The 90 best phrases of self-knowledge
Self-knowledge is one of the factors that most influences our personal well-being and is the key to being able to relate to others.
It also helps us gain the confidence necessary to face all the obstacles that surround us, as well as avoid falling into unnecessary confrontations.
In this article we will see a selection of the best phrases about self-knowledge, commented.
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The most memorable self-knowledge phrases
This is a compilation of very interesting and inspiring quotes and reflections on self-knowledge, useful for understanding this concept.
1. The greatest wisdom there is is to know yourself. (Galileo Galilei)
If we know ourselves, we will reach a qualitatively higher level of wisdom.
2. Your task is not to search for love, but to simply search and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it. (Rumi)
To find love, we must break down the obstacles we have in our minds and hearts.
3. Disguises do not disguise some men, but reveal them. Each one disguises himself as what he is on the inside. (Chesterton)
What you show on the outside reflects how you are inside.
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4. 95% of our thoughts today are the same as yesterday and tomorrow. When you start to think differently and have new thoughts, what you do is begin to know yourself more. (Stanislaus Bachrach)
The situations are the same, only the way of seeing them changes.
5. Above all things, take care of your heart, because life comes from it. (Proverbs 4:23)
Feelings must be taken care of as they are a fundamental part of life.
6. Knowing others is intelligence, knowing yourself is wisdom. Managing others is strength, managing yourself is true power. (Tao Te Ching)
Knowing your thoughts and knowing how to control them is what true power is based on.
7. When you recover or discover something that feeds your soul and brings you joy, take care of loving yourself enough and make room for it in your life. (Jean Shinoda Bolen)
When you find what makes you happy, don't let it go.
8. Knowledge is more valuable than gold. (Solomon)
If you want to be a millionaire, know yourself thoroughly.
9. You, like everyone else in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.
Love and love yourself before doing it with others.
10. Anger, resentment and jealousy do not change the heart of others, only change your own. (Shannon L. Alder)
Negative feelings do not affect who is directed, but who feels it.
11. When we are able to know ourselves, we are rarely wrong about our destiny. (Madame de Staël)
If we are clear about what we want, the goal is clearer.
12. The essential is invisible to the eyes. (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)
Being sensitive to our emotions is something that cannot be seen with the naked eye.
13. At the moment of truth, which is to search for oneself in the objective, one forgets everything and sets out to be faithful only to his own sincerity. (Gerardo Diego)
Being true to yourself is one way of exercising self-loyalty.
14. Creative people have the most self-knowledge. (Stanislaus Bachrach)
Creativity expresses our feelings.
15. All the wonders you seek are within your own being. (Sir Thomas Browne)
Do not look for happiness outside as it resides within yourself.

16. The final mystery is yourself. (Oscar Wilde)
Our thoughts are really a mystery.
17. Have faith in what exists in there. (André Gide)
We must always believe in our talents and abilities.
18. Share your knowledge. It is a way to achieve immortality. (Dalai Lama)
Do not stay with what you know, share it and you will find happiness.
19. The man who has the same worldview at fifty as at twenty has wasted thirty years of his life. (Muhammad Ali)
As we mature, we see things differently.
20. I worry about myself. Whether I am the loneliest or the one with the most friends, I will always respect myself. (Gautama Buddha)
Respect for oneself is the first thing we must have.
21. You must give everything to achieve a life as beautiful as the one that dances in your imagination. (Roman Payne)
Work to have that life that you have imagined so much.
22. Those who run in a labyrinth are confused by its very speed. (Seneca)
What does not move stagnates.
23. He was pushing myself to extremes in order to discover myself. (Jerzy Kosinski)
There are circumstances in which he forces us to get the best of himself.
24. It's a great first step in being able to recognize what makes you happy. (Lucille Ball)
Knowing ourselves leads to true happiness.
25. Any life, no matter how complex, is made up of a single moment. The moment when a man discovers once and for all who he is. (Jorge Luis Borges)
When we really know each other, we begin to live fully.
26. Always remember that you not only have the right to be an individual, but you have an obligation to be (Eleanor Roosevelt)
No matter the difficulties, we are unique and valuable people.
27. Knowledge is worthless unless it is put into practice. (Anton Chekhov)
What is not practiced, is forgotten.
28. When you're different, you often don't see the millions of people who accept themselves for who they are. Only the person who doesn't do it shows. (Jodi Picoult)
We are always criticizing those who do not change their attitude.
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29. A desire to be someone else would be a loss of the person that I really am. (Marilyn Monroe)
Wanting to be someone else is an act of weakness.
