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The 90 best democracy phrases

Democracy is that political state that allows us to make social and political life take the direction decided by the citizens... although it can also be used as an excuse for some to escape until they obtain absolute power.

In this article we will a review of several very interesting democracy phrases that help to understand this element of political and social life.

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The most memorable and inspiring democracy phrases

Democracy is an achievement of humanity's effort to have a better quality of life, and it is necessary to preserve it. When it comes to knowing what it is and what all its facets are, this compilation of quotes and reflections on democracy can help.

1. For those of us who have no beliefs, democracy is our religion. (Paul Auster)

Democracy is also a value system that guides our philosophy of life.

2. Repeated elections are essential in popular systems, because nothing is as dangerous as letting power remain for a long time in the same citizen. (Simon Bolivar)

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It is extremely necessary that the leaders do not last long in power.

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3. The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the median voter. (Winston Churchill)

Democracy can lead to corrupt people.

4. Just as he would not be a slave, he would not be a master either. This expresses my idea of ​​democracy. (Abraham Lincoln)

A democratic country must be an example of equality and equity.

5. Democracy is the government of the people, by the people, for the people. (Abraham Lincoln)

A democratic government must focus on the problems of its people.

6. With democracy you eat, you educate yourself, you heal. (Raúl Alfonsín)

It is a way of showing people that you can live together in harmony.

7. Democracy means government by the uneducated, and aristocracy means government by the poorly educated. (Gilbert Keith Chesterton)

Differences between both modes of government.

8. Democracy is the destiny of humanity; freedom his indestructible arm. (Benito Juarez)

There can be no democracy without freedom.

9. In politics the important thing is not to be right, but to give it to you. (Konrad Adenauer)

Every politician must earn the trust of his voters.

10. The people of the Americas have the right to democracy and their governments have an obligation to promote and defend it. (Barack Obama)

Everyone has the right to a fair and transparent government.

11. The elector enjoys the sacred privilege of voting for a candidate chosen by others. (Ambrose Gwinet Bierce)

The basis of democracy is the possibility of electing leaders.

12. Sex is a democracy: the one who is above enjoys as much as the one who is below. (Anonymous)

Sex is also a form of freedom of expression.

13. The difference between a democracy and a dictatorship is that in a democracy you can vote before obeying orders. (Bukowsky)

You always have to take care to vote for someone who is fit.

14. A great democracy must progress or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy. (Theodore Roosevelt)

Every country should generate interest in new technologies and ideas.

15. The continuation of authority in the same individual has often been the end of democratic governments. (Simon Bolivar)

There are those who see democracy as an opportunity to stay in power forever.

Reflections of democracy

16. The true destroyer of the freedoms of the people is the one who distributes gifts, donations and benefits. (Plutarch)

Giving away things will never actually solve people's problems.

17. Democracy is based on the conviction that there are extraordinary possibilities in ordinary people. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

The essence behind democracy.

18. Democracy must guard against two excesses: the spirit of inequality, which leads it to aristocracy, and the spirit of extreme equality, which leads it to despotism. (Baron de Montesquieu)

Temptations that can be easily fallen into in a democracy.

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19. Democracy is not a goal that can be reached and then dedicate itself to other objectives; it is a condition that can only be maintained if every citizen defends it. (Rigoberta Menchu)

It is not only the job of the politician, but of all of us, to maintain a good country.

20. In a well-governed country poverty should inspire shame. In a badly governed country wealth must inspire shame. (Confucius)

No country should have economically unbalanced people.

21. Democracy is nothing more than a dictatorship chosen by the people, let's not fool ourselves. (Bob Marley)

When a politician abuses his power.

22. With the laws it happens as with sausages, it is better not to see how they are made. (Otto Von Bismarck)

Not all laws favor us all equally.

23. If there were a nation of gods, they would be governed democratically; but such a perfect government is not suitable for men. (Jean-Jacques Rousseau)

There will always be corrupt among politicians.

24. Ignorance does not discern, seeks a tribune and takes a tyrant. Misery does not deliberate, it is sold. (Juan Bautista Alberdi)

A goal to achieve for any nation is to free its people from ignorance.

25. The turbulence of the demagogues brings down democratic governments. (Aristotle)

Democracy is also a sensitive state.

26. My political ideal is democratic. Each one should be respected as a person and no one should be deified. (Albert Einstein)

A society where equity is the law.

27. Democracy substitutes the appointments made by a corrupted minority for the elections made by the majority. (George Bernard Shaw)

The minority often go through very difficult times.

