35 phrases of hope (in life and in love)
Do you need phrases of hope to move forward in life and in love? Hope is that feeling that takes root in our mind and allows us to have something to hold onto to continue walking on the path of life.
Hope is closely linked to the illusion by which we cling to life, despite its difficulties and misunderstandings.
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The best famous phrases of hope
Several authors, thinkers and philosophers have written inspiring phrases of hope with which today we We will delight and discover how important it is to have this spirit in order to be successful in life and in love.
1. Hope is a good breakfast but a bad dinner. (Francis Bacon)
The English philosopher leaves us this phrase to reflect.
2. He tries to always keep a piece of blue sky above his head. (Marcel Proust)
He always looked on the positive side of life.
3. Blessed is the man who expects nothing, for he will never be disappointed. (Alexander Pope)
Famous quote about the hope of the great English poet.
4. What is the dream of those who are awake? The hope. (Charlemagne)
Keeping the flame of hope helps us keep going despite all of life's obstacles.
5. Eating bread without hope is the same as dying little by little of hunger. (Pearl S. Buck)
Illusion is necessary for our actions to make us walk in one direction.
6. What kills more to wait for the good that takes than to suffer the evil that you already have. (Lope de Vega)
Sometimes, this phrase by Lope de Vega can help us ease the wait.
7. Our calculations are wrong whenever fear or hope enters them. (Molière)
Our emotions decisively influence expectations.
8. Where one door closes, another opens. (Miguel de Cervantes)
The opportunities come practically by themselves.
9. Hope and fear are inseparable and there is no fear without hope, and no hope without fear. (François de La Rochefoucauld)
Hope always hides a part of fear for the unknown. It's part of the game.
10. In each dawn there is a living poem of hope, and, when we go to bed, we think that it will dawn. (Noel Clarasó)
A metaphorical phrase to keep in mind on cloudy days.
11. Hope belongs to life, it is life itself defending itself. (Julio Cortazar)
A beautiful famous quote that transmits positive energy to us.
12. It is necessary to wait, although hope must always be frustrated, for hope itself constitutes happiness, and its failures, frequent as they may be, are less horrible than its extinction. (Samuel Johnson)
A reflection of the fantastic English writer.
13. If he knew that the world would end tomorrow, I, still today, would plant a tree. (Martin Luther King)
A great phrase from the revolutionary leader in favor of the rights of African Americans.
- Related article: "The 70 best phrases of Martin Luther King"
14. If the morning does not awaken us for new joys and, if at night we have no hope, is it worth getting dressed and undressing? (Goethe)
A somewhat pessimistic phrase from the German poet.
15. Each creature, at birth, brings us the message that God still does not lose hope in men. (Rabindranath Tagore)
A lovely thoughtful phrase from the Indian thinker.
16. Engrave this in your heart: every day is the best of the year. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)
A positive thought to start each day with a smile from ear to ear.
17. While there is life there is hope. (Popular saying)
The last thing you lose: hope for a better future.
18. Hope smiles from the threshold of next year, whispering: 'it will be happier'. (Alfred Tennyson)
Between murmurs, hope speaks to us and promises us a more peaceful future.
19. I am prepared for the worst, but I hope for the best. (Benjamin Disraeli)
Conceiving both extremes helps us face reality.
20. Hope is a Christian virtue that consists in despising all the miserable things of this world in expects to enjoy, in an unknown country, unknown delights that priests promise us in exchange for our money. (Voltaire)
Another heterodox vision about hope in our culture.
21. Hope is not the same as optimism. It is not the conviction that something will work out, but the certainty that something makes sense, regardless of how it turns out. (Václav Havel)
A philosophical clarification that is absolutely necessary.
22. One hope rekindles another hope; an ambition, another ambition. (Seneca)
Phrase of the great Latin philosopher.
23. He who lives on hopes, dies on feeling. (Benjamin Franklin)
It is not good to base our lives on merely waiting for results.
24. The poor man endowed with hope lives better than the rich man without it. (Ramon Llull)
The philosopher and writer gives us to understand that wealth is not enough to be able to look at life with optimism.
25. The peoples live above all on hope. Their revolutions are intended to replace with new hopes the old ones that have lost their strength. (Gustave Le Bon)
A hopeful people is a people that fights for its future.
26. When one loses hope he becomes reactionary. (Jorge Guillén)
Right-wing political positions base their doctrine on a certain anthropological pessimism.
27. I refuse to accept the idea that humanity is tragically linked to the opaque midnight of racism and war, which make it impossible to reach the dawn of peace and brotherhood. (Martin Luther King)
Another famous phrase from the great black leader.
28. Hope is a great counterfeiter. (Baltasar Gracián)
Another thinker who frowned on the idea of waiting for the future to get compensation for daily effort.
29. Waiting is always fear. (Jacinto Benavente)
Whoever waits indefinitely, is definitely afraid to take the plunge right now.
- Related article: "The best famous phrases of Jacinto Benavente"
30. The hope of an eternal and incomprehensible happiness in another world, is something that also carries with it constant pleasure. (John Locke)
About religion and its eternal promise.
31. Hope helps us see beyond the storm of having a bad time. (Bertrand Regader)
After the storm, calm always comes, and hope allows us to keep this vision always in mind.
32. The natural flights of the human spirit do not go from pleasure to pleasure but from one hope to another. (Ben Jonson)
A poetic phrase that says a lot with few words.
33. My hope is to leave the world a little better than when I got here. (Jim Henson)
A great life goal, perhaps the most praiseworthy.
34. I don't believe in hope without work. I believe that you can only have hope when you have worked really hard. (Aung San Suu Kyi)
Without constant effort there is no future.
35. Where there is an iota of love, any shred of hope has room to grow. (Esther Earl)
Great phrase to believe in love and in the future.