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The 90 best harmony phrases

Harmony allows us to enjoy things in a healthy and more pleasant way, both in the world and within ourselves.

When we achieve a mental, emotional and physical balance, we are able to appreciate the real value of things and discard everything that hurts us.

Next we will see a selection of the best phrases about harmony, commented.

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The most memorable harmony phrases

This is a list with the best quotes and reflections on harmony, which will inspire you.

1. This world belongs to all of us, and all people should be able to live with respect and harmony. (Michelle Yeoh)

To achieve a better world, we must live in harmony.

2. Peace and harmony constitute the greatest wealth of the family. (Benjamin Franklin)

A home with balance is as educational as any institution of instruction.

3. Who lives in harmony does not fear loneliness. (Domenico Cieri Estrada)

When we are at peace with ourselves, solitude is a meeting place.

4. I am color blind. That is why one of my favorite symbols is the peacock, in whose feathers all the colors come together in harmony. (Michael Jackson)
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Did you know this fact about the King of Pop?

5. Take advantage of the moments of happiness, of loving and being loved! That's the only truth in the world, everything else is nonsense. (Leo Tolstoy)

Enjoy every moment of happiness and calm that you have.

6. The harmony of arms does not depend on the kinship of the bodies. (Friedrich Schiller)

Each one seeks his own peace.

7. The only symbol of superiority I know of is kindness. (Ludwig van Beethoven)

A kind person will always have the doors open.

8. Happiness exists on Earth; and it is conquered with the prudent exercise of reason, the knowledge of the harmony of the universe, and the practice of generosity. (Jose Marti)

The only battle that should exist in the world.

9. The color is the keyboard, the eyes are the harmonies, the soul is the piano with many strings. (Wassily Kandinsky)

The harmony within the music.

10. More than a thousand useless words, only one is worth giving peace (Buddha)

Make sure your words are a balm and not a punishment for those you love.

11. How strange it is that nature, although it does not knock on the door, is not an intruder either. (Emily Dickinson)

Nature is the perfect sample of harmony.

12. Nature considered through reason, that is, subjected as a whole to the work of thought, is the unity in the diversity of phenomena, the harmony between created things. (Alexander Von Humboldt)

Another reference to the harmony that exists within nature.

13. Action gives power. All harmony pervades God's universe. (Ellen G. White)

When we begin to have positive thoughts, our life is better organized.

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14. The essence of a free government consists in knowing how to put an effective stop to all rivalries. (John Adams)

Every government must bring peace and equity to its people.

15. Living in harmony with the universe is living full of joy, love and abundance. (Shakti Gawain)

Why be bitter when we can live in peace?

16. When we learn to live from the soul, several things happen. (Deepak Chopra)

All good things on the outside start when we are good on the inside.

Harmony reflections

17. If there is light in the soul, there will be beauty in the person; if there is beauty in the person, there will be harmony in the home; if there is harmony in the home, there will be order in the nation; if there is order in the nation, there will be peace in the world. (Chinese proverb)

A call to the importance of taking care of our interior.

18. There is no such thing as a bad day, we just take a bad time and choose to carry it with us all day.

In each experience we can take valuable lessons.

19. Virtue is harmony. (Pythagoras)

Good customs provide balance in the world.

20. The most disadvantageous peace is better than the most just war (Erasmus of Rotterdam)

No war is favorable.

21. Man has made the earth hell for animals. (Arthur Schopenhauer)

An unfortunate reality.

22. Harmony makes small things grow; the lack of it causes great things to deteriorate. (Sallust)

Harmony shows us the importance of everything.

23. Harmony is a beautiful balance between mind, body and soul that is measured in tender and peaceful moments. (Melanie Koulouris)

A very beautiful way of referring to the impact of harmony.

24. Unity makes us as strong as disunity is weak. (Aesop)

No team can work properly if there is no balance.

25. We are in this world to live in harmony. Those who know do not fight each other. (Buddha)

All peace begins with understanding and respect for others.

26. My harmony is real and I will never allow anything or anyone to take it away from me because it is my essence. (Marcela Otero)

Don't let other people want to change you.

27. I don't know if it's tiredness, maturity or resignation, but there are things that I don't want to discuss anymore. (Jorge Schubert)

Things change meaning over time.

28. Happiness is when what you think, what you say and what you do are in harmony. (Mahatma Gandhi)

True happiness comes from tranquility.

