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The 95 best fame phrases

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"Fame" is a word that comes from Latin and means "reputation" and "rumor"; It is a quality that a person acquires such as an actor or a singer, but it can also be obtained through smaller scale by having a low profile, such as by winning a writing contest in the school.

Be that as it may, fame is something that many desire but few understand. Therefore, below we will do a review of the best phrases about fame, commented.

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The most memorable quotes about fame

In this compilation of the best quotes about fame we can see how it can change people's lives for better or for worse.

1. Fame is very easy to get. The difficult thing is to deserve it. (Albert Camus)

Not all people get the long-awaited fame no matter how hard they try.

2. Often the greats are unknown or worse, poorly known. (Thomas Carlyle)

Many notable people, due to the fact of dedicating themselves to their activity or due to external limitations, cannot become known.

3. You will achieve a good reputation by striving to be what you want to appear. (Socrates)

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Do not focus on pretending that you are not.

4. Fame is something that must be earned. Honor is something not to be missed. (Schopenhauer)

Being famous is easy, having honor is not.

5. I will not be a rock star. I will be a legend. (Freddie Mercury)

It is not the same to be known than to endure in time.

6. A celebrity is a person who is known to many people whom you are glad you do not know. (Henry-Louis Mencken)

The people around us are not always known.

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7. A sign of having spent your own fame is taking care of the infamy of others. (Baltasar Gracián)

Don't focus on offending others, live your life.

8. Right arm, servant of ladies and defender of the fame of him.

The man must honor the woman.

9. What does fame mean? Do you feel the river, the foam? For fame is foam in the stream of life. (Rabindranath Tagore)

Fame is superficial.

10. Get a good reputation and go to sleep. (Saying)

A person will be judged and known by the way he acts.

11. Something of the myopia of the admirers is always ascribed to the glory of the most famous. (Georg. C. Lichtenberg)

When we admire someone it is difficult to see his mistakes.

12. The only thing worse than bad health is bad reputation. (Gabriel Garcia Marquez)

An ill-gotten fame is the worst thing that can happen to a person.

13. The exaggerated ego usually destroys the fame of those who have achieved it too quickly.

The ego is a feeling that never brings good things.

14. Fame for men is like hair: it grows after death, when it is of little use to them. (Albert Einstein)

Fame comes when it is useless.

15. Money is like sea water: the more you drink, the greater your thirst. The same applies to fame. (Arthur Schopenhauer)

Fame is something that when you have it, you want more.

Reflections on fame

16. The most difficult thing about fame is knowing how to carry it, if you don't get it, you may lose it soon.

Knowing how to drive to fame is such a difficult thing to do.

17. The fame of many prophets rests on the bad memory of their listeners. (Secondo Tranquili)

The bad memory of many is what allows other people to achieve success.

18. To opinion and fame let us give them their due place; that they do not pretend to guide us, but rather follow us. (Seneca)

Popularity is a very difficult thing to handle.

19. There is only one thing worse in the world than being the person you are talking about and that is being someone you are not talking about. (Oscar Wilde)

Not being recognized is the fear of many.

20. For yourself, not for fame or money, you have to keep fighting. (Charles Bukowski)

Don't give up, fight to be yourself.

21. Good reputation is rich jewelery.

Everything good brings a prize.

22. The fame is dangerous, the weight of it is light at first, but it becomes more and more heavy to bear and difficult to unload. (Hesiod)

Fame is a gift that over time becomes very heavy.

23. The man of the day is usually the man of the day. (Irving Stone)

There are very ephemeral things in life.

24. I am just myself. I think being genuine is succeeding. (Freddie Mercury)

Not being a copy of anyone is the best way to achieve success.

25. Fame is hollow. Amplify what's there. If there is any doubt, hatred, or lack of ability to connect with people, fame will magnify it. (Alanis Morissette)

Fame brings ego and this pride and arrogance.

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26. The water runs, the sand remains; the money goes, the bag remains; the man dies, the name remains. (Turkish proverb)

He lives in such a way that you are fondly remembered.

27. I have not cultivated my fame, which will be fleeting. (Jorge Luis Borges)

Fame is fleeting.

28. The really important thing is not reaching the top; but knowing how to stay in it. (Alfred de Musset)

When you succeed, he works in such a way that you never lose it.

29. The actors are very happy, because they have glory without responsibility. (Alfred de Vigny)

Being recognized is something that requires responsibility.

30. The famous man has the bitterness of having his chest cold and pierced by deaf lanterns directed by others. (Federico García Lorca)

Popularity causes a rebound effect if you don't know how to drive.