30. What you discover for yourself is always more exciting than what someone else discovers for you; It is like a romantic love marriage or an arranged marriage. (Terrence Rafferty)
Always seek to live your own experiences.
31. People often say that they have not found themselves yet. But the self is not something that one finds, but something that one creates. (Thomas Szasz)
Having a connection with yourself is something you seek to do yourself.
32. Sometimes at night, I turn on the light so as not to see my own darkness. (Antonio Porchia)
The inner emptiness is very hard to accept.
33. I have only made the decision to change things a little and to live what I have left, thinking a little of myself for a change. (Helen Fielding)
Putting ourselves above others is a courageous and important act.
34. By completing this questionnaire, I have learned to understand myself better as a person and reflect on my behaviors and understand what my weaknesses are (Alec Martinez Authentic Jersey)
Knowing yourself allows you to know what skills and defects you have.
35. Low self-esteem is like driving through life with the parking brake on. (Maxwell Maltz)
Not having confidence in our abilities, leads through a path full of obstacles.
36. Knowledge is power. (Francis Bacon)
If we know our feelings, then we will have power.
37. Don't let mental blocks control you. Break free. Face your fear and transform your mental blocks into building blocks. (Roopleen)
Don't let your fears rule you.
38. Make up your mind to be yourself, and make sure whoever finds himself loses his misery. (Matthew Arnold)
Don't be a copy of anyone, look for your personality.
39. Think like a queen. A queen is not afraid to fail. Failure is another step toward greatness. (Oprah Winfrey)
Don't be afraid of failing, that makes you great.
40. Those who never back down from their opinions love themselves more than the truth. (Joseph Joubert)
Being proud has bad consequences.
41. Is it a man, a ghost, a name or a memory that I want? (Celia del Palacio)
Imagination can do everything we want.
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42. The moment a man speaks of his own person is the moment he shows himself at least. Give him a mask and he will tell you the truth. (Oscar Wilde)
We don't always tell the truth about our personality.
43. What is ahead of us and behind us are only trifles compared to what is within us. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)
Look inside, you will be surprised what is there.
44. Knowing yourself is the beginning of wisdom. (Aristotle)
Being able to get to know each other in depth is something that requires patience and tenacity.
45. You can search the entire universe for someone who is worthy of your love and affection, but that person is not found anywhere. That person is yourself.
No one deserves your love more than yourself.
46. A diamond doesn't start out as a polished, shiny gemstone. Once it was nothing special, but with enough pressure and time, it turned into something spectacular. I am that diamond. (Solange Nicole)
Work hard to achieve a good version of yourself.
47. The ultimate happiness in life is knowing that you are loved for yourself or, more accurately, in spite of yourself. (Victor Hugo)
Seek to be loved for who you are and not for what you are.
48. The main obstacle to discovery is not ignorance, but the illusion of knowledge. (Daniel J. Boorstin)
Wanting to have more knowledge is what makes a man vain.
49. Until you value yourself, you will not value your time. Until you value your time, you will not do anything with it (M. Scott Peck)
Value your time as he will not return.
50. The only journey is the inner journey. (Rainer Maria Rilke)
Knowing yourself is what leads to success.
51. Life has been given to each human being for a very special purpose. This secret every human being has to discover for himself. (Sri Chinmoy)
Discover for yourself what life has in store for you.
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52. Each of us is on earth to discover his own path, and we will never be happy if we follow someone else's. (James van Praagh)
Each person has their own path, the question is knowing how to find it.
53. There is only a small part of the universe that you will know for sure that can be improved, and that part is you. (Aldous Huxley)
You are the only one capable of making you change.
54. There is no magic cure to make everything you don't like go away forever. There are only small steps upwards; a calmer day, an unexpected laugh, a mirror that no longer matters. (Michel de Montaigne)
With calm and patience, we can free ourselves from what we do not like.
55. Knowing yourself is not only the most difficult, but also the most uncomfortable. (H.W. Shaw)
It is not easy to recognize mistakes.
56. Not even the best explorer in the world travels as long as the man who descends deep into his heart. (Julien Green)
Knowing our interior is a journey that sometimes causes damage.
57. Knowing the things that make you miserable is already a kind of happiness. (François de La Rochefoucauld)
Knowing what makes you unhappy is an important step to achieve true peace of mind.
58. After all these years I am still involved in the process of self-knowledge. (Sophia Loren)
Self-knowledge never ends.
59. All men must strive to understand, before they die, from what and where they run, and why they run. (James Thurber)
You must know the way forward and why it should be done.
