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24 melhores of romance to fade

Romantic books are capable of transporting us to love stories of a unique way. This is when we finish a good romance and we feel like we have lived a little bit of a paixão.

Assim, we select you melhores books of romance, trazendo many options of best-sellers and narratives for young adults, to chamada literature NOW (young adults), além dos classics, of course!

1. I chame hair seu nome (2007)

Call me by your name é o original title desse livro by André Aciman published in 2007. Succession of bandages, or I inspire a film of the same kind, released in 2018 and winner of several awards.

Capa do livro Me chame pelo seu nome

Count to love story and descobertas of a teenager 17 years old by a homem mais velho, 24 years old, during a fair trip.

O cenário is a beautiful non-littoral landscape of Italy and goes back to the 80's.

Or interesting is that, different from other LGBTQIA + histories, it draws a calm atmosphere in relation to or preconceived, naturalizing a homoafetive relationship and exposing the subject in a delicate way.

2. To fault you give stars (2012)

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American bestseller John Green, The Fault in Our Stars, as it was originally titled, was released in 2012.

Capa do livro A culpa é das stars

A sad story of young romance is presented by Hazel, a 17-year-old garota who has been living with cancer since early childhood. As a suggestion from me, she becomes a frequent supporter of young people who have the same problem.

Gus meets her, a raptor with osteossarcoma, a type of cancer I don't bear. You dois I stopped and needed to face the health difficulties.

O livro was adapted for the cinema in 2014 it was received by the critics.

3. Garoto find Garoto (2003)

As or not I suggested, esse é um LGBTQIA + youth romance. It was written by David Levithan and released in 2003.

Capa do livro Garoto find Garoto

His characters are not in the middle of a school where heterosexuals and gays live together.

Paul, or narrator, one day Noah finds out, after losing the opportunity of a greater approximation, he will win it back.

This is a funny story about uncovered love, which also offers some reflections on sexuality and the importance of respect for diversity.

4. P.S: Eu I love you (2007)

This is free to get excited and to think no power of transformation that or love carrega.

Capa do livro P.S Eu I love you

Written by Irish Cecelia Ahern in 2004, a very successful story and was raised for the cinema in 2007.

She tells about Holly, a 30-year-old woman who is struggling to get over the loss of her great love, Gerry.

With the help of the letters that she left for her, Holly for a few years opened up for her new life and managed to insert moments of happiness into her rotina.

5. Anne from Green Gables (1908)

A Canadian L. M. Montgomery (1874-1942) tem as his greatest literary work Anne from Green Gables, published for the first time in 1908.

Capa do livro Anne from Green Gables

Or it became a classic compared to Pollyannaby Eleanor H. Porter, for tracing the figure of a garota orfã who manages to engender the beauties of life, even with various adversities.

The plot is passed no seculo XIX and shows Anne, a girl of 11 years, adored by a marriage of irmãos.

A charming menina grows in the rural community and goes slowly conquering as people second place, and also uncovered or love.

O livro já was adapted in various languages ​​of the arts, being a series Anne with an "e", gives Netflix, a huge success.

6. Vermelho, branco e sangue azul (2019)

Um livro que vem standing out as a romance for young adults é Vermelho, branco e sangue azulby Casey Mcquiston, released in 2019.

Capa do livro Vermelho, branco e sangue azul

Na history, or filho of the North American president, Alex Claremont-Diaz, a raptor who fears his intimidation explored in the media.

You must meet Henry, a British prince of the country, because he is always compared, a supposed brigade between him and shown on TV.

At the same time, they needed to be more impressed and ended up spending some days together. So, or that it was a mishap, it ends up being transformed first into a friend, and depois into something else.

Um light fun and romantic About a seemingly impossible love

7. Water for elephants (2007)

This historical romance by Sara Gruen was published in Brazil in 2007. Acclaimed public hair and criticism, it was indicated and won important awards.

Capa do livro Water for elephants

It tells about Jacob Jankowski, an idiosyncratic homemaker who recounts his memories and experiences in a traveling circus.

It is interesting to accompany you Drama e suas paixões in a very hostile environment.

In 2011 it was adapted for cinemas, directed by Francis Lawrence.

