The 30 types of mushrooms (classified and described)
We practically all like them. There are those that are a delicacy, highly demanded in haute cuisine gastronomy. Mushrooms, those mushrooms with a trunk and a hat, are one of those foods present in the kitchen of many countries.
But beware! not all can be eaten. Not all the mushrooms that we find in the field are as edible as a champignon or a chanterelle. Some are life threatening, while others can cause hallucinations and psychotropic effects.
There are several types of mushrooms that we can find according to their consequences on physical and mental health, and here we are going to review them both to learn more about them and to be careful because there are not a few mushrooms that appear to be able to be eaten and are especially dangerous.
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Characteristics of mushrooms
Mushrooms make up their own kingdom in life. These are organisms both unicellular, as is the case with yeasts, and multicellular, as is the case with mushrooms that we find in a risotto. The main reason they make up a kingdom of their own is that
their metabolism is halfway between that of plants and animals, although with characteristics that make them unique.It is in fact thanks to their particulars that in 1969 they "became independent" from the vegetable kingdom, being thereafter considered a separate kingdom.
What led them to be considered a separate form of life from the plant was that it was discovered that they could not carry out photosynthesis, but that they feed in a heterotrophic way, that is, they cannot produce their own organic matter but have to get it already prepared, just as it happens in the case of animals (eating grass or hunting other animals), only that in yours what happens is that they absorb matter organic.
Its way of reproducing consists of the release of spores, and in his kingdom there are a lot of species, a truly very diverse kingdom. Some 43,000 different species of fungi have been discovered, although it is estimated that there could be more than 600,000, which means that hardly anything is known about the fungal kingdom.
Of all the groups that make them up, it is the basidiomycetes that most attracts our attention, those that in our popular language we call "mushrooms" are multicellular and have a great interest in being human. Next we will see how they are classified.
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The main types of mushrooms
Basidiomycetes are considered to be the most evolved division within the fungal kingdom. At present, more than 25,000 different species have been identified, many of them with interest gastronomic for humans, while others with toxic properties, both lethal and neuroleptics. Delicious like the white truffle, dangerous like the ticket of Satan and psychoactive like the mushroom of San Juan, to Next we are going to classify the mushrooms according to three categories and we will mention the best known of each of they.
The main use of mushrooms is gastronomic. Many basidiomycetes are edible, with fruiting bodies that hide flavors and textures that only they offer. It is for this reason that it should come as no surprise that some of the most expensive foods are edible mushrooms. Among the best known edible mushrooms we find the following.
1. Mushroom
The champignon is, surely, the first edible mushroom that comes to mind, being one of the most widely consumed basidiomycetes in the world. Specifically the species Agaricus bisporus It is the most popular, the one that is most cultivated and the typical one that we find in any supermarket..
There are varieties of mushrooms, another known being the wild mushroom (Agaricus campestris) that although edible it is not recommended to collect them near roads, since they accumulate heavy metals and, also, can be confused with toxic species.

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2. Boletus
There are many different species of boletus, the Boletus edulis the best known.
This mushroom, whose name literally means "edible", is highly valued in kitchens for its slightly sweet taste and its characteristic consistency.

3. Chanterelle
The chanterelleChanterelle cibarius) is a very typical mushroom in some Spanish regions, and of course it also receives various names depending on the autonomy such as rossinyol, anacate, chantarela, cantarela, zizahori ...
It is usually found in summer and autumn, although to collect them you must be careful because there is a similar species, called false chanterelle (Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca).

4. Níscalo
Scientific name Lactarius deliciosus, this mushroom is one of the most valued in the kitchen. In Spanish it receives the name of níscalo, although it receives different names throughout all the regions of Spain.
In Catalonia it is called “rovelló”, being very typical of that autonomous community, although it is also present in Balearic gastronomy under the name of “slave-sang”. It is also called "pinatell" since it is found in autumn and early winter in pine forests.