28. Democracy is the need to bow from time to time to the opinions of others. (Winston Churchill)

Never stop listening to the people.

29. Being President is a lot like managing a cemetery: there are many people below us and no one pays any attention to us. (Bill Clinton)

Therefore it is always necessary to surround yourself with competent people.

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30. Voting is the only way to make a change in a democracy. (Christine Todd Whitman)

Voting is our right.

31. The politician must be able to predict what will happen tomorrow, next month and next year, and then explain why it did not happen. (Winston Churchill)

A politician must always be aware of changes.

32. The dictatorship has armored because it has to overcome. Democracy is presented naked because it has to convince. (Antonio Gala)

An interesting differentiation between the two political states.

33. Democracy is the process that ensures that we are not governed better than we deserve. (George Bernard Shaw)

A government must try to take actions that encompass the needs of the nation.

34. The corruption of democracies comes immediately from the fact that one social class sets taxes, and another pays them. (William Ralph Inge)

Taxes must be for everyone, without exception.

35. Democracy is the dictatorship of idiots. (Friedrich Schiller)

Unfortunately, many people get carried away by the moment, instead of seeing the consequences in the long term.

36. Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wears out, wears out, and kills itself. There was never yet a democracy that did not commit suicide. (John Adams)

Democracy also needs constant change.

37. Democracy is not learned in parliament, but at home. Being a democrat is not a political attitude, it is an attitude. (Montserrat Roig)

An attitude towards the welfare of all.

38. Democracy is not silence, it is the clarity with which problems are exposed and the existence of means to solve them. (Enrique Múgica Herzog)

No one should be covered up just because of his political or social position.

39. Democracy is a superior form of government, because it is based on respect for man as a rational being. (John F. Kennedy)

The goal of democracy.

40. People must hold public office and then go back to business and live under the laws they passed. (Mike Curb)

No person should be exempted from complying with the rules.

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41. The ability to passionately express contrary opinions is the greatest sign of a healthy democracy. (Steve Maraboli)

Democracy needs to allow free opinion.

42. All the ills of democracy can be cured with more democracy. (Alfred Emanuel Smith)

It is about not leaving the same politicians for such a long period.

43. Democracy does not mean: I am as good as you. If not: you are as good as I am. (Theodore Parker)

It is about promoting equal opportunities and quality of life.

44. The worst of democracies is a thousand times preferable to the best of dictatorships. (Ruy Barbosa)

Both can be dangerous in the hands of indecent politicians.

45. Democracy necessarily constitutes despotism, since it establishes an executive power contrary to the general will. (Immanuel Kant)

Democracy is not completely clean.

46. Democracy has at least one merit, and that is that a member of Parliament cannot be more incompetent than those who have voted for him. (Elbert Green Hubbard)

A country in the hands of incompetent people never prospers.

47. Democracy is nothing more than the rule of the masses, where 51% of the people can throw away the rights of the other 49%. (Thomas Jefferson)

When people use democracy for evil ends.

48. The role of the citizen in our democracy does not end with voting. (Barack Obama)

Every citizen is responsible for maintaining a good society.

49. I have come to the conclusion that politics is too serious to be left to the politicians. (Charles de Gaulle)

There are politicians whom we must distrust.

50. The democracy of a state is not measured in how it treats its followers, but how it treats its adversaries. (Daniel Arzola)

He must never allow actions to be taken to sabotage the progress of the people.

51. Politics should be the part-time profession of every citizen. (Dwight D. Eisenhower)

Everyone should know about politics.

52. Democracy gives each man the right to be his own oppressor. (James Russell Lowell)

There are peoples that condemn themselves in their political elections.

53. A genuine democracy must introduce the death penalty. (Gustavo Bueno)

No criminal should be acquitted of his deeds.

54. In other words, defending democracy implies destroying independence of thought. (George Orwell)

No system of government is perfect.

55. If universal suffrage existed in the republic of plants, the nettles would exile the roses. (Jean Lucien Arréat)

An interesting reflection on political rebellions.

56. Democracies look more carefully at the hands than the minds of those who rule them. (Alphonse de Lamartine)

A very serious mistake is not to criticize the way of thinking of the rulers.

57. Democracy: it is a widespread superstition, an abuse of statistics. (Jorge Luis Borges)

Not all democracies are what they claim to be.

58. The death of democracy will not be due to sudden murder. It will be a slow extinction through apathy, indifference and malnutrition. (Robert Hutchins)

The fate of a government that forgets its people.

