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The 21 branches of Geology (and what each one studies)

We must not stay with the vision of Geology as the simple study of stones, since, on the contrary, it is a very important science that studies the planet in which we live and can help us to achieve a better adaptation and care of this. In today's society, an increasing number of changes are observed on the Earth, generated by climate change. The study of our planet is of vital importance to be able to rectify and thus avoid further damage.

  • We recommend you read: "The 10 causes of climate change"

What are the disciplines within Geology?

With this article we will try to help improve the knowledge we have of Geology, presenting the main branches that form it.

1. Crystallography

Crystallography is the science that deals with the study of the shape and properties of crystalline substances, formed from crystals. For the study of these crystalline substances, the irradiation produced by a beam of X-rays, neutrons or electrons on crystalline solids is observed. At the same time an electron microscope can also be used.

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Some of the study objectives presented by this branch of Geology are: to determine the mathematical relationship of the crystal faces, as well as the angles that are formed between them, describe compound crystals, study the irregularity of crystals, crystalline aggregates and pseudomorphic crystals, which have the same morphology as another preexisting.


2. Geomorphology

Geomorphology is part of both Geography and Geology. According to the National Geographic Institute of Spain it is defined as the science that studies the landforms of the Earth. In addition to studying the general configuration of the earth's surface, he also investigates the classification, description, nature, origin and development of landforms and their relationships with underground geological structures and the history of geological changes in these structures.

It focuses on studying the land relief, formed from plate movements, leading to processes of construction and destruction. These changes suffered on the surface of the Earth, constitute what is known as the geographical cycle or erosion.

3. Hydrogeology

Hydrogeology is the science that focuses its study on the origin and formation of groundwater. How this water circulates, what effect it has on the soil or rocks, as well as the states in which it can be found, both liquid, solid and gaseous, their properties, both physical, chemical, bacteriological and radioactive and finally, how they can be captured.

This science will be important for the human species, in order to obtain groundwater as a resource, from the same Thus, it will also allow us to know the cycles of chemicals and polluting substances that affect the environment.

4. Speleology

Speleology is the branch of Geology that investigates morphology and geological formations. Study the nature, origin and formation of caves, as well as its fauna and flora. In other words, it allows you to gain more knowledge of the underworld.

This science is part of geomorphology and acts as a support to hydrogeology. That is to say, in the practice and study of Speleology, other sciences are also seen, applied, used, as would be the case of: biospeleology, which will be interested in animals, anthropologists and archaeologists, dedicated to the findings of the activity of prehistoric men in caves or paleontologists, who study fossils found in the depths underground.

5. Stratigraphy

Stratigraphy is the branch of Geology that studies rocks, bearing in mind the time sequence and the materials that make it up. The Royal Spanish Academy defines it as the study of the arrangement and characteristics of rocks sedimentary, metamorphic and volcanic stratified, formation of mostly overlapping layers parallel.

Therefore, they are interested in the strata that form the rocks, their identification, description, the studies of their sequence both vertical as well as horizontal and cartography, a discipline that deals with the conception, production, dissemination and study of maps.

6. Petroleum geology

Petroleum Geology is the part of Geology that deals with study the origin, accumulation, and exploitation of oil. It is used, especially, as already mentioned, to find out which are the best opportunities to find hydrocarbons, that is, oil and natural gas. This search and production of hydrocarbons is essential for the society in which we live, since they function as a source of energy and as a support for the chemical industry.

7. Economic geology

Economic Geology is the branch of Geology that focuses on finding mineral deposits to be able to exploit them, action that is known with the name of mining. The exploitation of minerals is carried out with the objective of obtaining practical or economic benefits, since, in the same way that we pointed out the importance of the Geology of oil for Living in today's society, mineral resources are also vital to make life more comfortable, allowing us to have heating, electricity or produce medicines, among others mod cons.

