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Vas deferens: easy definition

Vas deferens: easy definition

Image: Assisted Reproduction ORG

The male reproductive system is a complex structure made up of many organs. One of these organs are the vas deferens, tube-shaped structures that lead to sperm after its formation in the testicular epididymis. In this article by a PROFESSOR we will easily define what the vas deferens are, where they are and what they are for. If you want to know more about it, we encourage you to keep reading!

The vas deferens are a tube-shaped structure that connect the epididymis, where sperm are produced, with the ejaculatory duct. These tubes are lined with a layer of muscle tissue that facilitates the circulation of sperm during your departure. The vas deferens are within the spermatic cord, which is another major structure that collects the arteries and veins that run inside the testicle.

Imagine that we are talking about a set of pipes that come out of a tank where a soft drink is made. Our manufacturing tank in this case would be the epididymis, where the sperm are manufactured. From this tank starts a pipe, our vas deferens, which leads to a second tank. This pipe can go, along with other pipes that carry other compounds of the soft drinks, wrapped with a larger pipe to isolate it from the rest of the room. That protective pipe would be the

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spermatic cord.

The vas deferens: easy definition - What are the vas deferens

Image: Slideshare

The function of the vas deferens is carry mature sperm from the epididymis to the urethra, where they are mixed with the other products that make up the semen.

In our example from the soda factory, the urethra is the second tank. The urethra, instead of having the shape of a tank, is shaped like a conduit since, despite collecting other products to form semen, it is responsible for expelling it to the outside during ejaculation.

The vas deferens perform a similar function to the female fallopian tubes, and their cut may serve also as a contraceptive method since it eliminates the possibility that sperm can escape to the Exterior. This method is called vasectomy and it is a definitive contraceptive method, which can only be reversed shortly after it has been carried out. Despite being a safe contraceptive method, it is recommended that men interested in carrying it out are informed in detail as it carries some risks.

The vas deferens: easy definition - What are the vas deferens for?

Image: SlidePlayer

The vas deferens are a very important part of the male reproductive system, so the involvement by different pathologies or diseases is of great importance. There are more or less common and more or less important diseases. Some of them are the following:

  • Hydrocele testis. It is a pathology in which fluid accumulates in the spermatic cord, between the layer that covers the testicle and that of the scrotum. It is normal for a thin layer of fluid to appear, but when the hydrocele appears due to inflammation of the testicle or by an obstruction of the circulatory or lymphatic system, the amount of fluid increases exponentially. If the fluid is not removed there is a risk of a hernia.
  • Inguinal hernia. When an inguinal hernia occurs, part of the intestine enters through the inguinal canal, a hole through which the cord passes spermatic (which in turn contains the vas deferens, blood vessels, nerves and other structures for the proper functioning of the testicle). This part of the intestine passes, through this duct, to the groin or scrotum area (depending on how large whatever), which can be seen as a bulge or protrusion especially when the male is foot. In this case, the diagnosis is made mainly by physical examination, although an ultrasound or CT scan can be performed to confirm it. Treatment is relatively easy and safe and consists of removing the hernia when it is bothersome for the patient.
  • Tumors Benign tumors (no effect on the body) or malignant (cancer) can appear in the testicles. To differentiate the appearance of a tumor from the aforementioned pathologies, doctors do CTs and MRIs while differentiating malignant from benign tumors are performed biopsies. Biopsies consist of the extraction of a small amount of tissue that we suspect is carcinogenic to study it with different laboratory techniques. Once studied, urologists decide whether the tumor has to be removed or the man can live with it without causing discomfort or illness.
  • Congenital absence of vas deferens. In some cases, certain males can be born without vas deferens. This genetic disease causes sterility and azoospermia (absence of sperm. This disease is not very common in the general population (1 in 1000 men), it is among men who suffer from another disease: cystic fibrosis. Specifically, around 98% of men with cystic fibrosis also have congenital bilaterial absence of the vas deferens. There is no treatment that produces the appearance of the vas deferens but there are treatments that allow to return the fertility to some of these patients by extracting the sperm directly from the testicle and doing fertilization methods in vitro.

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