59. Politicians are the same everywhere. They promise to build a bridge even where there is no river. (Nikita Khrushchev)

Empty promises from politicians.

60. Democracies tend to be calmer and less exposed to sedition than a regime ruled by a line of nobles. (Francis Bacon)

The nobility is losing its power every day.

61. Democracy is the name given to the people whenever it is needed. (Marquis de Flers)

It can become harmful propaganda.

62. A nation without free elections is a nation without a voice, without eyes, and without arms. (Octavio Paz)

A supposed democratic government is useless, if it does not respect the needs of the people.

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63. Even in the purest democracies, such as the United States and Switzerland, a privileged minority holds power against the enslaved majority. (Mikhail Bakunin)

That there are privileged social groups is a sign of corruption.

64. If we lean too much towards democracy, we will soon fall into monarchy. (Alexander Hamilton)

This happens when a politician is praised and begins to believe that he is some kind of God.

65. I do not deny the rights of democracy; but I have no illusions about the use to be made of those rights while wisdom is scarce and pride abounds. (Henry F. Amiel)

In every government there must be a prioritization of resolutions.

66. Democracy will break with tense reins. It can only exist supported by trust. (Mahatma Gandhi)

Without trust, a nation can rebel.

67. There is no democracy if there is ignorance. (Anonymous)

A people that does not have a good education cannot have a good government behind it.

68. It is much easier to criticize those who command than to send those who criticize. (The Quail Magazine)

It is necessary to have a leader to guide the nation.

69. Democracy is the way to socialism. (Karl Marx)

A warning or a promise?

70. Democracy only seems adequate for a very small country. (Voltaire)

Great nations are difficult to govern.

71. If you have to choose between sacrificing the economy or democracy, you have to sacrifice democracy. (Carlos Fernández Liria)

A country without a good economy cannot get ahead.

72. Since all may decide against one whose opinion may differ, the will of all is therefore not that of all, which is contradictory and opposed to freedom. (Immanuel Kant)

All the opinions must be respected. Even those that contradict us.

73. By conquering our freedoms we have conquered a new weapon; that weapon is the vote. (Francisco I. Log)

A weapon that must be used with conscience.

74. I don't believe in the collective wisdom of individual ignorance. (Thomas Carlyle)

The people do not always make the right choices.

75. Democracy needs support, and the best support for democracy comes from other democracies. (Gilbert Keith Chesterton)

Even governments need to surround themselves with good company.

76. The most admirable thing about democracies is the ease with which anyone can go from the police chronicle to the social chronicle. (Mario Quintana)

Reflection on the facilities of democracy.

77. Democracy is a system that gives people the opportunity to choose their own rascals. (Doug Larson)

A risk that everyone must take.

78. Democracy is freedom constituted in government, since true government is nothing more or less than organized freedom. (Juan Bautista Alberdi)

A group of people whose trust is given by people to guide their country.

79. Democracy is the only one that can establish harmony in all social classes. (Venustiano Carranza)

All politics must establish a harmony between social classes.

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80. Democracy is not only the right to vote, it is the right to live in dignity. (Naomi Klein)

It is not about having benefits, but about being able to have access to different opportunities.

81. The promises politicians made yesterday are today's taxes. (William L. Mackenzie King)

The tax issue is something that is unfair to many.

82. Under capitalism man exploits man; under communism it is just the opposite. (John Kenneth Galbraith)

Two sides of the same coin.

83. A democracy must progress or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy. (Theodore Roosevelt)

Progress is necessary for any country.

84. You can not make a revolution to have democracy. You must have democracy to make a revolution. (Gilbert Keith Chesterson)

The importance of freedom.

85. Dictatorship is the system of government in which what is not prohibited is mandatory. (Enrique Jardiel Poncela)

It is a form of intimidation to make people do what the government wants.

86. Democracy is the art of managing the circus from the monkey cage. (H. L. Mencken)

A phrase that reminds us of the ancient Roman saying, 'Bread and circus'

87. Those who have virtue always in their mouths, and are negligent in practicing it, are like a harp, which makes a pleasant sound to others, while itself is insensitive to music. (Diogenes)

There is no use criticizing if you do the same.

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88. Politics is the art of disguising private interest as a general interest. (Edmond Thiaudière)

Especially when politicians convince you of it.

89. The mission of politicians is not to please everyone. (Margaret Thatcher)

It's not about earning a sympathy course, it's about making his actions pay off.

90. A politician will do anything to keep his job. He will even become a patriot. (William Randolph Hearst)

There are those who act out of self-interest, even when they show themselves as humble servants.

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