Education, study and knowledge

The 90 best science phrases

Science is a field as wide as the cosmos itself; Through it, every day we can discover something new or find a new change in an old knowledge. In addition, science is dynamic and is always looking for ways to improve in order to contribute to the advancement of humanity.

This time we will review the most interesting science phrases, a very useful way to understand the characteristics and functioning of this way of researching and creating knowledge.

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The most memorable science phrases

This list with the best science phrases provides many interesting phrases and reflections on this human activity of knowledge generation.

1. Science is always worthwhile, because its discoveries, sooner or later, always apply. (Severo Ochoa)

Science is part of the advancement of humanity.

2. A little science takes us away from God, but a lot of science brings us back to Him. (Louis Pasteur)

Science and religion need not necessarily be at odds.

3. Science is the progressive approach of man to the real world. (Max Planck)

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There is always something new to discover in this world.

4. Science is the father of knowledge, but opinions are what breed ignorance. (Hippocrates)

Therefore, it is better not to get carried away by the opinion of others.

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5. Science is an endeavor that can only flourish if truth is put ahead of nationality, ethnicity, class, and color. (John C. Polanyi)

Science should not be restrictive.

6. Our science has made us cynical; our intelligence, hard and lacking in feelings. (Charles Chaplin)

Never put your feelings aside.

7. What we know is a drop, what we do not know is an ocean. (Isaac Newton)

There are thousands of mysteries yet to be discovered.

8. Mathematics is the science of order and measurement, of beautiful chains of reasoning, all simple and easy. (Rene Descartes)

Mathematics is everywhere.

9. The experimenter who does not know what he is looking for will not understand what he finds. (Claude Bernard)

You need to have a getting started guide.

10. Science is the key to our future and if you don't believe in science then you are holding us all back. (Bill Nye)

Science is necessary for the development of any nation.

11. Science is easily corrupted if we let it stagnate. (Edmund Burke)

So science needs to be dynamic.

12. Applied sciences do not exist, what exist are applications of science. (Louis Pasteur)

Science is multi-diverse.

13. It is those who know little, and not those who know a lot, who affirm positively that this or that problem can never be solved by science. (Charles Darwin)

It is not always the opinion of the majority that counts.

14. In Science the only sacred truth is that there are no sacred truths. (Carl Sagan)

No truth is absolute.

15. The truths that science reveals always outnumber the dreams that it destroys. (Joseph E. Renan)

Sometimes the greatest discoveries come from the worst tragedies.

Reflections on science

16. Science is the aesthetics of intelligence. (Gaston Bachelard)

A sample of what our ability can create.

17. Science serves to give us an idea of ​​how vast our ignorance is. (Robert De Lamennais)

What we do not know is always greater.

18. We have to realize that science is actually a double-edged sword. (Michio Kaku)

It is the best form of evolution, but it can also be used as punishment for humanity.

19. The history of science shows us that theories are perishable. (Nicholas Tesla)

All scientific theory is subject to change.

20. Science that deviates from justice, rather than science should be called cunning. (Cicero)

Science should never be used to generate evil.

21. Science is proud of how much it has learned; wisdom is humble because it knows no more. (William Cowper)

All new knowledge should make us humble, not arrogant.

22. Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more so that we can fear less. (Marie Curie)

All knowledge must be used to understand and empathize with the unknown.

23. A subtle wrong thought can lead to fruitful inquiry that reveals valuable truths. (Isaac Asimov)

In science, trial and error is always the law.

24. A men love marvel. This is the seed of the science. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

Scientists are people who find beauty in every new discovery.

25. True science teaches, above all else, to doubt and to be ignorant. (Miguel de Unamuno)

Science invites us to continue discovering new things.

26. Equipped with his five senses, man explores the universe around him and calls this the adventure of science. (Edwin Hubble)

Each scientific discovery is the result of a journey of exploration.

27. Apollo, the god of medicine, used to send disease. In the beginning, the two offices were one, and it still is. (Anonymous)

Sometimes, to find a solution, it is necessary to create a problem.