29. Everything in the world is done through a gradual process. This seems to be the great principle of harmony in the universe. (William Godwin)

Each thing has its time and place.

30. We are all valuable instruments in the orchestration of the world and its harmony. (Suzy Kassem)

Each person has an important role in this world.

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31. Life flourishes when it is in a state of harmony and balance. (Angie Karan Krezos)

Everything flourishes when there is care, love and dedication.

32. Patience is intelligence, therefore it is balance and harmony of the spirit. (Norys Uribe Santana)

Patience helps us to better handle circumstances.

33. We have learned to express the finest nuances of feeling by delving deeper into the mysteries of harmony. (Robert Schumann)

When you know yourself, you are better able to express yourself.

34. How can we live in harmony? First we need to know that we are all equally loved by the same God. (Thomas Aquinas)

Ways in which it is possible to live in harmony.

35. Calm in the soul... that life is responsible for explaining things that today do not make sense.

You cannot control everything, so it is better to accept it and learn.

36. Happiness is not a question of intensity, but of balance, order, rhythm and harmony. (Thomas Merton)

Recipe to achieve happiness.

37. But what is happiness if not the simple harmony between man and the life he leads? (Albert Camus)

When we do what we love, it is easy to achieve satisfaction.

38. Our hearts resonate with the same frequency as the Earth and the Universe. Therefore, we are all valuable instruments in the orchestration of the world and its harmony. (Suzy Kassem)

It is not impossible to maintain a balance with nature.

39. All the peace you will find on top of the mountain is the one you brought with you. (Zen proverb)

Never put humility aside, even if you reach the top.

40. The element of harmony is very important. (Pharrell Williams)

Nobody wants to live in chaos and bitterness.

41. The trials on the way to world harmony are no greater than the courage of those who accept the challenge. (Carl Lewis)

To reach harmony, it is necessary to go through different complicated situations.

42. To survive in peace and harmony, united and strong, we must have a people, a nation, a flag. (Pauline Hanson)

We must remember that we are all human.

43. Like everything metaphysical, the harmony between thought and reality must be found in the grammar of the language. (Ludwig Wittgenstein)

Good communication is the foundation for better relationships.

44. Art is a harmony parallel to nature. (Paul Cezanne)

There is no better teacher than nature.

45. He who dominates his anger dominates his worst enemy. (Confucius)

Do not get carried away by your emotions, because it can be very harmful.

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46. The opposite agrees, and from the discordant the most beautiful harmony is formed, and everything is engendered by discord. (Heraclitus)

Differences make us unique, not enemies.

47. The harmony of colors must be based solely on the principle of adequate contact with the human soul, that is, on what we will call the principle of inner necessity. (Wassily Kandinski)

The way we use colors.

48. I want everything to be beautiful, in harmony with Nature. (Ricardo Flores Magón)

There is nothing more inspiring than living in harmony with our environment.

49. One must be in harmony with the force and not in opposition to it. (Bruce Lee)

The important thing is to be able to handle it correctly.

50. I believe that on the last day of the world, in the moment of eternal harmony, something so sublime will happen that it will make all hearts overflow. (Fyodor Dostoyevsky)

An interesting prediction about the ending.

51. When the mind and body are in harmony, life works better. (Caroline Prohosky)

In this way we can better handle things and face problems with a positive attitude.

52. Happiness is mental harmony; unhappiness is mental chaos. (James Allen)

An interesting reflection to analyze.

53. He who lives in harmony with himself, lives in harmony with the universe. (Marcus Aurelius)

He is also capable of accepting others without prejudice.

54. The universe is not required to be in perfect harmony with human ambition. (Carl Sagan)

It is one thing to be motivated and quite another to let ourselves be blinded by our desire.

55. Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes, do not resist them. It just creates pain. Let reality be reality. (Lao Tse)

Changes are never bad if we know how to take advantage of them.

56. Whether we can achieve world harmony or not, we have no better alternative than to work towards that goal. (Dalai Lama)

Every great goal has been achieved with small goals.

57. Your body and mine, kept secrets, and a rare harmony. (Celeste Carballo)

Harmony in passion.

58. Not all spiritual paths lead to harmonious unity. In fact, most are detours and distractions and nothing else. (Lao Tse)

We even have to be very careful so that our beliefs do not absorb us.

