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The best 13 Psychologists in Pereira

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The psychologist Sandra daza She is a Graduate in Clinical Psychology from the Universidad San Buenaventura Cali, she has a Postgraduate Degree in Transpersonal Psychology, another in Child Neuropsychology and is a specialist in Brief Strategic Therapy, Clinical Hypnosis and Programming Neurolinguistics.

Her intervention takes into account the needs of the person being cared for at all times and is aimed at adolescents, adults, couples and families, through face-to-face or remote sessions.

In addition to that, her specialties include cases of depression and anxiety, emotional problems, family conflicts, low self-esteem, personality disorders and disorder obsessive compulsive.

The Psychologist and Neuropsychologist Leandro Fernandez she has specialized in providing an online therapy service aimed at children, adolescents and also adults, with all possible comforts.

Her intervention integrates various highly effective guidelines in order to successfully attend to the cases of anxiety and depression, low self-esteem, developmental disorders, learning disorders and problems with couple.

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Leandro Fernández has a degree in Psychology from the University of Santiago de Cali, has a Master's degree in Neuropsychology Clinic by the San Buenaventura University and also has a Specialization in Evaluation and Diagnosis Neuropsychological.

The psychologist Catalina Muñoz Sanchez She is a specialist in serving adults, couples and also families through an integrative approach consisting of analyzing all aspects of the person as a whole.

In her office you will find a professional specialized in attending online cases of anxiety, addictions, depression, family conflicts, divorce processes, emotional problems of all kinds and low self-esteem.

Catalina Muñoz has a Graduate in Psychology from the Envigado University Institution, she has a higher Professional Degree in Coach from Axon Training and masters Transpersonal Therapy.

The psychologist Santiago Trujillo He is a Master in Clinical and Health Psychology from the University of Los Andes and a specialist in applying Therapy Cognitive-behavioral, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy, all of them widely effective and of proven evidence.

This professional has more than 10 years of experience, in which he has specialized in attending the anxiety disorders and depression, emotional problems, relationship problems, low self-esteem and stress.

Santiago Trujillo offers his therapeutic services in face-to-face sessions and also online for those who request it.

The psychologist Oswaldo Ortiz Cortés serves adults, children of any age and couples for any query or need they may present and both face-to-face as well as through the telematic mode, for those people who cannot move from their addresses.

Anyone who decides to go to the consultation of this psychology professional will find an expert in address panic disorders, obsessive compulsive disorder, addictions and all kinds of trauma.

The psychologist Sandra Liliana Quintero Castaño is an expert in serving people of all ages, that is, children, adolescents, adults, couples and families through therapy integrative cognitive-behavioral base, one of the most recommended by professionals for its good results in the process therapeutic.

Thus, some of the main intervention specialties of this therapist, who attends both in person and online, are cases of depression, obsessive compulsive disorder, learning disorders and attention deficit hyperactivity disorders.

The psychologist Felipe Grajales It will also attend all kinds of consultations in the individual areas in adults, in couples and also in the family, both in person in the office and online, with all possible comforts for the consultant.

Thus, among its main professional intervention specialties we can highlight the anxiety disorders, especially social phobia, conduct disorders, and type disorders adaptive.

The psychologist Juan Murillo Martinez is a specialist in attending any type of consultation in the field of the couple and its services are offered in person and also electronically.

Thus, among its main therapy specialties, we can highlight anxiety disorders, eating disorders and post-traumatic stress disorders.

The psychologist Zully Vanessa Latorres She has an experience of more than 10 years and in her consultation she will attend to all kinds of cases in child populations, youth and also in the family environment, through an integrative therapy adapted to the needs of each person.

Some of his specialties are conduct disorders, social phobias, learning disorders, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

The psychologist Javier Alzate Zuluaga He is an expert in applying classical therapies in adults and couples, as well as alternative orientations such as clinical hypnosis.

Among her specialties we can highlight psychosomatic disorders, depression or anxiety disorders, among many others.

The psychologist Angela Montoya She is an expert in the field of child therapy, so anyone who is interested in her specialization will find the right place in her consultation.

Her intervention is mainly aimed at the educational field, with some of her specialties being learning disorders and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

The psychologist Feripe Orejuela Soto offers its psychological care services to adults globally, considering biological aspects, psychological and social aspects of the person, through an integrative therapy with a cognitive base, applied together with other

There are many consultations that this therapist addresses, among the main ones we can highlight anxiety disorders, especially social phobias such as agoraphobia, cases of depression and conduct disorders food.

The psychologist Patricia Lozano Mendez He has to his credit 30 years of experience in the field of professional therapy, in which he has specialized in treating adults of all ages. ages, as well as couples and families who may need it, his main specialty being consultations related to the field of sexuality.

Among the different consultations that this professional attends both in person and online, we can highlight the cases depression or anxiety, female sexual dysfunctions, premature ejaculation and sexuality disorders in general.

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