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28. What I love most about science is that as you learn, you don't really get answers, you just have better questions. (John Green)

What science actually leaves us.

29. It is strange that only extraordinary people make discoveries that then appear easily and simply. (Georg Lichtenberg)

Anyone who has the skill and passion can be a scientist.

30. Science is the systematic classification of experience. (George Henry Lewes)

All experience brings us a series of results to learn.

31. Science and literature carry within them the reward of the labors and vigils that are devoted to them. (Andres Bello)

Every result in science is fruitful.

32. What began today as a science fiction novel will be finished as a report tomorrow. (Arthur C. Clarke)

The everyday things of today were the impossible wonders of the past.

33. In matters of science, the authority of thousands is worth no more than the humble reasoning of a single individual. (Galileo)

In science it is important to listen and have an open mind.

34. The birth of science was the death of superstition. (Thomas Henry Huxley)

The best way to scare away ignorance.

35. Science is the great antidote to the poison of enthusiasm and superstition. (Adam Smith)

Science gives us a real explanation of things that were previously feared due to ignorance,

36. A scientist has the destiny of humans in his hand, because it is in his hands that we live longer and better.

A hopeful and terrifying reality alike.

37. The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society acquires wisdom. (Isaac Asimov)

It is useless to have new discoveries, if people do not want to hear them.

38. Every day we know more and understand less. (Albert Einstein)

For every thing we learn, there is a new thing that we ignore.

39. All credit belongs to the first inventor. (Pindar)

Each inventor should have their due recognition.

40. The end of speculative science is truth, and the end of practical science is action. (Aristotle)

The objectives of science.

41. Four things cannot be hidden for long: science, stupidity, wealth and poverty. (Averroes)

Things always come to light.

42. The best doctor is the one who knows the uselessness of most medicines. (Benjamin Franklin)

Doctors should be the most humane people.

43. A true scientist solves problems, he does not regret not being able to solve them. (Anne McCaffrey)

The attitude that scientists should have.

44. Before anything else, preparation is the key to success (Alexander Graham Bell)

No one can be successful without preparation.

45. Science is the acceptance of what works and the rejection of what doesn't. For that you need more courage than you think. (Jacob Bronowski)

In science you must accept the good and the bad.

46. You never know where the next leap forward will come from, or from whom.

Something beautiful about science is that it always surprises us.

47. Science is believing in the ignorance of scientists. (Richard Phillips Feynman)

Even in science it is necessary to seek second opinions.

48. When a prestigious but elderly scientist claims that something is impossible, he is most likely wrong. (Arthur C. Clarke)

In this world, the novelty is also aimed at having young scientists.

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49. Success in artificial intelligence is the worst thing that could happen to humanity. (Stephen Hawking)

A critique of artificial intelligences.

50. Politicians are shortsighted and science is long-term. (Maria Josefa Yzuel)

Science seeks long-lasting results.

51. Doubt is the mother of discovery. (Ambrose Bierce)

The greatest discoveries originate from a doubt.

52. Science does not know countries because knowledge belongs to humanity, and it is the torch that illuminates the world. (Louis Pasteur)

Knowledge is for everyone.

53. Science never solves one problem without creating 10 more. (George Bernard Shaw)

Doubts that have no end.

54. The important thing in science is not so much to obtain new data, but to discover new ways of thinking about it. (William Lawrence Bragg)

The novelty is not restricted to new things, but favorable changes in old knowledge.

55. Nature has given us the seeds of knowledge, not knowledge itself. (Seneca)

Knowledge is something we seek on our own.

56. A man who dares to waste an hour has not discovered the value of life. (Charles Darwin)

A call to action and to take advantage of our time.

57. The end of all exploration will be to arrive at the starting point and see the place for the first time. (Thomas S. Eliot)

A beginning that has no end.

58. Research is what I do when I don't know what I'm doing. (Wernher von Braun)

Do your research when you feel the need to.

