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The 10 best Psychologists who are experts in depression in Armenia (Colombia)

The Psychologist and Neuropsychologist Leandro Fernandez He has more than 11 years of professional experience in the clinical field and currently serves children, adolescents, adults, the elderly and also couples.

His intervention is offered both online and in person and is based on the integration of various techniques of neuropsychology, together with the cognitive-behavioral approach, Mindfulness and other efficacy therapies proven.

Leandro Fernández graduated in Psychology from the Santiago de Cali University, has a Master's degree in Clinical Neuropsychology and also has a Postgraduate Specialist in Evaluation and Diagnosis Neuropsychological.

The psychologist Maria Guadalupe Bohórquez He is also a specialist in treating depressive disorders in adults of all ages, couples and also families who request his online therapy services.

This professional has a Higher Degree in Psychology from the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, she has a Graduate of Integrative Gestalt Psychotherapy by the Centro Transformación Humana, a Master in Clinical and Health Psychology from ISEP and has a Diploma in Alternative Therapies from the University of Rosary beads.

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In her consultation you will find a professional specialized in offering an integrative approach based on the joint application of the Cognitive-behavioral Therapy, Gestalt Therapy or Relational Therapy, all of them adapted to the needs of each customer.

The Clinical Psychologist Melissa santamaria serves teens, adults, seniors, families and couples who are going through a bad time, through the flourishing of an online psychology service with all the guarantees and mod cons.

Graduated in Clinical Psychology with Cognitive-Behavioral Orientation from Atlantic International University, United States of America, this professional has a Master's Degree in Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy from the same university and she also has a Diploma of Specialization in the treatments of Anxiety and Stress.

Her intervention is of an integrative nature and some of her most notable specialties are the cases of depression, anxiety, addictions, family conflicts, low self-esteem and disorders of the personality.

The psychologist Francisco Roman She has more than 18 years of professional experience and throughout her career she has specialized in treating depression in people of all ages, as well as couples and families.

Her services are currently offered online and in them she applies the psychodynamic approach, an orientation that she has take into account all aspects of the person's life to find the origin of the problem, the suffering or the discomfort.

In her consultation you will find an empathetic, analytical and specialized professional in also attending to cases of anxiety, low self-esteem, emotional problems, family conflicts, divorce proceedings and cases of abuse sexual.

The psychologist Monica dosil She has more than 25 years of professional experience and currently serves people of all ages, as well as families and couples, online.

Her intervention integrates Coaching together with other effective therapies such as the cognitive-behavioral approach, Therapy Humanist and Family and Couples Therapy, with which she treats depressive disorders, among many others queries.

Monica Dosil has a degree in Psychology from the University of Barcelona, ​​she has a Master's degree in Social Gerontology, another in Eating Disorders, a Master's Degree in Child and Adolescent Psychology and a Coach Training Course in Results.

The psychologist Monica Giraldo Tabares She also treats cases of depression in her office in Armenia and in her sessions, offered both online and in person, she attends to children over 10 years of age, adults and also couples.

His intervention is based on Brief Therapy, a highly effective orientation with which he also successfully addresses the anxiety disorders, emotional dependence, social phobia, adjustment disorders and problems with couple.

Mónica Giraldo Tabares graduated in Psychology from the University of Manizales and is a specialist in Psychotherapy and Systemic Consulting from the same university.

The psychologist Monica Viviana Aguilera Arias She is a specialist in applying Third Generation Therapies in an integrated way together with Brief Therapy and the cognitive-behavioral approach.

Her intervention is offered both in person and online and is aimed at adults and couples who may have problems with depression, stress, grief processes, anxiety disorders or disorders of adaptation.

The psychologist Natalia Martinez Hernandez She is a specialist in Psychology and Neuropsychology, and throughout her career she has specialized in treating depressive disorders present in children, adults, couples and also families.

Her intervention is inclusive and based on a brief approach, an orientation that she applies jointly with Cognitive-behavioral Therapy and Family Therapy, all of them with ample evidence scientific

The psychologist Margaret Tabares She graduated in Psychology from the UNAD, is a specialist in Psychotherapy and Systemic Consulting from the University of Manizales and has a broad domain in the application of Brief Therapy.

In your consultation you will find a professional specialized in dealing with cases of depression in children, adolescents, adults, couples and also families who may request it.

Its services are offered both in person and online for those who request it.

The Neuromental Clinic of Armenia is another of the most prominent psychology centers in the city and its team of professionals is specialized in attending any type of query or problem in people of All ages.

Among the specialties of the center's professionals, depression and anxiety can be highlighted, learning difficulties, ADHD, conduct disorders, stress and syndrome Asperger.

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