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The 85 best Quiet and Calm phrases

Living calmly and calmly can help us live better and perhaps for much longer.

Unfortunately, many of us are forced to lead a very stressful life continuously, and with it the pathologies associated with this lifestyle will not take long to appear.

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Great phrases about calm and tranquility

We cannot stop the current pace of life, but we can try to ensure that in our personal environment there is the highest level of calm possible, relaxing daily doing those things that we like the most, such as taking a bath or reading a book, will help us keep our levels low of stress.

Then you can discover a selection of the 85 best Quiet and Calm phrases, some phrases that will tell us about the importance of leading a calmer life.

1. A well-known thing is that waiting is not pleasant, but the one who hurries the most is not the one who advances the furthest, that doing certain things requires time and calm. (Charles Perrault)

Time and calm will be necessary to meet our goal, as they say, "dress me slowly because I'm in a hurry."

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2. Patience is not the ability to wait. Patience is being calm no matter what happens, constantly taking steps to convert it in positive growth opportunities and have the faith to believe that it will all work out in the end while you wait. (Roy T. Bennett)

In order to be patient people we must also be calm people, calm is perhaps the mother of patience.

3. Take things slow, because if you start taking them seriously, they come to an end. (Jack Kerouac)

Doing what we like the most calmly, will give us the opportunity to enjoy the moment much more.

4. Life is like a voyage across the sea: there are days of calm and days of squalls; the important thing is to be a good captain of our ship. (Jacinto benavente)

Busy days teach us to value the importance of calm.

5. There is no calmer than that engendered by reason. (Seneca)

In order to remain calm, our minds must collaborate. Keeping our mind calm will be necessary to be able to be more calm.

6. Perfect tranquility consists in the good order of the mind, in your own kingdom. (Marcus Aurelius)

Meditating can help us calm our mind and spirit. Take the time to think quietly when you need to.

7. There is a lot of beauty, a lot of truth and love around us, but very rarely do we take things calm enough to appreciate them, to realize it. (Brian Weiss)

It is true that in order to appreciate the simplest and most beautiful things in life, we must live in a much calmer way.

8. Talent is educated in calm and character in tempest. (Johann Wolfgang Goethe)

Mastering an art can take a long time, and to be patient we will also need to be calm enough.

9. A happy life consists of having peace of mind. (Cicero)

Happiness does not come except in calm, the quietest moments are usually also the happiest.

10. A samurai must remain calm at all times, even in the face of danger. (Chris Bradford)

Samurais were really cold assassins and could stay calm at all times.

11. What is done in haste is never done well; always act calmly and calmly. (Saint Francis de Sales)

Staying calm will give us the opportunity to take the correct actions in order to be successful.

12. All that God wants from man is a peaceful heart. (Meister Eckhart)

Kind people are also usually the calmest and calmest.

13. Only from an internal calm, man was able to discover and form calm environments. (Stephen Gardiner)

A calm society is undoubtedly a happier society.

14. Those who know the storm get sick of calm. (Dorothy Parker)

When we go through difficult situations, we all want them to be over as soon as possible so that we can be more calm. Thanks to these situations, we value peace of mind more.

15. The best doctors in the world are: Dr. Dieta, Dr. Tranquility and Dr. Alegría. (Jonathan Swift)

Great advice from Jonathan Swift, as the saying goes: "peace of mind and good food."

16. Keep calm like a calm lake, then you will look beautiful like a beautiful peaceful lake! (Mehmet Murat ildan)

Showing ourselves as calm people will reveal us to society also as more attractive people.

17. Calm and confidence are as far from vanity as the desire for a decent life is far from greed. (Channing Pollock)

Confidence in ourselves is essential to be able to be calmer, we must trust our own abilities.

18. Maybe if we just stay under the stars long enough, all our worries will dissipate into the cosmos. And we can stand still, sailing through the stars. (Trevor Driggers)

In order to enjoy the little things, we must be calm enough. The most beautiful things in nature must be carefully observed.

19. Whatever you value, it becomes your sunshine! If you value a quiet night, your own sun will rise with the sunset on the horizon! (Mehmet Murat ildan)

Nature is wonderful and an apparent calm usually reigns in it, although this calm may not really be what it seems.

20. Creativity is a way of life, it is freedom, confidence, tranquility, surrender. A natural state of life that expands everything. (Robert Sturman)

In order to be more creative people, calm and tranquility will undoubtedly always be necessary.