8. Fifteen days (2017)

Launched in 2017 Brazilian hair Vitor Martins, Fifteen days also encaixa na chamada literature for young adults.

Capa do livro Fifteen days

A narrative accompanies the adolescent Felipe telling his difficulties and the constraint of ter living together next year or old friend of childhood. Caio e seu vizinho of him and fica stayed at his house for fifteen days, in which his country traveled.

Então Felipe will need to deal with his feelings when he revives um old love friend hair.

9. Love e Gelato (2017)

Love e Gelato it's a beautiful story of descoberta de si e do outro. I had Lina as the main character, a young man who just lost me. He presents the garota experiences during a trip to Italy as the objective of knowing his country.

Capa do livro Amor e Gelato

Em uma nova atmosphere, Lina mergulha então em seus sentiments and conhece two garotos that lhe woke up or love and other emotions.

A delightfully romantic book written by Jenna Evans Welch and released in 2017.

10. Quem é você, Alasca? (2005)

Quem escreve esse romance is the North American John Green, or the author of To fault you give stars.

Capa do livro Quem é você, Alasca?

Released in 2005, it shows the story of a young boy named Miles who is tired of his life and going to study at Culver Creek, an internal college.

La, he will board em search for your purpose I also know Alasca, a mysterious and intelligent girl who will love her emotions.

11. Fazendo meu film (2019)

Fazendo meu film This is a 4-book series by the writer from Minas Gerais Paula Pimenta.

Capa do livro Fazendo meu film

Best-seller of youth romance, a saga tells the story of Fani, uma Curious menina e cheia of expectations dúvidas muitas related to the future and his love feelings.

The first book was released in 2019 and is being adapted for the cinema.

12. Connected (2019)

A youthful romance between two garotas that gostam of video game. This is the matter of Connected, released by Brazilian Clara Alves, launched in 2019.

Capa do livro Connected

It deals with topics seen as tabus e expõe o preconception The challenges that garotas that are matched by other garotas need to face, mainly in adolescence.

Assim, the author explores this universe with sensitivity and humor and places more of a litter of questions, virtual interaction.

13. How it was before you (2016)

The author of the romance that won the hearts of many readers and British Jojo Moyes.

Capa dol livro As it was before you

The best-seller was a great success, with more than 8 thousand copies sold, winning an adaptation for the cinema in 2016.

The plot features Lou Clark, a young enthusiastic about life who works in a coffee and in love that she does not love.

Ao lose or undertake, his life will suffer a revival. She meets Will Traynor, a raptor who suffers from a motorcycle accident and is in the cadeira de rhodas. That found will transform your lives, ao viverem uma beautiful love story cheia of challenges.

14. O bom side gives life (2013)

Em O bom side gives life, Pat Peoples is a professor who presents memory problems. He has just left a psychiatric clinic and tries to remind himself of the reasons that he raised for it.

Capa do livro O side bom gives life

But nem seus friends, seu pai ou his wife contam o what happened, so many years are scared and tempted reconquer the love of his wife.

Pat é otimista and accredits no "bom side of life".

A story was written by Matthew Quick and published in 2013, receiving many positive reviews.

15. Teto for dois (2019)

This romance was written by Beth O'leary and released in 2019.

Nele, we accompany Tiffy, a recently separated girl who moves to an apartment where she divides the same bed with Leon, who works during the night.

Capa do livro Teto para dois

Assim, you two never find me solving your home pending for bills. But maybe this is an unusual accord that is not very true.

Essa romantic comedy It promises to bring fun, also dealing with important matters that involve relationships.

16. Eleanor e Park (2014)

This is a love story between two ten-six-year-old adolescents who always meet on their way to school.

Capa do livro Eleanos e Park

Park and a garoto of Korean origin and gosta of video games and histories in quadrinhos. Eleonor also had very similar tastes. A garota ruiva sofre for not corresponding to the expected bodily pattern and felt a little inadequate.

More year to know Park, live seu first love.

Um light on um youth romance between teenagers from the universe geek, written by Rainbow Rowell and released in 2014.

17. O love us tempos of anger (1985)

A classic of Latin literature, O love us tempos of anger It was written by Gabriel García Márquez and published in 1985.