5. Black truffle
Black truffles (Tuber melanosporum) are mushrooms that grow only under very specific and special conditions, so much so that it is not possible to cultivate them, reason for which its price in the market is exorbitant.
Their scarcity, combined with their exquisite aroma, make them a luxury. A single gram of black truffle can cost $ 1.80, or what is the same, a kilo of this peculiar mushroom can cost $ 1,800.

6. White truffle
The white truffle is an even greater luxury than its black companion. Scientific name Tuber magnatumThese mushrooms are underground and only grow in certain areas of Italy, the lands of the Eastern Adriatic and the South of France, which makes them even more exclusive. Its price is even more exorbitant, costing a kilo more than $ 5,000.

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7. Oronja
The oronja (Amanita caesarea) is considered one of the tastiest mushrooms by many. This basidiomycete can be found in summer and autumn in holm oak forests, although its collection must be done with care, since it can be confused with a similar-looking toxic mushroom called, of course, false oronja (Amanita muscaria).

8. Judas ear
To the ear of JudasAuricularia auricula-judae) it is so called because it usually grows on the bark of old willows, the same type of tree in which Judas is said to have hanged himself, the apostle who betrayed Jesus. It is a basidiomycete with gelatinous and elastic meat, also highly appreciated in the gastronomic world.

9. Thistle arrow
Scientific name Pleurotus eryngii, thistle mushroom appears in late summer. Although its name is not exactly very attractive, this has not prevented it from being in high demand in gastronomy for its mild aroma, sweet taste and fluffy meat.

10. Trumpet of death
The fact that a mushroom has the name of a trumpet of death (Craterellus cornucopioides) may scare us, thinking at first that it is a toxic basidiomycete, but curiously it is another of the most appreciated mushrooms in kitchens. Its aroma resembles that of a truffle, although it takes little time to spoil and, therefore, it is usual to keep them dry.

11. Parasol
The Macrolepiota procera It is an edible mushroom that receives the name of parasol because of its peculiar shape. It can reach 40 cm in height and its hat is about 30 cm in diameter. Its taste and smell are very pleasant.

12. St George's mushroom
St. George's mushroom (Calocybe gambosa) has a consistent meat and a sweet taste, properties that make it a great ingredient for the kitchen. Although edible, it is recommended to collect it under expert supervision, as it can be confused with some toxic amanitas.

13. Reddish amanita
The reddish amanita (Amanita rubescens) is a highly appreciated mushroom in gastronomy, although its consumption is somewhat risky. The reason for this is that she is an amanita, and therefore it is toxic, but only raw. If it is properly cooked, it completely loses its toxicity.

Some species of basidiomycetes have evolved developing the ability to produce mycotoxins and thus avoid predation. These substances, when ingested by an animal, cause serious systemic damage that can be fatal. Some examples of very venous mushrooms are those that we will see below.
14. Amanita phalloides
The Amanita phalloides, also known as green oronja, it is the most poisonous mushroom in the world. Proof of this is the fact that more than 90% of poisoning cases are attributed to it by eating poisonous mushrooms, as it can easily be confused with certain species of mushrooms.
Its mycotoxins are so powerful that they are not eliminated by cooking and just 30 grams of this fungus can cause the death of an adult due to liver and kidney failure.

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15. Amanita pantherina
The Amanita pantherina it is another very poisonous mushroom. Barely between 1 and 3 hours after ingestion a disturbing picture begins: delusions, hallucinations, loss of muscle control, aggressiveness... symptoms all of them that are the prelude to what is to come. 12 later they appear spasms, seizures and even falls into a coma.
16. Galerina marginata
The Galerina marginatahas toxins known as amatoxins, which interfere with the functions of our cells and end up causing death due to kidney failure.
17. Fly agaric
The Fly agaricit is the most famous poisonous mushroom not for its effects, but rather for its appearance. It has the colors of a prototypical mushroom, which is ironic that it is a toxic basidiomycete. Its mycotoxins have neurological and gastrointestinal effects, causing severe diarrhea and intestinal pain, as well as inducing coma.