21. It is more than okay to say "no" to people and places that harm your peace. (Nikki Rowe)

We should not associate with people who take away our peace of mind in our lives. These types of people will undoubtedly be harmful to us.

22. Be at peace with everyone you meet and don't hold a grudge against anyone for any reason. (Israel More Ayivor)

In order for our life to be more profitable, we must forget about the personal quarrels we have with third parties.

23. More than one lazy river begins as a turbulent waterfall, yet none rushes or churns all the way to the sea. (Mikhail Lermontov)

Life will bring us moments of tranquility and more stressful moments, this alternation of situations will guide us on our way through it.

24. If you find yourself involved in an argument that only stirs anger in the heart, quickly make peace and move on. (Suzy Kassem)

Let us seek to promote calm and tranquility in our lives, let us preach with our own actions to create a better society in the future.

25. For me, sometimes a silent sky is more expressive than the roar of the sea. (Munia Khan)

Tranquility and calm can also convey a great deal of emotions.

26. I have found that the greatest degree of inner tranquility comes from the development of love and compassion. The more we care about the happiness of others, the greater our own sense of well-being. (Dalai Lama)

Love is, without a doubt, the emotion that should direct our lives. A life of love will also be a much calmer life.

27. It is not wealth or splendor, but tranquility and occupation that bring happiness. (Thomas Jefferson)

Keeping ourselves busy can help us calm our thoughts, daily work can help us find our mental calm.

28. Let the night take you. Let the stars evaporate in your dreams. Let sleep be the only comfort for you to create. (Anthony Liccione)

Our dreams can be a place where we can find great calm, a pleasant dream will help us to recover all our energies.

29. If I can't eat muffins in a hectic mood. It would stain my fists with butter for sure. You always have to be very calm to eat muffins. It is the only way to eat them. (Oscar Wilde)

In this quote, Oscar Wilde explains why staying calm is important in any situation.

30. Learning to look means: 'accustom the eye to look calmly and patiently, to let things unfold. approach him ', that is, educate the eye for a deep and contemplative attention, for a long and leisurely. This learning to look constitutes "the first preliminary teaching for spirituality." One has to learn not to respond immediately to an impulse, but to control instincts that are obstructive and isolating. (Friedrich Nietzsche)

Staying calm can be a very difficult task to do in practice, it can be something that takes us a lifetime to learn to master it.

31. Inner peace is the key: If you have inner peace, external problems do not affect your deep sense of peace and tranquility. Without this inner peace, no matter how comfortable your life is materially, you may still be worried, upset, or unhappy about your circumstances. (Dalai Lama)

Inner peace will bring us great calm and serenity to our personal life, being able to reach this state of consciousness is not something achievable for everyone.

32. The miseries of all men are derived from not being able to sit quietly in a room alone. (Blaise Pascal)

Our thoughts can be our greatest torments, knowing how to appease them will give us great spiritual calm. Thanks to meditation we can learn to silence our thoughts.

33. Anyone can hold the wheel when the sea is calm. (Publilio Siro)

Pleasant situations are beneficial for everyone, and calm is usually present in all these situations.

34. Nothing conquers the chaos around me like the serene assurance that I am at peace with God. (Ron Brackin)

Religion may be necessary for us to find our inner peace.

35. Be like a duck. Calm on the surface, but churning like hell underneath. (Michael Caine)

We should not show our emotions openly, as they could be misinterpreted.

36. Weather the storm on the island of tranquility to find inner peace. (Ana Monnar)

This quote describes very well the moment of meditation, a technique that will undoubtedly help us control our emotions.

37. There is something in the water, that feeling of solitude and tranquility. One is on Earth, but not quite. (John C. Reilly)

Water activities can be truly therapeutic, very relaxing physically and emotionally.

38. The great tranquility of the heart belongs to the one who does not care about praise or blame. (Thomas A. Kempis)

The opinions of others should not influence us, we must learn to respect them by seeing them from an impersonal point of view.

39. Crossing the meadow and the stream, and listening to the calm of the water, brings peace to your soul. (Maximillian Degenerez)

Retreats in nature have been practiced for thousands of years, they can help us put our thoughts in order.

40. The calmer a man becomes, the greater his success, his influences, his power. Peace of mind is one of the beautiful jewels of wisdom. (James Allen)

Peace of mind will allow us to use our own intelligence in a much more efficient way.