Capa do livro O love us tempos do cholera

He tells about the intense love of Florentino for Firmina, a woman because he is apaixonou ainda na juventude, keeping or feeling for life.

I know that a narrative is based on the history of two countries by García Márquez.

Achieved great success, or free it became a film, directed by Mike Newell and released in 2007.

18. Uma apprenticem ou o livro dos prazeres (1969)

Esse great romance of Clarice Lispector of 1969 presents a story of love and uncovered, especially of itself.

Capa do livro Uma apprenticem ou o livros dos prazeres

Lóri, a teacher of child education, begins a relationship with Ulisses, professor of philosophy.

From there I found between two different beings that the author places questões existeis. She addresses the difficulties of herself build your own identity as you approach another.

In 2019 or romance was raised in cinemas, directed by Marcela Lordy and title Or livro dos Prazeres.

19. Pride and preconception (1813)

Um two more romances made about my love Pride and Preconception, published at the beginning of the XIX century by Jane Austen, in 1813.

Capa do livro Pride and preconceito

In a sugary plot I was starred by Elizabeth Bennet, filha of a landowner in England. Or love and placed did not start as an impossible feeling, because Elizabeth said contempt for Mr. Darcy when she met her.

But, as the time of events, or the link between them becomes a big paixão.

O free is a successor in the whole world, serving as inspiration for many romantic plots in literature and no cinema.

20. Inês de minha alma (2007)

Inês de minha alma I was named as the author by Chilean Isabel Allende, who launched her work in 2007. Um historical romance e is passed no seculo XVI.

Capa do livro Inês de minha alma

Nele, we accompany Inês, a humble seamstress who sets out in search of her husband for unheard lands. Meanwhile, to or to go to destination she is turned off by another homem.

As is common to us from Isabel Allende, she manages to trace the historical aspects of the formation of two Latin-American territories, in the case of Chile and Peru.

21. Dona flor e seus two husbands (1966)

Iconic work of Jorge Amado, Dona Flor and her two husbands It highlighted us in the 60's, when it was launched. Later it was adapted for cinema and television, apart from theater plays.

Capa do livro Dona Flor e seus two husbands

Dona Flor is a beautiful woman living in Salvador, in Bahia, in her 40s. Ela ficou viúva de Vadinho, a boêmio subject who dies suddenly not carnival of rua.

Flor is now marrying Teodoro, a sweet pharmacist. More as lembranças de Vadinho e a paixão por el são every time more alive. E o morto ends up, de fate, reappearing.

Um light ironic and funny about a love triangle nothing conventional.

22. O nose two uivantes ventos (1847)

The only book written by British Emily Brontë, O morro dos Ventos uivantes It became a classic love story. It was launched in 1847 and appears as a cenário or rural interior of England.

Capa do livro O moro dos ventos uivantes

Or entanglement around Heathcliff, a gifted garoto, and his irmã de criação, Catherine.

You two develop a very close relationship, which is transformed into love. Assim, you challenges For ficarem together they are huge, because at the time the marriage was feitos considering their possessions and financial conditions.

Assim, prevented from assuming or romance, Catherine e Heathcliff viverão complicated situations and um love triangle.

23. Anna Karenina (1877)

Or Russian Liev Tolstoy publicou Anna Karenina em 1877. A work, considered one of the most important of Tolstoy, was named as the main subject or adult and the costumes of Russian nobility no period.

Capa do livro Anna Karenina

It is presented by Anna, a married woman, and her paixão by Vronski, or her lover. É by meio desse forbidden love that the writer reveals the litters of hypocrisy and social conventions in Czarist Russia.

A history, of enormous success, has several cinematographic adaptations.

24. Romeu and Juliet (1595)

Maybe or more famous romance not Ocidente seja Romeu and Juliet. Written by William Shakeaspeare by volta of 1591 and 1595, it presents a tragic narrative.

Capa do livro Romeu e Julieta

Or entanglement I seen as youth love symbol, showing two teenagers who, unable to live a paixão, decide to throw away their lives.

A great classic about romantic love that has been adapted for cinema and theater, also inspiring other writers since its publication.

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