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The 80 best punctuality phrases

One of the standards of courtesy par excellence is punctuality, because it is a sign of respect for the time invested and a way of recognizing the effort of others to respect us. In addition, it talks about our level of commitment, responsibility and interest without the need to verbalize it.

To understand this concept in all its nuances, here we will see a selection of the best punctuality phrases, commented.

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The most memorable phrases about punctuality

Here we bring the best phrases about punctuality, which show us the importance of keeping our word and taking advantage of the opportunities to coincide with others.

1. Being on time for appointments and meetings is a phase of self-discipline and evidence of self-respect. (Marvin J. Ashton)

A sample of good manners.

2. Lack of punctuality is the thief of time. (Oscar Wilde)

Punctuality allows us to organize ourselves, and doing without it is a loss.

3. Better three hours too early than one minute too late. (William Shakespeare)

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About the asymmetry between the importance of the lack and the excess of punctuality.

4. By practicing the qualities of patience, punctuality, and honesty, you will have a better opinion of the world around you. (Grenville Kleiser)

Qualities necessary to have a better relationship with the world.

5. Punctuality is the lifeblood of business. (Thomas Chandler Haliburton)

Punctuality was necessary for professionalism.

6. I always try to be very punctual, since I have observed that the defects of a person are reflected very vividly in the memory of those who wait for them. (Nicolas Boileau)

Always try to practice good habits.

7. The essential quality for a good cook is punctuality, but it is also that of the guests. (Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin)

Punctuality is given and received.

8. Most of the time, success depends on knowing how long it should take to achieve it. (Montesquieu)

Success doesn't come overnight.

9. The best advice is always given by experience, but it always comes too late. (Amelot De La Houssaye)

That is why time is wise.

10. In my poor life, so vulgar and calm, phrases are adventures and I do not pick any other flowers than metaphors. (Gustave Flaubert)

Collect the things you learn from your experiences.

11. Informality in keeping an appointment is a clear act of dishonesty. You can still steal someone's money if you steal their time. (Horace Mann)

A robbery is a robbery, even if it is of time.

12. Nothing richer than a person who arrives on time. (Anonymous)

Punctual people offer a better perspective on themselves.

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13. If you want to teach your children punctuality, start being punctual yourself. (Anonymous)

Children learn from their parents' actions.

14. Punctuality is not just about getting to a place at the right time, it is also about taking action at the right time. (Amit Kalantri)

Do not delay in making the decisions you need.

15. Be punctual: time is our most precious gift. Punctuality is our particular reverence for death. (Maria Fornet)

Take advantage of every moment you have.

Punctuality reflections

16. Punctuality is a compliment that the courteous person pays her associates. (Marvin J. Ashton)

It is the first step to a good relationship.

17. It's hard to be trustworthy when people have to wait for you. (Wes Fessler)

Expecting a person too much, generates distrust.

18. Punctuality is the education of kings. (Louis XVIII)

Punctuality is an act of education.

19. People know that I have adopted four principles in living my life: simple life, punctuality, hard work, and prudence. (Abdul Sattar Edhi)

Principles that can change our way of life.

20. Continued lack of punctuality is an indicator of lack of interest, laziness, and clutter. (Unknown)

What exists behind the lateness.

21. In the ordinary business of life, punctuality is necessary. (Bertrand Russell)

Being on time is necessary for anything you want to do.

22. I have never made much sense of a lack of punctuality. If you're going to arrive at 12 instead of 11:30, why don't you say so sooner? (Unknown)

When you can not comply, notify.

23. The firmness in the negotiation begins with being punctual in the meeting. (Santiago Posteguillo)

Punctuality is necessary for business.

24. Punctuality is a virtue if you don't mind feeling lonely.

Nobody wants to work with a disinterested person.

25. If a person takes more than 15 minutes to get to a meeting, leave and he will not do it anymore, you are within your right. (Anonymous)

If someone doesn't show up, don't wait for it.

26. The value of marriage does not lie in adults making children; but for children to become adults. (Peter de Vries)

Children need to be taught to be independent people.

27. I could never think well of a man's intellectual or moral character if he was habitually unfaithful to dating him. (Nathaniel Emmons)

A late person has no interest in anything profitable.

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28. I'm already waiting for the Last Orgasm with Lady Death... sooner or later... (Joan Sancho)

The wait for death sometimes becomes eternal.

29. Punctuality shows that you respect the other person; If the other person is usually late, they are disrespecting you.

Punctuality equals respect.

30. Punctuality is the virtue of the boring. (Evelyn Waugh)

A virtue not to be missed.

31. If I have made an appointment with you, I owe you punctuality, I have no right to waste your time. (Richard Cecil)

Be true to your commitments.

32. Preparation and punctuality are two of the most important qualities of a leader. (John A. Widtsoe)

A leader should always set a good example.

33. The problem with being punctual is that no one is there to appreciate it, except yourself, that is, the most important person in your life. (Franklin P. Jones)

The person who should always be proud of you is yourself.

34. I could never have done what I did without the habits of punctuality, order and diligence, without the determination to focus on one subject at a time. (Charles Dickens)

To achieve a goal it is necessary to have organization and discipline.

35. Punctuality is the first step to success. (Nishtunishaa)

Having good values ​​is essential to succeed.

36. You arrive early, on the hour or late, depending on whether you love a lot, love still, or don't love at all. (Diane de Beausacq)

It all depends on our interest.

