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PROSTATE: definition, function and main characteristics

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Prostate: definition, function and characteristics

Image: SuMé

The prostate is an organ that is part of the male reproductive system and only the men or males of several species of mammals present it. The best way to define the function of the prostate in one word is by going back to its origin: the word prostate comes from the Greek prostitutes, literally "the one in front", "protector", "guardian".

To perform these protective functions, the prostate has different qualities, which make it quite a special organ. In this lesson from a TEACHER we will discover more about prostate: definition, function and characteristics main. If you want to discover more about this organ, keep reading!

The prostate o prostate gland is a glandular organ that is part of the male reproductive systemof most mammals. It is said to be a glandular organ because its function is the synthesis or production of chemical substances: hormones, enzymes, minerals, etc.

This organ is located just off the bladder, below this, covering the first portion of the urethra. Anatomically we can see it as a lump, the size of a chestnut, behind the urinary bladder and in front of the rectum.

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Prostate: definition, function and characteristics - What is the prostate? Simple definition

Image: National Cancer Institute

As we have said before, the functions of the prostate can be summarized as: protect, but what does it protect the prostate from ?:

  • The prostate protects the sperm. One of the main functions of the prostate is to produce prostate fluid. Prostatic fluid is a mixture of components (proteins, enzymes, trace elements, etc.) that mix with semen and whose function is to protect sperm as it travels from the male ducts to the reproductive system feminine.
  • The prostate also protects sperm from urine. During intercourse, the prostate closes the urine outlet from the bladder. In this way, sperm do not mix with urine, a fluid that contains waste from the metabolism such as uric acid, which could damage sperm and the genetic material that they contain.
  • Prostate protects against urinary infections. Men have statistically fewer and less recurrent urinary infections; This is due to two factors: they have a longer urethra and at the end of this is the prostate. By having a longer urethra, it is more difficult for microorganisms to travel through the entire urethra and reach the bladder and, even when they do, in the end they meet the urethra, which generates elements with bactericidal capacity such as zinc, antigens, citric acid, etc.
  • Prostate helps complete emptying of the bladder. By being just at the exit of the bladder, the relaxation or distention of the prostate helps the bladder to empty normally. Normally, the bladder does not empty completely and it is normal for about 10% of the volume of urine to be retained in the bladder.
Prostate: definition, function and characteristics - Function of the prostate

Image: Slideshare

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