18. Deadly Lepiota
Scientific name Lepiota brunneoincarnata, this mushroom tells us with its vulgar name. Its ingestion is fatal, as it can cause liver failure. To differentiate it from edible lepiotas is that it has a hat less than 8 cm in diameter.
19. Mountain curtain
The mountain curtain (Cortinarius orellanus) is a deadly mushroom, being of those that causes the most deaths. The clinical picture after its ingestion consists of vomiting, nausea and diarrhea after a short time. After 15 days, severe headaches, muscle aches, weight loss and, finally, kidney failure that causes death begin.
20. Satan's ticket
In the edible mushroom section we have seen some with unattractive names but that could still be eaten. This is not the case with Satan's ticket (Boletus satanas). We do not want this mushroom on our plate since, if we eat it, although it is not deadly, it would provoke us severe gastrointestinal problems accompanied by vomiting.
It is a fairly rare mushroom, but it can be confused with some species of edible mushrooms.

21. Entoloma sinuatum
The Entoloma sinuatum it is another fungus that causes many poisonings since it is easy to confuse with other species that can be eaten. Symptoms associated with its intake are severe diarrhea, vomiting and redness of skin areas..
22. White clitocybe
Although this mushroom is not fatal, the intake of Clitocybe dealbatacauses vomiting, diarrhea, fever, severe sweating, and chills. Its main problem is that it can be confused with an edible species.
23. False chanterelle
The Lactarius torminosus, colloquially called false níscalo, has the peculiarity that as its name suggests is easily mistaken for a real chanterelle. Eating one of them is not fatal, but it does cause annoying gastrointestinal effects.

Magic mushrooms are a group of fungi that have traditionally been used for recreational purposes. Since time immemorial they have been used as a ritualistic element in many religions and, even, also for therapeutic purposes. If toxic mushrooms produce mycotoxins, psychoactive mushrooms produce psilocybin, a chemical that when ingested causes hallucinogenic effects.
Many of the following mushrooms that we are going to see are categorized as psilocybin, since contain psilocybin which causes neuroleptic effects once consumed. Its consumption is not recommended at all and, in fact, in many countries its cultivation and own consumption is prohibited. Its sale is illegal in practically the whole world.
24. Psilocybe mexicana
The Psilocybe mexicana It grows, as its name suggests, in Mexico, although it can also be found in Costa Rica and Guatemala. It has been described as hallucinogenic for just over 60 years, but has been used in rituals by Native Americans for 2,000 years. In the Aztec culture it was called "meat of the gods."

25. Psilocybe semilanceata
The Psilocybe semilanceata It is popularly known as the San Juan mushroom. It causes very intense hallucinations that can last up to 6 hours and induce paranoia. This can cause the one who ingested it to produce self harm, which means that its consumption should never be done alone.
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26. Psilocybe azurescens
The Psilocybe azurescens is one of the most powerful hallucinogenic mushrooms, this mushroom being the one with the highest amounts of psilocybin. It has so much of this substance that 2% of its composition is psilocybin, while in the rest of mushrooms of the genus Psilocybe the amounts are usually around 0.003%.

27. Psilocybe cubensis
The Psilocybe cubensis is a fungus found in Central and South America, India, and some regions of Oceania. It is one of the most famous magic mushrooms, and even if only one gram is consumed, it already causes powerful effects.
Eating such an amount of this mushroom will cause hallucinogenic effects that last four to six hours and can lead to perceptual disturbances, injuries, and gastrointestinal problems.
28. Psilocybe cyanescens
The Psilocybe cyanescens It is a mushroom discovered in the 1940s in a UK botanical garden. This psilocybin species can grow in urban areas, developing on wood chips.
29. Pluteus salicinus
The Pluteus salicinus it is a mushroom that does not produce psilocybin, but has hallucinogenic effects. It grows in the forests of Europe and the United States and has psychotropic substances that cause hallucinations.

30. Claviceps purpurea
The Claviceps purpurea it is a peculiar mushroom. It is not a hallucinogenic mushroom itself, but it is attributed certain psychoactive properties. It is a parasitic fungus of cereals and herbs from which lysergic acid diethylamide is extracted, the full name of what we call LSD.