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The 13 best Child Psychologists in Bogotá

The psychologist Maria Guadalupe Bohórquez She is a Graduate in Psychology from the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, she has a Master's Degree in Clinical Psychology and of Health, with a Graduate in Integrative Gestalt Psychotherapy and also with a Diploma in Therapies Alternatives.

This professional integrates in her consultation the classic therapies of psychology that present the greatest scientific evidence, with the most innovative modalities; with the aim of offering the best solutions to any type of disorder or problem in children and adolescents of any age.

Her sessions are offered both online and in person and some of the areas that she successfully addresses in her consultation are anxiety disorders, deficits in anger management, stress, family conflict, emotional problems and low esteem.

Yoana Andrea Losada Escobar she is a renowned psychologist from Bogotá. She is specialized in the area of ​​child psychology, having obtained excellent results in the psychological care of her patients. She is one of the most valued expert psychologists in child therapy not only in Bogotá but at the national level.

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She is an expert in the treatment of different types of pathologies, among which are disorders due to anxiety, depression and stress, separation and divorce situations, sexual abuse and conflict relatives.

The psychologist Manuel Duarte He is one of the most prominent child psychologists in Bogotá and in his office he attends to both face-to-face and online for children and adolescents of all ages, adults, parents and also families

Graduated in Psychology from Santo Tomás de Aquino University, this therapist also has a Higher Degree in Family Consulting Specialist from La Salle University.

Throughout more than 20 years of professional career, Manuel Duarte has specialized in serving the family problems of all kinds, cases of infidelity or divorce and school difficulties of all class.

The psychologist Mauricio Saenz He has a degree in Psychology from the Catholic University of Colombia, he has a Master's degree in Clinical Neuropsychology from the University Internacional de Valencia, a Master in Artificial Intelligence and has two Postgraduate Programs in Epidemiology and Psychology Occupational.

This professional is a specialist in attending any type of consultation in the field of children and adolescents and their Services are offered both in person and by video call, depending on the needs of the customer.

In her consultation you will find a therapist specialized in successfully treating cases of anxiety and depression, trauma, addictions, stress, personality disorders, and eating disorders.

Laura Ulloa Rocha she has a degree in Psychology from the University of Konrad Lorenz, she being a specialist in psychology child and in the field of psychoanalysis, clinical psychology and couples therapy, among others areas.

He has treated patients affected by situations of mourning before the loss of a loved one, with depressive disorders, adjustment disorders, and learning problems such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, among others.

Alejandra Moreno Porto She has a degree in Psychology from the Javeriana University, she has taken a course in psychotherapy psychoanalytic by the Colombian Society of Psychoanalysis, and is a specialist in the area of ​​psychology childish.

She is a great expert in clinical psychology, psychoanalysis and psychotherapy treatment, having cared for people with anxiety, depression and stress disorders, emotional dependence, and social phobia.

Daniel Iriarte He has a degree in psychology from the National University of Colombia and expanded his studies in the field in mental health at Liverpool John Moores University, as well as being an expert in child psychology.

Throughout her professional career, she has specialized in cognitive psychology and clinical psychology, treating cases of cellopathy, anxiety disorders, depression and stress, and people in situations of low esteem.

Cecilia Zamora Espitia She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Colombia, she has a course in psychoanalysis, and is a great knowledgeable about the most common disorders and pathologies in children and adolescents, being a specialist in psychology childish.

She stands out for being a great expert in psychoanalysis, couples therapy, and brief therapy, having treated people with anxiety disorders and social phobia, obsessive disorders such as OCD, and problems in the learning.

Nancy ospina She has a degree in Psychology from the Polytechnic University of Colombia, she has a course in health and safety at work, and she is also a specialist in suicide, from the University of Manizales.

She is an expert in the field of child psychology, being a specialist in clinical psychology, couples therapy, and psychology. cognitive, thanks to which she has been able to treat patients with Asperger syndrome, and disorders such as depression, stress and anxiety.

Andres Castro Konrad Lorenz She has a degree in Psychology, is a specialist in psychological evaluation, has a diploma in clinical sexology, and is also a great specialist in sexuality and child therapy.

Throughout her professional career, she has treated people through sexual and couples therapy, through clinical psychology, and she has cared for patients with conditions such as aversion to sex, obsessive compulsive disorder, and panic disorders.

Marcela Valle Cuéllar She has a degree in psychology from the Javeriana University, she has a Master's degree in administration and management of companies at the Universidad de los Andes, and she is a specialist in existential psychology and child psychology.

She is a great expert in speech therapy, in family and couples therapy, and in treatments related to learning disorders caused by ADHD, autism or dyslexia, among others.

Maria Camila Botero She has a degree in psychology from the Externado de Colombia University, has a specialization in she child psychology, and she is also a great expert in humanistic psychology, family therapy, and psychotherapy.

Throughout his professional career, he has treated patients affected by different types of pathologies, including highlighted by people with anxiety, depression and stress disorders, and people in situations of low esteem.

Andres Rivera He has a degree in psychology from the Universidad de los Andes, is a great expert in child psychology, and He is also a specialist in the area of ​​clinical psychology, couples therapy, and evaluation psychological.

Throughout his career in the field of mental health, he has been able to care for children and adolescents with problems in the learning, sleep disorders such as insomnia, and disorders related to anxiety, depression and stress.

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