, both in person and online, some of which she addresses with more frequent are emotional dependence on the partner, sexual dysfunctions of all kinds and also orientation of the sexual.

At the psychologist's office Luz Miriam Forero González We will also find an online professional therapy specialized in people of all ages, whatever their problem.

Some of the consultations with which this professional has become most familiar are, among others, the obsessive-compulsive disorders, bulimia nervosa, post-traumatic stress disorders, and cases of sexual abuse.

The psychologist Sandra Lopez She has more than 15 years of experience and offers professional therapy in the online modality for anyone, in all types of intervention areas, whether emotional, cognitive or behavioral.

Go to his consultation if you are interested in the professional approach to issues such as child and juvenile behavior disorders, emotional dependence and relationship problems in the family.

The psychologist Paola Acero Barrera she has an experience of more than 10 years in the practice of professional psychological therapy.

Going to her consultation we will obtain a specialized intervention in cases such as anxiety, especially social phobia and behavior disorders in childhood.

At the psychologist's office Gina Lorena Alvarado Solano We will also find a space for psychological intervention, based on cognitive and behavioral orientation therapies.

Anxiety disorders, emotional dependence and conduct disorders are some of the specialties of this professional.

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