59. Has science promised happiness? I do not believe it. He has promised the truth and the question is whether with the truth one day happiness will be achieved. (Emilé Zola)

Science reveals the truth to us, whatever it may be.

60. There is hardly a scientific axiom that has not been denied by someone in our day. (Max Planck)

The advance within science itself.

61. Every sentence that I utter cannot be considered a statement but a question. (Niels Bohr)

How scientists should take the floor.

62. Science without religion is lame and religion without science is blind. (Albert Einstein)

Another claim that both institutions can go hand in hand.

63. Science is a center in some hands, while in others it is just a stick. (Michel Eyquem de Montaigne)

It all depends on the enthusiasm and ambitions of the people.

64. Human science is more about destroying errors than discovering truths. (Socrates)

The purpose that science should have.

65. Almost everything that distinguishes the modern world from that of centuries past is attributable to science. (Bertrand Russell)

What science represents for human history.

66. The goal of science is to discover and illuminate the truth. (Rachel Carson)

Truth is the sole purpose of any new discovery.

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67. Not everything is math and not everything is simple logic, it is also about a bit of beauty and poetry. (Maria Montessori)

Science shouldn't be in conflict with human sensibilities either.

68. What is research but a blind date with knowledge? (Will Harvey)

If you want to know something, do your research.

69. For believing people, God is at the beginning. For scientists it is the end of all their reflections. (Max Planck)

God can also be an important figure in science.

70. The good thing about science is that it is true regardless of whether or not you believe in it. (Neil deGrasse Tyson)

You cannot hide the truth.

71. Science will always be a search, never a real discovery. It is a journey, never an arrival. (Karl Raimund Popper)

It is an eternal path, never a fixed goal.

72. The most useful science is the one whose fruit is the most communicable. (Leonardo da Vinci)

A new discovery is useless if it is not possible for everyone to understand.

73. The role of science is to produce economy of thought, as the machine saves economy of force. (Henri Poincaré)

One of the goals of science is to invite people to use their curiosity.

74. Science is like the earth: only a small part can be owned. (Isaac Newton)

Science is as infinite as mysteries in the universe.

75. Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life. (Immanuel Kant)

A way of seeing what science represents.

76. Science without consciousness is nothing but the ruin of the soul. (Rabelais)

No advance can be evidenced without first being tested.

77. With numbers you can demonstrate anything. (Thomas Carlyle)

The reality of mathematics.

78. Art is the tree of life. Science is the tree of death. (William Blake)

Many ghoulish discoveries have been exposed in the name of science.

79. Science is a way of life, a perspective. (Brian Greene)

It is also a passion for some.

80. Science advances to steps, not leaps. (Thomas B. Macaualay)

In this field, things are accomplished with patience.

81. Science, it can be said, has discovered that our existence is infinitely improbable, so here is a miracle. (Lee Strobel)

Science is proof that we can work miracles.

82. Mathematics does not lie, there are many lying mathematicians. (Henry David Thoreau)

Never stay with what it teaches you, search on your own.

83. Religion is a culture of faith; science is a culture of doubt. (Richard P. Feynman)

Doubt is the basis of all science.

84. No great discovery has been made without first making a bold guess. (Isaac Newton)

It all starts with a thought.

85. We especially need imagination in science. (Maria Montessori)

Imagination is essential for any investigative work.

86. Connect with a scientist and you will be connecting with a child. (Ray Bradbury)

Scientists have the souls of curious children.

87. I think the reason people are less interested in science today than they were fifty years ago is that it has become very complicated. (James Watson)

For most people, science is unintelligible.

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88. Science is made up of errors, which, in turn, are the steps towards truth. (Julio Verne)

Errors that give way to innovative resolutions.

89. With each new truth revealed, we have a better understanding of nature and our conceptions, and our views, are modified. (Nicholas Tesla)

All knowledge must be used to eradicate any kind of ignorance.

90. Scientists do not pursue the truth, it is the truth that persecutes them. (Karl Schlechta)

The truth always finds its way out.

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