60. A person cannot be comfortable without his own approval. (Mark Twain)
Consent towards oneself is what must prevail.
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61. Fear is incomplete knowledge. (Christie Agatha)
Fear paralyzes everything.
62. The greatest thing in the world is knowing how to be a master of yourself. (Michel de Montaigne)
He seeks to rule yourself, before wanting to dominate others.
63. Painting is self-discovery. Every good artist paints what he is. (Jackson Pollock)
Through painting what is inside is expressed.
64. Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what turns you on.
Focus on doing what makes you happy.
65. When the situation is adverse and hope is low, drastic determinations are the safest. (Tito Livio)
In difficult situations, radical decisions are convenient.
66. I do not understand that eagerness to know yourself and go around digging into the filthy guts of identity, sometimes even with the help of professionals. What does one expect to find in that dung heap? (Luis Landero)
We may find something inside us that we don't like.
67. A man can faint from lack of personal fulfillment as much as from lack of daily bread. (Richard Wright)
Whoever does not realize himself personally loses his strength.
68. Self-care is not a selfish act, it is simply the proper management of the only gift that I have, the gift that I am in the world to offer to others. (Parker Palmer)
Take care, nobody will do it like yourself.
69. More than knowledge the Ego decreases, the less knowledge, the more Ego. (Albert Einstein)
Learn something new every day.
70. They can attack your dignity, they can make fun of you, but they can never take away your essence, unless you surrender. (Michael J. Fox)
Don't give up, always fight.
71. The Self is very well hidden from itself; from the treasure pits, the Self is the last to be drawn. (Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche)
Don't pay attention to the rest, focus on yourself.
72. Face the dark parts of yourself and work to banish them with enlightenment and forgiveness. Your willingness to fight your demons will make your angels sing. (August Wilson)
Forgiving yourself is an act of love.
73. Look for the depth of things; irony never manages to descend there. (Rainer Maria Rilke)
Always seek to understand what is happening inside you so that you can understand what is happening around you.
74. From wanting to be to believing that one is, the distance from the tragic or the comical goes by. (José Ortega y Gasset)
To believe is to have faith in something and to want is to know what we can obtain.
75. By undermining our souls too deeply, we expose ourselves to touching what might go unnoticed. (Leo Tolstoy)
Knowing our interior allows us to find things that we may not understand.
76. Like an old miner, you must resign yourself to extracting a lot of sand from which you will then patiently filter a few gold particles. (Dorothy Bryant)
Things don't happen as easily as we think.
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77. Why should we care about what others think of us, do we have more confidence in their opinions than in ours? (Brigham Young)
Focus on what you think of yourself.
78. Imagination is more important than knowledge.
With the imagination we go very far.
79. I'm starting to measure my worth, but not in pounds, but in smiles. (Laurie Halse)
The smile is the reflection of our interior.
80. The man who does not value himself cannot value anything or anyone. (Ayn Rand)
If you do not know how to appreciate it, it will be very difficult for you to do it with others.
81. When you don't know what to do, be human. (Daniel Taroppio)
Never lose your human essence.
82. Only those who manage to believe that they are what they are not survive. (Rafael Chirbes)
Believing in yourself helps you overcome the challenges that life provides.
83. There is no greater satisfaction than looking back and realizing that one has grown in self-control, judgment, generosity, and selflessness. (Ella Wheeler Wilcox)
Inner growth is what is worth it.
84. Don't depend on someone else to be happy and to value yourself. Only you can be responsible for that. If you can't love and respect yourself, no one can make that happen. (Stacey Charter)
Self love is the most important.
85. If you sing only with your voice, you will have to be silent at last; sing with your life to never be silent. (Augustine of Hippo)
Life is very beautiful, enjoy it.
86. Everything that happens to you is a reflection of what you believe about yourself. We cannot exceed our level of self-esteem nor can we attract to ourselves anything more than what we believe we are worth. (Iyanla Vanzant)
What you think of yourself is what is reflected outside of you.
87. Take care of the order so that the order takes care of you. (Augustine of Hippo)
Always try to be orderly, there is success.
88. If you don't get lost, there is a chance that you will never be found. (Anonymous)
Getting lost on the road is a way to find the right course.
89. It is not until we are lost that we begin to understand ourselves. (Henry David Thoreau)
When we are on a path that leads nowhere, then we begin to understand many things.
90. I prefer to be true to myself, even knowing that others may mock me, rather than be false, and incur my own loathing. (Frederick Douglass)
You never have to be who you really are.