31. The destiny of all great men is to be slandered during their lifetime, and admired after their death. (Paul Morand)

Death offers the recognition that life does not.

32. Fame is a vapor, popularity is an accident, and riches are wings. Only one thing endures and that is character. (Horace Greeley)

Everything passes and the only thing that remains is the personality.

33. You will achieve a good reputation by striving to be what you want to appear. (Socrates)

Don't focus on what you want to look like, bet on who you are.

34. The reputation of integrity constitutes a second heritage. Many people watch their reputation and don't watch their conscience. (Publio Siro)

Having a clear conscience is better than a fleeting notoriety.

35. Famous men have the eternal earth for their grave. (Pericles)

Fame well achieved will be immortal.

36. One of the main dangers of this job is that fame can go to your head. (Penelope Cruz)

Words that highlight how easy it is to fall into the clutches of fame.

37. Often the greats are unknown or worse, poorly known. (Thomas Carlyle)

Many people who think they are important are not as well known as they think.

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38. The fame of some contemporaries has a lot to do with the foolishness of their admirers. (Anonymous)

Poorly focused admiration does a lot of damage.

39. A famous person is one who spends his whole life trying to get people to know him and when everyone already knows him he wears sunglasses so that no one recognizes him.

When we work to be recognized, then we look for a way to go unnoticed.

40. The fame of great men should always be judged by the means they used to obtain it. (François La Rochefoucauld)

There are people who manage to be popular using the wrong means.

41. A clear conscience laughs at the lies of fame.

Having a clear conscience is priceless.

42. Ephemeral is the fame you achieve by climbing on the heads of others.

What is achieved at the expense of others does not last forever.

43. An ounce of good reputation is worth more than a pound of pearls. (Miguel De Cervantes)

Fame has its price.

44. He must have done something wrong or he wouldn't be so famous. (Robert Louis Stevenson)

What is done wrong is what lasts.

45. The sky of fame is not very big, and the more that enter it, the less each one of them touches. (Miguel de Unamuno)

The world of fame is small, it is very difficult to enter, but very fast to exit.

46. Gloria is not synonymous with fame. (Jaime Balmes)

Being recognized has nothing to do with popularity.

47. I will be rich if I can keep my good name. (Tito Maccio Plauto)

Wealth carries enormous weight with it.

48. Fame does not take me away from the public, it brings me closer. (Shakira)

For this Colombian singer, her fame allows her to be more in communication with her audience.

49. Good news is like fire; When you've turned it on, you can easily keep it; But if you extinguish it, you won't easily turn it back on. (Francis Bacon)

Regaining popularity is a thorny road.

50. The dead elephant leaves its tusks; the tiger, his skin, and the man, his name. (Malay proverb)

What really matters is maintaining a good reputation.

51. Fame is a piece of nothing that the artist grabs on the fly without knowing why. (Fernando Arrabal)

Fame comes together when you decide to go far.

52. Unpopularity is guaranteed to everyone who enjoys popularity. (Anatole France)

Popularity is lost at some point.

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53. In the future everyone will be famous for fifteen minutes. Everyone should be entitled to fifteen minutes of glory. (Andy Warhol)

We can all become famous, even for a very short time.

54. With my finances, but not with my fame. (Pedro Calderón De La Barca)

You have to bet on what really matters.

55. The man of the day is usually the man of the day. (Irving Stone)

Men and women seek different paths.

56. Fame comes only when it is deserved, and then it is as inevitable as fate, because it is fate. (Henry Wadsworth Longfellow)

Work hard to get your work recognized.

57. My success is kind, discreet, neither presumptuous nor overbearing. (Alejandro Sanz)

A humble person goes a long way.

58. Popularity is like youth: once gone, it does not return. (Auguste Louis Petiet)

If recognition is lost, it never comes back.

59. Old fame in the world calls blind, greedy, envious and arrogant people: you always get rid of their customs. (Dante)

It refers to how dangerous fame is.

60. Some people get fame, others deserve it. (Doris Lessing)

Getting and deserving are not the same.

61. Fame, someone else's judgment that we put before ours. (Salvador Euras)

Fame clouds understanding.

62. From the most resounding fame, to the darkest of oblivions there is a step.

Today we are at the top, tomorrow in the pit.

63. Esteem is worth more than celebrity, consideration more than fame, and honor more than glory. (Sébastien-Roch Chamfort)

Appreciation, respect and dignity is what has the most merit.

