8 contos infantis that as children you will adore
The infantis count with creative resources to bring entertainment and teachings to children.
Through interesting narratives, it is possible to offer small years of strength to give you handles to imagination and, at the same time, to strengthen your emotional health.
For isso, we select different stories, lendas and short stories to serem lidas for as crianças.
1. To galinha two ovos de ouro
It was once a fazendeiro that tinha uma galinha. One day I saw that Galinha had thrown an ovo de ouro! Ele então pegou o ovo e foi logo show for the wife:
- Olha only! We will be rich!
Assim, he was tied to the city and sold for a good value.
Not the next day, he was a galinheiro and I saw that Galinha had another ovo de ouro thrown, which he also sold.
From then on, every day I fazendeiro ganhava um ovo de ouro de sua galinha. He ficava increasingly rich and profitable.
Certain day he has an idea and disse:
- Or what could it be that I feared inside dessa galinha? It is the ovos de ouro boot, then it must be a treasure inside it!
So he killed galinha and saw that there was no treasure inside. She was the same as all others. Assim, or rich farmer perdeu sua galinha two ovos de ouro.
This is one of Aesop's fables and tells the story of a homem who, because of his profit, ended up losing a source of his wealth.
With this little story we learn that: Quem tudo quer, tudo loses.
2. Lenda Ubuntu
Once, a white homem went to visit an African tribe and realized that we were values that people, or that, or that they considered important for the community.
So I suggest a brincadeira. He proposed for the children to celebrate a run with a tree where there was a basket of fruits. Quem chegasse first would be able to ficar with a basket inteira.
As children are waiting for you to start playing a game of hands given in the direction of the basket. For this reason, we will be able to divide the fruits that were in the basket at the same time.
O homem, curious, I wanted to know:
- If only one child could be awarded as a prize for everything, why do you give me more?
One of them responded:
- Ubuntu! It is not possible to see happiness if we are sad!
Or homem I like it.
This is an African history that deals with solidarity, spirit of cooperation and equality.
“Ubuntu” is a word that we see from the Zulu and Xhosa culture and means “Sou quem sou because we are all nós”.
3. A pomba and a formiga
Certainly, one day I was given a river to drink water. As the current was forte, it was dragged into the river and this was quase drowning.
Nesse moment, a bomb that flew over to the region, I saw or its focus of the formiga, shot a folha of a tree and jogou did not laugh from the small formiga.
A formiga then subiu na folha and managed to save.
Depois de algum tempo, um caçador, que estava de olho na pomba, prepares to capture her as an armadilha.
To formiguinha percebeu to more intention of homeme, with speed, give a chopped in seu pé.
O caçador então ficou enordoado, com muita dor. He deixou fell to Armadilha, scaring Pomba, who managed to escape.
This fable of Aesop traced as a teaching to importance of solidarity and union.
He also says that we should recognize everyone's potential to help, just as another is “minor”, like a formiga.
4. Or relógio
Or Nasrudin's clock lived by ticking at the wrong time.
- But could it be that he does not give up to make somebody else? - Someone commented.
- Fazer or what? - falou outra pessoa
- Bem, or clock never marks at the right time. Qualquer coisa that is faça já will be a melhora.
Narsudin deu um jeito de quebrar or relógio e ele parou.
- Você tem toda razão - disse ele. - Agora já da to feel uma melhora.
- Eu não quis dizer “qualquer coisa”, also literally. How can I be worse off than before?
- Bem, before he never dialed at the right time. Agora, hair less, twice a day I will be certain.
This is a history of Turkey and its withdrawal from the book The great popular contos of the world, by Ediouro editor.
Here, we can throw to lição that: It is better to be certain some of the time that you will never be certain.
5. Or puppy e or crocodile
A puppy was with a muita seat and approached a river to drink water. More eleviu que ali perto had a large crocodile.
Assim, or cão ia drinking and running, at the same time.
Or crocodile, who wanted to fazer do cão seu jantar, fez to the following question:
- Why are you running?
And ainda falou, com jeito gentil de quem is giving a conselho:
- Very bad face to drink water assim e sair running.
- Sei disso muito bem - responder o puppy. - More serious ainda pior deixar that you devour me!
This is a fable by Félix Maria Samaniego (1745-1801), a Spanish professor and writer who created stories for his students, I do not know XVIII.