59. You are only afraid if you are not in harmony with yourself. People are afraid because they have never confessed to themselves. (Hermann Hesse)

Fear is just an obstacle to overcome with our own confidence.

60. Harmony with the earth is like harmony with a friend; you cannot appreciate his right hand and cut off his left. I mean, you can't love the game and hate predators. (Aldo Leopold)

Harmony is accepting the good and bad things in life.

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61. We can only dominate nature if we obey it. (Francis Bacon)

Nature is wiser than all of us.

62. When the power of love surpasses the love of power, the world will know peace (Jimi Hendrix)

An important reflection on our actions.

63. The highest education is that it not only gives us information but puts our life in harmony with all of existence. (Rabindranath Tagore)

Education is not just knowing and now, but applying that knowledge in a positive way.

64. Ask and have faith. Everything comes at the right time.

The first thing you need to achieve something is confidence in yourself.

65. With one eye silenced by the power of harmony and the deep power of joy, we see the life of things. William)

The way we can see the real value of things.

66. Be in harmony, but be different. (Confucius)

Being in harmony does not imply being equal to others.

67. Harmony is a state whose spiritual expression is love. (James Allen)

Harmony and hatred cannot exist at the same time.

68. Just as the eyes are trained for astronomy, the ears are trained to perceive the movements of harmony. (Plato)

Harmony begins with words.

69. Beauty is being in harmony with who you are. (Peter Nivio Zarlenga)

Beauty begins with accepting ourselves and being better people.

70. Even the smallest daily task can be humanized with the harmony of culture. (Alvar Aalto)

Never discount the power of actions and small things.

71. Peace is a gift from God and, at the same time, a task for everyone (John Paul II)

Everyone has the responsibility to apply it.

72. The more in harmony with yourself you are, the happier you will be and the more faithful you will be. Faith is not disconnecting yourself from reality: it connects you with reality. (Paulo Coelho)

Always seek to have a good balance.

73. Detachment means not feeling any remorse for the past or fear for the future; let life run its course without trying to interfere with its movement and change. (Alan Watts)

The true detachment that we should all practice.

74. Peace is not only our ultimate goal, but also the only way we will achieve our goal. (Martin Luther King)

It is both the way and the end.

75. Life is not acceptable unless the body and spirit live in good harmony, if there is not a natural balance between them and if they do not experience a natural respect for each other. (David Herbert Lawrence)

The way we can fully enjoy life.

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76. Wherever you meet the public, spreading a message of human values, spreading a message of harmony, is the most important thing. (Dalai Lama)

Try to make a positive impact whenever you can.

77. Harmony is something we must have with others, but it must first begin within us. (David)

We cannot treat others well if we do not treat ourselves well.

78. The total harmony of this world is formed by a natural agglomeration of discords. (Seneca)

Differences are what allow harmony in the world.

79. Music is the harmony of heaven and earth. (Yuel JI)

We all enjoy good music.

80. The life ahead can only be glorious if you learn to live in total harmony with the Lord. (Sai Baba)

Faith helps to find inner balance.

81. By studying ourselves, we find the harmony that is our total existence. We do not make harmony. We did not make it and we did not win it. It is there all the time. (John Daishin Buksbazen)

Harmony is within us.

82. I live in a loving, abundant and harmonious Universe, and I am in complete gratitude. (Louise Hay)

Be grateful for everything you have.

83. Hidden harmony is better than the obvious. (Pablo Picasso)

That is why we must never let ourselves be carried away by appearances.

84. Peacekeeping begins with self-satisfaction of each individual (Dalai Lama)

People must be good with themselves to be good with others.

85. A woman in harmony with her spirit is like a flowing river. She goes where she wants without pretending and arrives at her destination prepared to be herself and only herself. (Maya Angelou)

An interesting reflection on getting where we want to go.

86. Rituals are the formulas by which harmony is restored. (Terry Tempest Williams)

Having a routine is good if you enjoy it and it helps you stay focused.

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87. Grace is the result of inner harmony. (Marie Von Ebner)

If we are good on the inside, this is expressed on the outside.

88. From discord he finds harmony. (Albert Einstein)

From chaos you can also create balance.

89. The opposition brings harmony. Out of discord arises the most just harmony. (Heraclitus)

Conflicting reactions can lead to a balance.

90. May harmony find you. (Atticus)

A nice way to wish someone well.

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