8. Structural geology

Structural Geology is responsible for the analysis and interpretation of the structures that form in the earth's crust due to the movement of tectonic plates, the deformations that occur on the earth's surface. In the same way, it studies the geometry of rock formations, as well as their location on the surface.

9. Gemology

Gemology is part of mineralogy and geology, being the science that is responsible for the study of precious stones or gems. It allows making a differentiation between artificial, synthetic gems and precious minerals, from those actually formed in nature. Research the treatments that are performed on gemstones to improve their image and how these techniques can have an impact on the trade of that treated stone.

10. Historical geology

Historical Geology is the specialty of Geology that studies the changes that have occurred on planet Earth since it formed approximately 4.57 billion years ago to the present time.

Given the large period of time it covers, it will be important to bear in mind that changes that require long intervals of time to occur will be studied, since, the life of the Earth, as well as, the changes that take place in her are much slower, they need of much more time in comparison with the human life. We will talk about geological time, using different measurement scales such as Eons, the largest of all on the scale. of time, the eras, the periods, which would be the divisions of the eras, and finally the epochs, subdivision of the periods.

Historical geology

11. Astrogeology

Astrobiology, a specialization promoted by astronautics, performs the same studies as Geology, but unlike this, it is not centered on the Earth, but on all other bodies in space, as would the other planets and their moons, asteroids, comets and meteorites.

12. Geochemistry

Geochemistry is the science that attempts to explain and solve geological problems using principles and tools from both Geology and Chemistry. That is, geologists will use chemistry to understand the Earth and how it works.

13. Geophysics

In the same way as the science in the previous section, in this case geologists use physics to study the Earth. Study physical properties and structure of the planetAs well as investigates the composition and flow of heat inside the Earth, the force of gravity of gravitational fields or the magnetic forces of attraction.

14. Petrology

Petrology or Lithology is one of the main branches of Geology, aimed at the study of rocks, especially their structure, descriptive aspects and their mineralogical composition. It is recommended to complement with a high knowledge of Mineralogy and Geochemistry.

15. Regional geology

Regional geology is the field of Geology that deals with the geological configuration of each continent, country, region or specific areas of the Earth. It combines other disciplines such as stratigraphy, structural geology, petrology, geochemistry and biostratigraphy.

16. Mineralogy

Mineralogy is defined as the science that studies the origin, composition and properties of minerals. Knowledge of minerals is important, since they allow humans to obtain the chemical elements necessary to carry out industrial activities. Mineralogy would also be made up of different branches, one of which is Crystallography, already mentioned above.

17. Paleontology

The Royal Spanish Academy defines Paleontology as the science that studies the organisms that have existed in the Earth's past from fossil remains found. It is closely related to Geology and Biology, using the same fundamentals and methods. His research helps us understand the current composition and distribution of living things on Earth.

18. Sedimentology

Sedimentology is closely linked with Stratigraphy, although unlike this, Sedimentology is focuses, in particular, on the interpretation of rock formation processes and environments sedimentary. In the investigation of sediments, deposits that form on the surface and at the bottom of the sea, it is of great importance to know the processes formation, transport and deposition of the material that form them, since these are involved in the changes that occur in the geology of the planet.

19. Seismology

Seismology is the science in charge of the study of earthquakes, from earthquakes and tremors both inside and on the earth's surface. Its main objectives can be divided, according to whether they are aimed at knowing the internal structure of the Earth or to prevent society from possible damage by earthquakes.

20. Tectonics

Tectonics makes up the part of Geology that studies the folds, deformities, and faults of the Earth's crust, as well as the internal forces that produce these changes. It tries to explain deformations, such as folds and faults, and structural formations, such as plate tectonics.

21. Volcanology

Volcanology, as its name indicates, is the division of Geology that studies volcanism, as well as all the manifestations that it can present, as is the case of volcanoes, geysers, magmas, lavas, etc. His investigations are of great importance for the protection of society, making predictions of possible eruptions, although these, at present, are not entirely predictable, if internal activity can be monitored land.

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