Education, study and knowledge

The 11 best Psychologists in the USA online

Juan Martin Florit She graduated in Psychology at the National University of Mar del Plata and later, made the decision to carry out a Postgraduate degree specialized in Child-Adolescent Clinical Psychology through the University of Palermo in Argentina.

It is in the specific treatment of bad management of the emotion of anger, anxiety disorders, depression and work stress, where this specialist undoubtedly possesses the greatest skill.

Esther Julià She has a degree in Clinical Psychology from the University of Les Illes Balears and also has a Master's degree issued by the University on the Internet (UNIR) which is specialized in the practice of Coaching Personal.

We can go to this specialist if we find ourselves going through a serious depression, a low self-esteem problem, an addiction, a family conflict or a situation of codependency.

Nuria Miranda She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Les Illes Balears and has a Diploma from the Jorge Ayala School of Miraflores, specialized in the correct implementation of Solution-Centered Therapy in both children and teenagers.

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This psychologist has considerable experience treating some difficulties such as addictions, anxiety disorders, low self-esteem, work stress or family conflicts.

Dove king She has a degree in Psychology from the Catholic University of Valencia and has a Master's degree specialized in the practice of General Health Psychology, which she was taught by the International University of Valencia.

She is an expert treating some difficulties such as learning disorders, disorders diet, low self-esteem, very high levels of work stress or crisis of couple.

Margalida Serra Tugores She has a degree in Psychology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona and has a Master's degree specialized in the correct application of Clinical Psychology, which was awarded by the Association of Clinical Behavioral Psychology of Grenade.

If we decide to be treated by this specialist, we should know that together with her, we can treat some of our possible difficulties psychological such as severe depression, a low self-esteem problem or very high levels of stress labor.

Julieta Araoz Castelli She graduated in Psychology at the Complutense University of Madrid and after spending some time, she studied a Master Healthcare specialist in Clinical Practice through the Spanish Association of Cognitive Clinical Psychology Behavioral.

Where this psychologist undoubtedly manages to stand out the most, is in the specific treatment of difficulties such as For example, anxiety disorders, depression, bipolar disorder, and poor emotion management go to.

Arodi Martinez she completed her basic studies in Psychology through InterAmerican University College and once obtained her degree She accredits her, she decided to complement her studies by specializing through a Master's degree in the specific area of ​​Psychology General Sanitary.

Throughout her career, this psychologist has been able to treat on various occasions, some difficulties such as example anxiety disorders, infidelity, job stress, sex addiction or low esteem.

Lorena gonzalez She has a degree in Psychology from the National Distance Education University and a Master's degree issued by the Complutense University of Madrid, which formally accredits it as an expert in the specific treatment of abuse of substances.

Other psychological difficulties that can also be treated effectively alongside this specialist are anxiety disorders, codependency, depression and conflict intrafamily.

Marta Valmaña graduated in Psychology at the San Vicente Mártir Catholic University of Valencia and later, had the opportunity to specialize via Master in the specific field of General Psychology Sanitary

He has a great ability to treat some difficulties such as ADHD, anxiety disorders, chronic depression, very low self-esteem or obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD).

The Psychology Clinic Healthy Center It also offers an online psychotherapy service with all possible guarantees and is currently one of the most prestigious centers in Spain.

The intervention of this clinic is based on the cognitive-behavioral approach, one of the most used by professionals from all over the world, and in it you will find useful and effective solutions to your problem from the first session.

The team of professionals at this center is specialized in dealing with relationship problems, anxiety and depression, low self-esteem, learning disorders, ADHD, weight problems, and stress.

Diego Tzoymaher She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Buenos Aires and also has a Postgraduate degree specialized in Cognitive Neuropsychology issued by the University of Belgrano.

Together with this specialist we will be able to treat a wide variety of difficulties very efficiently psychological disorders, some examples of which may be anxiety, stress or depression.

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