64. Men's fame grows when they die. (George Villiers)

When a famous person dies, his popularity increases.

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65. Work, the proverb says, is the father of fame. (Euripides)

Who works the fame collects.

66. Fame is the food of egomaniacs and the nightmare of ordinary people.

The vain seek fame and the humble avoid it.

67. The fame of women is regulated, like that of doctors, by the visits they have. (Ramón De La Cruz)

Women have had bitter experiences just because they have good friends.

68. Money, fame and more grants and praise from superiors: absurd ways to measure success. (Camilla Läckberg)

Being successful is not about money, fame, and other trivia

69. The author who has achieved fame is in danger of seeing it diminish, whether he continues to write or stops. (Ben Jonson)

By losing the recognition of others, recovering it is impossible.

70. A bad conscience is more easily cured than a bad reputation. (Friedrich Nietzsche)

Whoever loses reputation loses everything.

71. I'm something they take pictures of, (Penelope Cruz)

Each person is different inside and outside.

72. Fame and money do not bring happiness. If you don't have a happy home, they mean nothing. (Ava Gardner)

If you have no one to share your successes and fortune with, it is useless.

73. I think everyone should get rich and famous. Do everything they have always dreamed of so that they can see that that is not the answer. (Jim Carrey)

Fame and fortune give joy for a time, then it becomes a very heavy burden.

74. It takes a lot of ingenuity to avoid being shipwrecked amid popularity. (Remy De Gourmont)

You have to be very focused to avoid fame clouds your mind.

75. Fame is steam; popularity, an accident; the only earthly certainty is oblivion. (Mark Twain)

Popularity and fame one day go away and only oblivion remains.

76. When the stars go down, how sad it is to lower your eyes to see them! (Antonio Porchia)

A person who is on top falls quickly, it is worthy of pity.

77. Being famous can be a big burden. Jesus Christ was crucified because he made himself known. So I often disappear. (Bob Dylan)

Fame is a very heavy burden that few can bear.

78. Your fame is like the flower; that sprouts and dies; and the same sun that made it rise from the sour earth withers it. (Dante Alighieri)

Fame grows and dies in the blink of an eye.

79. There are famous men, there are others who deserve to be. (Gotthold E. Lessing)

In the world there are many people who wait for an opportunity to shine.

80. If you act like a rock star, you will be treated like one. (Marilyn Manson)

In the way you behave, that is how you will be treated.

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81. People are not remembered for the number of times they fail, but for the number of times they succeed. (Thomas Alva Edison)

Work for success.

82. Fame is not achieved reclining in a soft feather, nor in the shelter of bedspreads. (Dante Alighieri)

To be successful, you have to work hard every day.

83. If fame only comes after death, I'm in no rush to get it. (Marcus Aurelius)

Fame usually comes after death.

84. Every anonymous person is perfect. (Antonio Porchia)

When fame is not there, life is so much better.

85. There are those who achieve fame, but you are not an example of anything.

Popularity requires commitment.

86. Fame brings loneliness. Success is as cold as ice and as inhospitable as the North Pole. (Vicki Baum)

Success and fame bring sadness and loneliness.

87. Fame as a drunkard consumes the house of the soul revealing that you have only worked for that. (Malcolm Lowry)

Who works solely to achieve fame, is left with nothing.

88. The food of poets is love and fame. (Percy Bysshe Shelley)

It refers to the life and reward that poets obtain.

89. A good reputation is like a cypress, which, once cut, never bears branches. (Italian proverb)

A person with an excellent reputation will stand firm at all times.

90. Immortality has always been preceded by sacrifice. (Eugenio d ’Ors)

To be recognized you have to sacrifice.

91. It would take the cold blood of a fish and the selfishness of a pig to really be lucky enough to become one of the country's personalities. (Thomas Hardy)

Selfishness and the calculation of things are fundamental characteristics possessed by those who want to come to power.

92. Fame is like a great meringue - it's beautiful and you keep eating it, but it doesn't really fill you up. (Pierce Brosnan)

Fame is good at first, but then it turns into something banal.

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93. Illustrious men have the whole earth for their grave. (Thucydides)

Death is the destiny that we all have.

94. Fame usually reaches those who are thinking of something else. (Oliver Wendell Holmes)

If your feet are firmly grounded, the ego will pass you by.

95. Feeling important makes one heavy, clumsy, and vain. To be a warrior one needs to be light and fluid. (Carlos Castaneda)

Believing yourself superior to others greatly increases your ego, making it difficult to think and act clearly.

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