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What does the color gray mean in psychology?

When we hear of someone who is "a gray person" or has had a "gray day", it is generally is referring to the existence of qualities such as sadness or monotony and the lack of delusion. On the other hand, it also expresses a certain continuity and trajectory.

The truth is that gray is a very particular color, which has traditionally been given a very neutral symbolism despite having a certain tendency to receive poor consideration. This symbolism and its association with certain elements and vital moments has caused the color gray to have a certain effect and meaning on a psychic level. What does the color gray mean in psychology? We are going to see it throughout this article.

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What does this color consist of?

Before entering to assess the symbolic and psychological meaning that is usually given to the color gray, it is appropriate to make a brief comment about what the gray in question is. In the first place, it should be noted that, as with the rest of colors, gray is nothing more than the product of

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the perception by our retinas of the refraction or lack of it of certain wavelengths of light.

In the same way that occurs with black or white, we are faced with an achromatic color which is not perceived by the pigments present in our cones but is captured by our rods, which more than color are dedicated to capturing the luminosity or the amount of light present in the half.

Gray is perceived due to an intermediate point between the capture of light and its absence, or the blocking of the first by some object. Technically and at the chromatic level, gray would be the middle point or the mixture between white and black, although depending on the proportions it can be lighter or darker.

Due to its situation as a point in principle neutral between both extremes, it also has the peculiarity that it is its own complement (although it has an interesting contrast with colors like the yellow).

But... What does the color gray mean exactly?

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Symbolism and psychological meaning of gray

Although it is not one of the most appreciated colors, gray has and has had throughout history an interesting symbolism for the human being, largely due to its identification with elements of the same color.

It is a color whose meaning is in principle neutral but which easily becomes negative, and which psychologically we associate certain connotations with it (as Eva Heller shows in her psychology of colour). It is mainly associated with the color of gray hair (and therefore aging and age), ash and dust, as well as stone (not earth). Also and although it is not exactly the same color, it is also linked to silver.

Most of the symbolism associated with gray and the psychological effects that parts of it usually generate in us its relationship with these elements, as well as the fact of being a neutral point between black and white (an intermediate point that not only refers to the chromatic but also to the symbolic of each one of them), which in turn have both positive and negative connotations. And if the color gray is especially characterized by something, it is because the color is neutrality, a neutrality that can also have flattering and aversive connotations.

From a negative perspective, when associated with old age and age in addition to ash the gray is generally linked to the idea of ​​progressive loss, of the nearness of the end. In this sense, it can be associated with the inescapable and cruelty, as well as the passage of time.

It is the color most associated with stone, from which life is not born (as in the case of the earth) but rather remains stable and immutable, in addition to transmitting a certain coldness and lack of heat. Although, as we have said, it is the color of neutrality, it can also be seen from a psychological perspective. as indecision and weakness, as an inability to position oneself and even as repression (whether of one's own or that of others) and afraid.

The absence of chromaticism also makes it linked to boredom (which can facilitate), monotony and routine, apathy and conformity and lack of ambition, strength and ability to fight. To the lack of character and spontaneity, and to the emptiness. Another of its meanings at the psychic level is that of concealment, since it allows easy camouflage, and deterioration.

In addition to the above, it should also be noted that the fact that it is linked to a decrease in the level of luminosity also causes it to be related to phenomena considered sad, such as rain, something that participates in the birth of expressions such as "day Gray". It is associated with the idea of ​​a certain loss or reduction of something that was already there, a subtraction or decrease also negatively valued and which on a mental level is usually linked to sadness and melancholy as well as avoidance (and in fact facilitates these states mental).

However, on the other hand, gray also has a much more positive affection and symbology: on the one hand, its relationship with age speaks of experience and wisdom, of knowing how to stay and sober (something that in turn generates a certain sense of tranquility and some protection). It is related to elegance and the capacity for reflection.

Its neutrality, from a positive perspective, is also linked to the ability to value different points of view and to remain impartial. That said, another of its meanings is the idea of ​​permanence, seriousness and tradition, and its resemblance to silver gives a sense of value. It is also a color related to science and objectivity.

It is also linked to modesty and intelligence, as well as self-control, respect and tranquility, favoring communication and the search for equity in it. Generally, this type of meaning tends to occur more when gray has a whitish and brighter hue.

The use of gray in everyday life

The symbolism of gray It is not something merely ideological, but it also has an application in a wide variety of sectors.

At the marketing level, it is usually used to represent stability, success and experience, something linked to the desire to project reliability and security. It must also be borne in mind that it is linked to elegance and success, as well as the memory of times past. That is why it is usually used by those brands with more antiquity or those that seek to represent classic values. For example, high-profile car brands or jewelry. Its connection with science also makes gray a frequent color in technology brands.

When worn on clothing it can be used as a concealment mechanism or to avoid drawing undue attention, or to appear sober. It can also be used to enhance specific and eye-catching elements of the wardrobe. (for example generating contrast) or the image itself (such as the eyes).

In addition to this, when it is used in paint, its ease is usually taken advantage of to combine it with other colors to provide a mix between expressiveness and containment or to look for formal settings and disciplined. That is why it is common in the business world, although generally looking for contrasts.

Bibliographic references:

  • Heller, E. (2004). Color psychology. How colors act on feelings and reason. Editorial Gustavo Gill.
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