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The best 10 Psychologists in Morelos

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The psychologist Victor Fernando Perez She has more than 15 years of professional experience and throughout her career she has specialized in serving adolescents, adults, the elderly, couples and also families online.

Graduated in Psychology from the Universidad del Valle de Atemajac, this professional has a Specialty in Brief Systemic Therapy from the Milton H. Erickson de Guadalajara and also has a Certification in Transformational Coaching.

Her intervention integrates Brief Therapy together with the humanistic approach and Coaching, all of them adapted to the needs of each client, with which he attends cases of anxiety and depression, low self-esteem, addictions, divorce and cases of stress.

The psychologist Maria Villasenor She has a degree in Psychology from the prestigious Autonomous University of Mexico and a Master's degree in Human Development from the Motolinía del Pedregal University.

Throughout more than 10 years of career, this professional has specialized in serving adolescents, adults, the elderly and also couples who may present addictions of all kinds, cases of anxiety or depression, family conflicts, low self-esteem and difficulties schoolchildren.

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Her intervention is based on the integration of the humanistic approach together with Mindfulness together with Coaching and other highly effective orientations, all of them adapted to the needs of each client.

The psychologist Maria de Jesus Gutierrez has a Higher Degree in Clinical Psychology from the Universidad del Norte, has a Diploma in Medical Sexology, another in Couple Breakup, a Diploma in Developmental Disorders and a Specialty in Legal Psychology and Forensic.

His intervention is currently offered through the online modality with all possible comforts and in his consultation serves people of all ages, that is, children, adolescents, adults, older adults and also couples

This professional is a specialist in applying Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy together with Mindfulness and other equally effective therapies, with which he treats cases of anxiety and depression, divorce proceedings, sexual difficulties, codependency and spectrum disorders she autistic.

The psychologist Juan Francisco Cruz He has been serving adolescents, adults, seniors, couples and also families who may request his services for more than 15 years.

His intervention is offered online with full guarantees and in his sessions he integrates Brief Therapy together with the cognitive-behavioral approach and Therapy Brief, methodologies with which it deals with family conflicts, family conflicts, low self-esteem, divorce processes, addictions and stress.

Juan Francisco Cruz has a degree in Psychology from UNAM, a Master's degree in Thanatology and also has Diplomas in Forensic Psychology, Multidimensional Family Therapy for addictions and Family Violence, and also in Brief Therapy.

The psychologist Violet Levy she has specialized throughout more than 20 years of career in applying Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, one of the most used by therapists around the world for being evidence-based scientific

Her intervention is offered online to adolescents, adults and also couples who can present cases of anxiety and depression, addictions, codependency, low self-esteem, stress or addictions.

The center Emotional Astronaut She has a team of highly qualified professionals specialized in serving adolescents, adults, couples and also in the family environment online.

The intervention of her therapists is based on the application of the best therapies of proven efficacy, among which the cognitive-behavioral methodology, Brief Therapy or Family Therapy stand out. Couple.

In the Emotional Astronaut center you will find the ideal professional to attend to anxiety cases and depression, stress, emotional difficulties, deficits in anger management and insomnia.

The psychologist Lewis Alcantara She has a Degree in Clinical Psychology from the Intercontinental University, she has a Postgraduate Degree in Clinical Psychotherapy with a focus on Logotherapeutic and has Diplomas in Thanatology and Grief, Logotherapy and Existential Analysis, Couples Therapy and Psychogerontology.

Their intervention is integrative in nature and is offered online to adults, couples and also families that may present family conflicts, infidelities, low self-esteem, anxiety, depression or insomnia.

The psychologist Itzel Diaz Peredo She has a degree in Psychology, she has a Master in Systemic Family Therapy, a Diploma in Couples Therapy and a Diploma in NLP.

His intervention is offered both online and in person, in whose sessions he attends children of all ages. ages, adults, families and also couples who have adjustment disorders, grief processes, depression, anxiety or anorexy.

The psychologist Elsa Gabriela Meza González has specialized throughout more than 20 years of career in serving children over 10 years old, adolescents, adults, couples and families who may present cases of codependency, anxiety, depression, codependency or processes of duel.

This therapist has a degree in Psychology from the Ibero-American University, she has a Diploma in Violence Against Women, she has a Diploma in Couples Therapy and another in Training in Brief Therapy and Systemic

The psychologist Maribel Labias Ramirez She has a BA in Psychology from UAEM, she has a Diploma in Intrafamily Violence, a Certification in Clinical Psychology and a Specialty in Contextual Therapies.

His intervention is offered both in person and online to children over 5 years of age, adolescents, adults, families and couples who may have cases of anxiety, depression, stress, learning disorders, codependency or conduct disorders food.

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