41. For every minute you stay angry, you waste up to sixty seconds of calm. (Ralph Waldo)

We should not waste time getting angry about things that are not important, time is too precious to waste.

42. Silence is the dream that nurtures wisdom. (Francis Bacon)

In a completely silent environment, our thoughts will be much clearer.

43. Do not let your peace of mind depend on the feelings of men. Whatever they say about you, good or bad, you are not because of another man; because that's how you are. (Thomas of Kempis)

Maintaining our values ​​over time will be necessary to discover our best version.

44. Great events do not correspond to our noisy moments, but to our quiet moments. (Friedrich Nietzsche)

The hustle and bustle alters the mood of anyone and always makes us more nervous, we must learn to avoid these types of unprofitable places.

45. In tranquility there is health, as fullness, within one. Forgive yourself, accept yourself, acknowledge yourself and love yourself. Remember that you have to live with yourself for eternity. (Facundo Cabral)

Accepting ourselves will make us much calmer and calmer people.

46. The truest sign of wisdom is constant serenity. (Michel Eyquem de Montaigne)

All those sages who have reached a great level of wisdom have always shown themselves to be very calm people. Wisdom teaches us to keep our thoughts calm.

47. True silence is the rest of the mind; it is to the spirit what sleep is to the body, nutrition and refreshment. (William Penn)

Our mind also needs its rest periods, by calming our thoughts we will make it recover very quickly.

48. Silence is the source of strength. (Lao Tse)

Today's society does not value silence as it should, silence is totally necessary to be able to rest more effectively.

49. Serenity is the calm balance of the heart and mind. (Harold W. Becker)

The control of our thoughts and emotions will be a vital aspect to be able to calm our spirit.

50. When we cannot find tranquility within ourselves, it is useless to look elsewhere for it. (François de La Rochefoucauld)

Calm, tranquility and tranquility are the result of our own emotions, they do not come from anywhere other than within ourselves.

51. From tranquility comes power and strength. (C. Joybell C.)

We must learn to relax, in order to be more efficient in what we normally do.

52. A calm man is like a tree that provides shade. People in need of shelter come to him. (Toba Beta)

Our inner peace will make us much more sociable people.

53. A man does not try to see himself in running water, but in calm water, because only what is calm in itself can give peace to others. (Confucius)

What we transmit to others will be the same as they transmit to us. If you are looking for peace, start by finding it yourself.

54. When we develop the ability to endure and endure with patience, we discover that we have developed a proportionate reservoir of calm and tranquility. (Dalai Lama)

Self-control is one of the most powerful forces that human beings have, knowing when to act and when not to.

55. The ideal of calm exists in a sitting cat. (Jules Renard)

Cats teach us how to be able to live more calmly, our movements must be rhythmic. Felines can be a great source of inspiration in our lives.

56. When you take the time to quiet your mind and not allow anything to interfere with your peace, there is stillness in time. You feel suspended in an ocean of tranquility, and all truth seems to come from this place of inner understanding. (John Assaraf)

In order to find the answers to our questions, we must learn to relax. Being calm our thoughts will be much more organized.

57. I like trains. I like the rhythm and I like the freedom of being suspended between two places. All anxiety under control: for now I know where I'm going. (Anna Funder)

Those things that we like the most will always help us calm down, the little things are also important.

58. In the interval between two wishes, calm reigns. It is the moment of freedom from all thoughts, love or hate. (Swami Sivananda)

Knowing what we really want is very important, because only by knowing what you want can you begin your search.

59. You are the sky. Everything else is just the weather. (Pema Chödrön)

Our friends and family will always be a haven of peace for us.

60. Old age leads to an indifferent tranquility that ensures inner and outer peace. (Anatole France)

When we get older we learn to live our lives in a different way, much more calm and calm.

61. Solitude is the house of peace. (TF Hodge)

When we are alone at home, it may be a good time to try to relax.

62. How often do we talk just to fill the quiet space? How many times do we lose our breath talking nonsense? (Colleen Patrick-Goudreau)

We should speak only if we think we can improve the silence, speaking for the sake of speaking will get us nowhere.

63. As a lifelong martial arts practitioner, I am trained to remain calm in the midst of adversity and danger (Steven Seagal)

Steven Seagal knows perfectly well that tranquility and calm are essential if we want to keep our concentration to the maximum.

