Education, study and knowledge

Top 10 Psychologists in Buffalo (New York)

Monica dosil She has a degree in psychology from the University of Barcelona, ​​has completed a master's degree in eating disorders from the Institute of Psychological Studies, and also has a master's degree in child and youth psychology, offering online consultations and face-to-face.

He has treated patients affected by problems of anxiety, depression and stress, with emotional problems, and in situations low self-esteem, in addition to caring for people with sleep disorders such as insomnia, achieving very good results.

Javier Ares He has a degree in clinical psychology with honorable mention from the Complutense University of Madrid, he has completed a master's degree in psychology general health program from the Universidad a Distancia de Madrid, and has also completed another master's degree in clinical and health psychology at the center ISEP.

It offers both face-to-face and online consultations, and is characterized by being a professional specialized in treating patients with addictive disorders. alcohol, tobacco, and other types of substances, in addition to having treated self-esteem problems and other types of pathologies related to the mental health of the persons.

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Marta Valmaña she has a degree in psychology and is an expert in the field of nutritional psychology, in the treatment of anxiety, depression and stress, and she has also cared for patients with low self-esteem problems.

Throughout his professional career in the field of mental health, he has also cared for people with mental health problems. eating behavior such as bulimia and anorexia, and with emotional dependence, also offering consultations on-line.

Juan Martin Florit is a recognized professional who has a degree in psychology from the National University of Mar de Plata, has a postgraduate degree in cognitive behavioral therapy, and is also a specialist in child and adolescent clinical psychology from the University of Palermo.

Among the pathologies that he has dealt with the most are family and couple conflicts, separation and divorce processes, and the people affected due to situations of low self-esteem, achieving excellent results in her patients, in addition to offering consultation both in person and on-line.

Maria de Jesus Gutierrez she has a degree in clinical psychology from the Universidad del Norte, has a master's degree in therapy sexual and couple by the ISEP center, and she has also completed a postgraduate degree in legal psychology and forensic.

She has treated patients affected by dependence on new technologies, with addictions to alcohol, tobacco and other types of substances, and with problems in relationships such as sex addiction.

Ruby orcutt is a well known American psychologist who has a degree in psychology from Medaille College and she has a professional experience of more than 7 years improving the psychological well-being of her patients.

Among the disorders that she has treated the most, the problems of anxiety, depression and stress, the different types of phobias such as agoraphobia, chronic pain, and people who have suffered situations of grief over the loss of a being Dear.

Connie Suarez She is a well-known professional who has a degree in psychology from Fordham University and has a professional experience of more than 18 years in the field of mental health, achieving very good results.

The pathologies that she has treated the most are related to the treatment of people with Asperger's syndrome, autism, and with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorders, having also treated different cases of bipolar disorder, among others pathologies.

Anna Marie Skop She is a well known American psychologist who is licensed by Canisius College and has her her backs a professional experience of more than 15 years, getting very positive results in her patients.

She stands out for having treated people with anxiety, depression and stress problems, with different types of phobias such as the fear of flying and the fear of open spaces, and in a situation of mourning at the loss of a being Dear.

Fabiola Friot has a degree in psychology from the University of Buffalo and throughout her career in the field of health she mentally she has treated patients affected by problems of addiction to alcohol, tobacco and other types of substances.

She has also had the opportunity to treat people with anxiety, depression and stress problems, with different types of phobias such as agoraphobia, and adults affected by disorders of the type Alzheimer's.

Elisabeth salner She has a degree in psychology from New York University and during all these years she has specialized in the treatment of problems in relationships, and in the management of anxiety, achieving very good results.

In addition, she is an expert in psychological care for people affected by addictions to alcohol, tobacco and other type of substances, with autism spectrum disorder, and with problems such as anxiety, depression and stress.

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