Nessa narrative curta we also have animais to represent human behavior. No case, to morality presented and so that care has been taken with our recommendations to burn, nothing true, wanted or wrong. Assim, We must not follow you with the advice of um inimigo.
Or counted I was retired from livro Classics of infância - Fables do mundo inteiro, publishes Círculo do Livro.
6. Como se fosse dinheiro - Ruth Rocha
Every day, Catapimba levava dinheiro for a school to buy or launch.
He chegava did not bar, bought a sandwich and paid for Lucas.
But seu Lucas never had a change:
- Ô, menino, take a bullet that does not have a troco.
One day, Catapimba claimed from seu Lucas:
- Seu Lucas, I don't want bullet, I want my troco em dinheiro.
- Ora, menino, eu não tenho troco. What is that eu posso fazer?
- Ora, bala é como se fosse dinheiro, menino! Ora essa… […]
Aí, o Catapimba resolveu dar um jeito.
Not the next day, she appears with a brace embrulhão. Your colleagues wanted to know what it was. Catapimba laughed and replied:
- At the time of recreation you are going to see ...
At recess time, everyone saw.
Catapimba comprou or seu lanche. Na time to pay, she opened or kidded. And she pulled from inside... uma galinha.
He kicked galinha from the top of the balcony.
- What is it, menino? - perguntou seu Lucas.
- É to pay or sanduíche, seu Lucas. Galinha é como se fosse dinheiro… Or senhor can you give me or exchange, please?
We meninos were waiting to see what Lucas was going to do.
Seu Lucas ficou um tempão stopped, thinking ...
There, she placed some furniture on the balcony:
- It's aí seu troco, menino!
And I hit galinha to end up with confusion.
Not the next day, all of the children will appear as kids under the arm.
No recreation, everyone was to buy lanche.
Na time to pay ...
I have people who wanted to pay with a pingue pong racket, with a paper parrot, with a cola glass, with a jabuticaba jelly ...
And, when Lucas claimed, the answer was always the same:
- Ué, seu Lucas, how do you know fosse dinheiro ...
This story of Ruth Rocha is present I do not free How to be fosse dinheiro, gives Salamandra editor. Here, the author deals with a little case approached as children, which is value of dinheiro.
Through a history that approaches the infantile reality, she touches on important issues so that it is learned from the beginning how money exchanges work. Além disso, also mapped to strength and courage.
7. As duas panelas
It was once two panelas that we were on the other side of one river. One was made of clay and another was made of iron. A agua encheu a margem do rio e carregou as panelas, which flutuaram.
A mantinha-se clay panela or mais longe possível da outra. Então to panela de ferro falou:
- I am not bad, I am not doing you wrong.
- Não, não - responded to another -, you will not hurt me on purpose, eu sei. But, I know by chance we collide with one another, or it would be bad for me. Por isso, we cannot fica next.
This is a story of Jean-Pierre Claris de Florian (1755-1794), a French writer and fabulist. Or I was thrown out of the book Classics of infância - Fables do mundo inteiro, publishes Círculo do Livro.
Na situation portrayed, or the author drew as personagens small objects of different materials to represent the weaknesses and needs of different people.
Assim, a panela of clay, knowing that it would break and could fill up, not just by chance, batesse na de ferro, it remains long as a precaution.
A moral da historia é que We must protect ourselves from people who can cause us harm, even if we want.
8. O prince toad
It was once a princess who jumps with her golden ball from a lake in her castle. Due to a carelessness, she deixou a ball cair no lago, or that deixou very sad.
A toad appeared and he said that he would look for a ball, provided that he desse um beijo.
A princess concord and the toad looks for a ball for her. More ela saiu running sem meet promessa.
O frog was very disappointed and began to follow the princess in all places. He was then beaten on the castelo's bearer and failed to say that his filha had not fulfilled a promise. Or she talked to the princess and explained that she should be a fazer or that she was combined.
Então, a garota tomou coragem e beijou o sapo. To her surprise, he was transformed into a beautiful prince. They faded and married.
This old story told of fada traced reflections on a Importance of being fulfilled with the word. We must not promise things that we do not intend to do, just to satisfy some desire.
Another value that I also placed on Let's not wait for people to peel their appearance.
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