Education, study and knowledge

The 8 best Mental Health Centers in Palma de Mallorca

Forum Terapeutic Mallorca is a mental health center specialized in addictions whose services are offered in the present both in person and in the telematic mode for those people who do it. request.

The center's multidisciplinary team of professionals is made up of a select group of psychologists and psychiatrists specialized in offering a comprehensive and individualized intervention, based on various therapies based on scientific evidence proven.

The main therapy applied by the professionals of the Forum Terapèutic Mallorca is cognitive-behavioral therapy, one of the most used by professionals psychology, and with which they deal with cases of drug addiction or alcoholism, addiction to the internet and video games, sex addiction and diagnosis dual.

Margalida Serra Tugores She has a degree in Psychology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona and also has a Master's degree issued by the Distance University of Madrid that formally accredits her as an expert in the field of Parental Coordination.

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Together with this specialist we will be able to treat very efficiently some personal difficulties such as low self-esteem, very high levels of work stress, anxiety disorders or conflicts between relatives.

The psychologist Silvia Fisas She graduated in Psychology at the Open University of Catalonia and after spending some time, she made the decision to complement their studies by specializing via Master in the correct use of Third Party Psychological Therapies Generation.

Her remarkable academic training allows this specialist to be very efficient in treating some difficulties such as depression, repeated substance use, trauma, or addiction to new technologies.

Lasery Clinic is a psychotherapeutic center located in the heart of the Majorcan city of Palma, which is made up of a large multidisciplinary team of experienced professionals from the psychology.

The team that we will find at the Lasery Clinic can help us greatly if, for example, we find ourselves suffering from a very severe depression, an anxiety disorder, very high levels of stress or some type of problem related to sleep.

Mentalment Psychology is a center specialized in the practice of psychotherapy directed by the mental health professional Marian Batle, who has a degree in Psychology from the University of the Balearic Islands and has a specialized Master in Neurosciences issued by the Open University of Catalonia.

At the center run by this specialist, we will be able to treat some difficulties very efficiently personal problems such as anxiety disorders, adolescent depression, or problems related to the dream.

In the psychotherapeutic center PSICOGYM can help us successfully cope with a wide variety of possible psychological difficulties, for which we will use some interesting methodologies such as Rational Emotive Therapy or the meditation technique known as Mindfulness.

These psychologists are great experts in treating some difficulties such as depression, anxiety disorders, phobias, very low self-esteem or complicated stages of grief.

On Animam Integral Psychology Normally we can receive therapy from the psychologist Victoria González Cantarero, an experienced professional with more than 20 years of experience, graduated in Psychology from the Rovira i Virgili University of Barcelona.

Depression in adolescence, sleep problems and learning disorders are some of the difficulties that are most frequently treated in the consultation of this specialist.

Cinthia Frías She has a degree in Psychology from the Universidad Mayor de San Simón and has a Master's degree from the University of the Balearic Islands, which formally accredits her as an expert in the area of ​​General Psychology Sanitary

It stands out for its remarkable ability in treating difficulties such as anxiety disorders, suicidal ideations, depression or complicated stages of grief.

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