37. Punctuality means doing something in a certain period of time. (Anonymous)

It is a commitment that you should not delay.

38. Punctuality is not about being on time, it is basically about honoring your own commitments.

It is a show of seriousness and fidelity to your word.

39. Punctuality ranks high on my list of unforgivable sins. (Dorothy Cannell)

Not all people are able to arrive on time.

40. Don't be late for your children's important appointments if you don't want them to be late for their appointments with you.

A very important phrase to ponder.

41. Punctuality is the courtesy of kings, said Louis XIV. It is also the duty of gentlemen and the need of businessmen. (Samuel Smiles)

The importance behind punctuality.

42. I owe all my success in life to having always been a quarter of an hour ahead of my time. (Horacio Nelson)

It is not just attending an appointment before, but anticipating scenarios before they happen.

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43. Method and punctuality are so unnatural to man that, where they exist, they are commonly the effect of education or discipline. (W. B. Clulow)

There is no greater sample of education than to be on time.

44. If you think about being late because you think the other person will be late, you are letting yourself be carried away by the behavior of others.

Take control of your actions.

45. Punctuality is the art of guessing how late the other partner will be.

A very peculiar way of observing punctuality.

46. If you are late because everyone else is doing it, you are just one more sheep in the flock.

Sometimes being different means having good manners.

47. The lack of punctuality is the lack of virtue. (John M. Mason)

There is no better way to explain it.

48. There is nothing made by the hand of man that sooner or later time will not destroy. (Cicero)

Time is unforgiving.

49. Too early in life it is too late. (Marguerite Duras)

Don't wait too long to do the things you love.

50. Where there are children, there is the Golden Age. (Novalis)

Children are the future of any nation.

51. If you don't consider yourself a thief, why do you steal time?

Respect the time of others.

52. Punctuality is an essential trait of the teacher. It is a foundation, not an ornament. (Boyd K. Packer)

Teach others to be punctual.

53. Punctuality is a virtue like any other, and it requires as much habit as any other.

A skill that can take you very far.

54. That man who is regular and punctual will be sure of success in all areas of life. (Sivananda Saraswati)

A favorable premonition.

55. It is difficult to prove its reliability when people are required to wait for it. (Wes Fesler)

Nobody trusts a person who keeps them waiting.

56. The firmness in the negotiation begins with being punctual in the meeting. (Santiago Posteguillo)

It all depends on the level of commitment you show.

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57. Punctuality is one of the cardinal virtues of the business: always insist on your subordinates. (Don Marquis)

When you are punctual, also demand that they respect your time.

58. If you don't like being robbed, don't let them steal your time.

You cannot demand something that you do not give.

59. Punctuality is not just limited to getting to places at the right time, but taking action at the right time. (Amit Kalantri)

A very important clarification on what punctuality is also about.

60. Being late is a way of saying that your own time is more important than the time of the person waiting for you. (Karen Joy Fowler)

It is a way of despising the effort of others.

61. I think the only way to face fatality correctly is to be on time. (Jennifer Dubois)

When we solve something in the moment, we prevent the problem from growing.

62. Punctuality is closely related to loyalty and reliability. Being late can be associated with disinterest, apathy, laziness, and procrastination. (Sterling W. Sill)

Punctuality versus unpunctuality.

63. If you have been told that you are late and unreliable more than once, then not only are you lacking in punctuality, but you are lacking decency and seriousness, which is certainly very annoying. (Auliq Ice)

There is always something behind being late.

64. It is my conviction that the individual who is habitually late for an appointment will never be respected or successful in life. (Wilbur Fisk)

Sooner or later your disinterest will take its toll.

65. Enjoy today, it's later than you think. (Chinese proverb)

Do not let things happen.

68. Punctuality is a quality whose need is linked to social cooperation. (Bertrand Russell)

Everyone must commit to being on time.

69. Punctuality is not a Spanish defect. (Fernando Díaz-Plaja)

Many people have punctuality problems.

70. I believe in punctuality, although it makes me feel very lonely. (AND. V. Luke)

Sometimes it is better to do the right things, even if they make you feel lonely.

71. If you are 15 minutes before you have arrived on time. If you're on time, you're late, and if you're late, you didn't want to be there. (Unknown)

An interesting reflection on time and interest.

72. The delay of one generates a spiral of lost time in the others. (Ana Merino)

Remember that it is not you who is affected, but those around you.

73. Water, wait and late I sowed, God knows what to collect. (Popular saying)

What you reap are all the good and bad deeds in your life.

74. In the afternoon get up early and get married later, you have regretted it. (Popular saying)

We always regret not getting things done on time.

75. Punctuality shows security and control of the situation. (Reyes Monforte)

Punctuality shows control.

76. Strict punctuality is perhaps the cheapest virtue that can give strength to a completely insignificant character. (John Frederick Boyes)

Reflections on forcing someone to be punctual.

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77. Never put off for tomorrow what you can do today. (Lord Chesterfield)

One of the best phrases about taking advantage of time.

78. As we keep a man waiting, he will reflect on our shortcomings. (Anonymous)

We show our worst face when we make someone wait.

79. A man consumes the time you make him wait thinking about your failures, so don't be late! (Arthur Guiterman)

There is no clearer way to represent the importance of punctuality.

80. Even if a farmer intends to laze around, he gets up in time to get an early start. (Edgar Watson Howe)

When we start on time, we can find moments of relaxation.

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