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The 10 best Addiction treatment Clinics in Alicante

The addiction treatment center Vidanova Association He has more than 10 years of experience behind him and is currently one of the most prominent in the Valencian Community.

The center's intervention is totally individualized and is offered online to adults and also to couples who may be going through a bad time in their lives.

The team of professionals at this center is specialized in successfully treating cases of alcoholism, drug abuse, substances, sex addiction, anxiety disorders, codependency, internet addiction, and drug addiction video game.

The Institute of Psychode Psychology, directed in Alicante by Marina Marta Garcia Fuentes, opened its doors more than 15 years ago and since then it has become one of the most recommended psychology centers in Alicante.

The team of professionals at this center is a specialist in treating addictions of all kinds in people of all ages, that is, in children, adolescents, adults, elderly people and also couples

The intervention of the Psicode Institute is offered both in person and in the telematic modality and based on the integrated application of various highly effective therapies, such as Brief Therapy or Therapy EMDR.

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The center Psychologists Alicante It has been serving children and adolescents of all ages for several years, as well as adults, seniors, couples and also families who request its services.

The center has several specialized departments in different disorders and each of its interventions is based on the joint application of therapies with proven efficacy, such as Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy or Third Party Therapies Generation.

In Psychologists Alicante you will find a professional specialized in treating addictive disorders of all kinds, individually and adapted to the particular needs of each client.

The psychology clinic G.SINadictions is directed by the prestigious psychologist Sara meca, a professional who has been treating the chemical and behavioral addictions present in adolescents, adults and also families for more than 10 years.

The team of therapists at this center offers a service for the prevention and rehabilitation of addictive behaviors through the online modality, applying for each case the best therapies of proven efficacy, among which the Therapy Cognitive-behavioral.

The main intervention specialties of the G.SIN addiction center are cases of alcoholism, gambling, drug and substance abuse, dual diagnosis, video game addiction, internet addiction and anxiety.

Llaurant La Llum is one of the oldest addiction treatment centers in the Valencian Community and its professionals They have been providing a detoxification service to various substances in adults of any age for more than 35 years. age.

The intervention of the center is offered online with all possible comforts and some of its main specialties are cases of cocaine addiction, alcoholism, gambling, addiction to new technologies, drug addiction and drug abuse substances.

The psychologist Maria Ramon she is part of the team of professionals at the prestigious clinic Healthy Center of Valencia, where she attends with her companions addictions in people of all ages, as well as in the family and couples.

Graduated in Psychology and Speech Therapy from the Catholic University of Valencia, this professional has a Master's Degree in General Psychology She sanitary by the same university and specialist in applying therapies as effective as Positive Psychology or Therapy Cognitive-behavioral.

In his consultation you will find a professional specialized in online care for addictive disorders, as well as eating disorders, cases of anxiety and depression, ADHD, relationship problems, low self-esteem and stress.

The psychologist Luis Miguel Real Kotbani is another of the most prominent addiction professionals in the Valencian Community and In his consultation, he attends to adolescents, adults and the elderly who request it, through video call.

Graduated in Psychology from the University of Valencia, this professional has a Master's Degree in Clinical Psychology, another Master in Research, Treatment and Associated Pathologies in Drug Addiction and a Training Course in Coaching.

Luis Miguel Real has been trained in the treatment of addictions both in Spain and abroad and is a specialist in applying Therapy Cognitive-behavioral to deal with cases of drug addiction, gambling, alcoholism, addiction to the internet and video games or the smoking.

The Psychologist and Professional Coach Jose Antonio Orengo He has been treating addictions of all kinds in adults individually and also in the family environment for more than 17 years.

As part of the team of therapists at the Technical Specialists in Addictive Behaviors Center (TECA), this professional is an expert in attending through an integrative approach addictions to substances of all kinds such as heroin, cocaine, cannabis, cocaine or benzodiazepines.

In his consultation you will also find a professional specialized in attending to behavioral addictions of all kinds: such as pathological gambling or sex addiction.

The doctor Emilio corrales He has been treating addictive behaviors in adolescents and adults of all ages for more than 32 years, some of his main being specialties, alcoholism, addiction to sex, cocaine, cannabis, addiction to gambling and addiction to new technologies.

Dr. Emilio Corrales has a Master's Degree in Drug Addiction, a Master's Degree in Mental Health, another Master's Degree in Behavior Therapy and is a university specialist in alcoholism.

The psychologist Juan Andrés Samaniego Gisbert He specializes in chemical and behavioral addictions, and in his office he attends both in person and by video call to children over 6 years of age, adults and also couples.

His specialties include addiction and withdrawal from cocaine, addiction to new technologies, sex addiction, emotional dependence and gambling.

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