64. Lower your heart rate, keep calm. You gotta shoot in the middle of your heartbeat (Chris Kyle)

Snipers must have a great capacity for concentration and only by knowing how to control their own emotions will they be able to do so.

65. You are the calm under the waves in the blue of my oblivion (Fiona Apple)

Those people who have caused us the most emotional ups and downs are the ones we often try to forget the most.

66. I meditate, so I know how to find a quiet place to be calm and peaceful (Roseanne Barr)

Meditation can be a very beneficial practice, we should all be a little more interested in this curious activity.

67. The only order in the universe is just a cycle from calm to chaos and vice versa. (Toba Beta)

We do not understand the mechanisms by which the universe works, but that it is in constant evolution is something visible to everyone.

68. Because there is no better friend like a brother in calm or stormy weather; To encourage you on the tedious path, to find yourself if you go astray, to get up if you stagger, to strengthen yourself while standing (Christina Rossetti)

Our friendships are very important in our lives, learn to value them before it is too late.

69. I am full of fears and I do my best to avoid difficulties and any kind of complications. I like everything around me to be crystal clear and completely calm. (Alfred Hitchcock)

Hitchcock, the great filmmaker needed tranquility in his personal life and in this quote we can see how he talks about it.

70. Stay calm, serene, always in command of yourself. Find out how easy it is to get along below. (Paramahansa Yogananda)

In order to have and maintain a healthy relationship with another person, calm and serenity will always be welcome.

71. It is quiet now. So quiet that you can almost hear other people's dreams. (Gayle Forman)

Quiet environments help us to think more clearly, being able to perceive certain things that otherwise would not be so obvious.

72. Sweet are the thoughts with pleasant contents, the calm mind is richer than a crown (Robert Green)

Having a calm mind and a peaceful soul are very valuable assets that few people come to possess. The tranquility, without a doubt, is priceless.

73. Give your husband any bad news when everything is calm, not when he opens the door (Indra Devi)

In moments of calm we can be much more open emotionally. Knowing when to give bad news can be decisive in our personal lives.

74. Great events make me calm and calm; it's just trifles that irritate my nerves. (Queen Victoria)

Queen Victoria knew how to remain calm in the most difficult moments. Without a doubt, she was a great leader.

75. The romance is stormy. Love is calm (Mason Cooley)

Relationships can be complicated at the beginning, but if they manage to last over time, they will normalize in the end.

76. I practice staying calm all the time, starting from situations that are tense. (Martha Beck)

Having great self-control will be something really difficult to achieve, we will have to practice a lot before we can achieve it.

77. Happiness is nature, beauty and tranquility (Debasish Mridha)

Nature can give us the tranquility that we need so much.

78. Faced with the injustices and adversities of life... Calm!. (Mahatma Gandhi)

We must not get carried away by our negative emotions. In the end everything will work out.

79. I am sustained by the tranquility of an upright and loyal heart. (Peter Stuyvesant)

Our values ​​and principles must always be important to us.

80. In my heart there is a peace of anguish, and my calm is made of resignation. (Fernando Pessoa)

Even in the most difficult moments, in the end we will be able to find inner peace.

81. War must be carried to where the enemy takes it: to their homes, to their places of entertainment; make it total. You have to prevent him from having a minute of calm, a minute of calm... attack him wherever he wants him to be; make you feel like a beast haunted by every place you go. (Che Guevara)

Guevara knew very well that his enemy should not rest, because if an enemy does not rest, in the end he will surely make mistakes.

82. Whatever you feel, he always acts calm and correct. (Daniel Kahneman)

Great advice from Kahneman that can help us a lot in our personal lives. He thinks twice before acting.

83. When they arrived it is as if the lord of the universe had arrived, bringing with him all the magnificences of the kingdoms of it; and when they left, they left behind a calm that was very much like the deep sleep that occurs after an orgy. (Mark Twain)

Peace of mind can transmit many things to us, and it can even become annoying on occasion.

84. Keep calm, that's the best strategy.

To find the best solution to any problem, without a doubt, we must remain calm.

85. It all consists of that: playful changes; in vain we look for something behind that gives us greater peace, a planned conception or a higher-ranking objective, because behind there is nothing. (Milan Füst)

Calm and tranquility represent the tranquility with which we want to live our life. We all need to live calmly when we reach our old age.

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