Education, study and knowledge

Ansuz Psychotherapeutic Center The Best Psychologists

The ANSUZ Psychotherapeutic Center is the result of specialist professionals whose objective is to develop a balance in our psychological, emotional and physical health, breaking the paradigm that «going to a psychologist implies that we are crazy"; It is simply to recognize that there is a problem and that the help of a specialist is necessary, that based on modern, simple and well-founded techniques, we can open ourselves to possibilities of solutions that we had not been able to see before and that provide us with the strength and clarity to face difficulties and achieve overcome them. Our work is aimed at, preventing, diagnosing and developing capacities and skills in the cognitive, emotional and behavioral areas in children, adolescents and adults based not only on the treatments, but on our experience, immediate attention and total confidentiality, as required by our code of ethics.

Ansuz within its vision and human mission seeks to improve the quality of life of people, even before their birth and throughout their lives; and we do it through: Child Psychology. Speech therapy. Psychopedagogy. Vocational orientation. Couple therapy. Family therapy. Adolescent Psychology. Evaluations. Adult Psychology. Hypnotherapy Counseling Workshops for Parents, Children, Adolescents and Institutions

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We are specialists in therapies according to the demand of each patient, we work with our own methodology that allows us to establish results that can be perceived. visit us

Psychologist Dr. Anderson Narváez (Quito)

Professional with more than 6 years of experience in the area of ​​psychology, disability, interv...

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Psychologist Carol Farah Thoma (Guayaquil)

I consider myself a developer of human capabilities, I know that every human being has what it ta...

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Psychologist Sandra Saltos Alarcón (Guayaquil)

You can count on my specialized professional accompaniment with cognitive behavioral, psychodrama...

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