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The 95 best prudence phrases

Prudence is a quality that allows you to act in the most appropriate way as far as possible to avoid any type of damage and unnecessary setbacks.

It is also a way of respecting the life, feelings and freedom of others. Prudence can be the limit between a cordial conversation or a confrontation.

If you are interested in understanding its facets and nuances, keep reading; here you will find several phrases about prudence that invite you to think about this human quality.

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The most memorable phrases of caution

This is a brief list with the best quotes and reflections on prudence, discussed.

1. The prudent man knows how to prevent evil, the courageous man endures it without complaint. (Mytilene Pythaco)

To be prudent is to invite good sense to live with us, in the face of good and bad.

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2. Silence and take stones is double prudence. (Saying)

On self-defense and its potential to prevent.

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3. You have to choose your words with the same caution as your friends.

You have to be careful with what you say, adapting to contexts and people.

4. It is wise not to fully trust those who have deceived us once. (Rene Descartes)

We must not trust people who have already betrayed us.

5. He warns that it is folly, the roof being made of glass, to take stones in hand to throw at the neighbor. (Miguel De Cervantes)

At no time is it excusable to mistreat the other.

6. Gray argument is of age and not of prudence. (Plato)

Prudence is not a matter of age.

7. Prudence is the mark of wisdom. (Amos Bronson Alcott)

Who is prudent in life, is full of much wisdom.

8. If you want to understand a person, do not listen to his words, observe his behavior. (Albert Einstein)

What defines a person is his behavior, not the words he says.

9. A mouth girl, soup girl. (Saying)

You have to watch what you say.

10. Recklessness often precedes calamity. (Flat)

A reckless person attracts misfortune.

11. It is better to keep quiet and have them doubt your little wisdom than to speak up and eliminate any doubt about it. (Abraham Lincoln)

If there is nothing helpful to say, then keeping quiet is the best option.

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12. We trust because we are cautious. (Epictetus)

Good sense is one of the best tools we have in life.

13. No matter how well you talk, when you talk too much, you always end up talking nonsense. (Abraham Lincoln)

Speaking what is necessary is what is convenient.

14. Don't do it if it doesn't suit you. Don't say it if it's not true. (Marcus Aurelius)

Do not do anything that is not correct and do not say anything that is not true.

15. Money makes a whole man. (Spanish saying)

Money is not bad, but the way it is used.

Reflections on Prudence

16. In Spain out of 10 heads: 9 attack and 1 thinks. (Antonio Machado)

The intelligent man is not one who possesses great knowledge, but one who thinks before acting.

17. The prudent man only thinks of his difficulties when it has some object. When not, he thinks of something else. (Bertrand Russell)

You do not have to focus on the problem but on the solution.

18. Blessed is the man who has found wisdom and the man who becomes prudent. (Biblical Proverb)

Wisdom intelligence is very attractive.

19. The fool at once shows his anger; the prudent overlooks the offense. (Solomon)

When someone offends you, he takes a step back and follows the path.

20. The distinguishing feature of the prudent man is being able to deliberate and judge things in a convenient way. (Aristotle)

A prudent being can see things in the best light.

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21. Don't badmouth the bridge until you've crossed the river. (Proverb)

Don't talk about something you don't know.

22. There is a time for courage and another for prudence and he who is intelligent distinguishes them. (Robin Williams)

There are times in life when being prudent is the best thing to do, while there are others when daring is the solution.

23. Beware of the man who talks about putting things in order. Putting things in order always means putting things under his control. (Denis Diderot)

Stay away from those people who want to control everything.

24. Silence and prudence, a thousand agency goods. (Saying)

It never hurts to be cautious.

25. Build your cabin in the valley, but never do it on top. (Heinrich Heine)

Don't pretend to have more than you can handle.

26. In the husband, prudence, in the wife, patience.

In relationships prudence and wisdom are the best allies.

27. I have regretted having spoken, but never having been silent. (Publio Siro)

Being silent when it is due is a quality that few have.

28. Do not leave the port, if the clouds do not run with the wind.

Don't do something when the conditions are not right.

29. Nobody tests the depth of the river with both feet. (Proverb)

Being wise in life has its benefits.

30. To withdraw is not to flee, nor is waiting is sanity, if danger outweighs hope. (Miguel De Cervantes)

When danger arises prudence must be practiced.

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31. The number of madmen is so great that prudence is forced to put itself under their protection. (Saint Augustine of Hippo)

Madness has some caution.

32. Fear is natural in the prudent and overcoming it is the brave. (Thomas Edison)

Do not see fear as a weakness.

33. The one who goes to the winery for a time is told, whether he drinks or not. (Spanish proverb)

There are things that are often difficult to do.

34. Conversations are dangerous when you have something to hide. (Christie Agatha)

Silencing what you want to hide is difficult to achieve.

35. You have to be careful when choosing your enemies because you end up looking like them. (Jorge Luis Borges)

Enmity is something that leads nowhere.

36. You will find prudence less in arms than in letters.

It refers to the importance of knowledge to acquire prudence.

37. Fear the love of the woman more than the hatred of the man. (Socrates)

You have to bet on love.

38. Don't speak your mind when discussing business with strangers. (Marlon Brando)

Never say everything you know.

39. Do not give the happiness of many years for the risk of an hour. (Tito Livio)

Take care of losing what has cost you so much to have.

40. In prosperity, moderate yourself; in adversity resign yourself and always be prudent. (Periander)

Moderation and resignation are part of life.

41. At all times, the prudent have prevailed over the bold. (Théophile Gautier)

Prudent people stand out more than daring people.

42. Mix a gram of madness at your discretion. (Horacio)

Prudence with some madness makes life more pleasant.

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43. If A is a success in life, then A equals x plus and z plus. The work is x; and it is game; and z is to keep your mouth shut. (Albert Einstein)

To be successful, you have to know when to shut up.

44. When a door closes, don't put your fingers. (Noel Clarasó)

If something doesn't happen, don't hold on to it.

45. Science wants prudence and experience.

Science needs perseverance and patience before revealing a new discovery.

46. A wise father is he who knows his son. (William Shakespeare)

When a topic is not known, it is better to be silent.

47. Prudence ends up becoming collaboration. (Julia Navarro)

Silence also makes us accomplices in bad acts.

48. It is good sanity to save yourself trouble. Prudence avoids many. (Baltasar Gracián)

Don't waste your time in pointless disputes.

49. There is a false modesty that is vanity, a false greatness that is small, a false virtue that is hypocrisy, and a false wisdom that is prudence. (Jean De La Bruyère)

Prudence is not always a trait of admiration in a person.

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50. Much of the prudence is to ask. (Francisco de Vitoria)

Curiosity also has some sanity.

51. The eye of prudence can never be closed. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

It is necessary to know when we must be prudent.

52. Prudence does not mean not accepting responsibilities and postponing decisions; it means committing to making joint decisions after responsibly reflecting on the way forward. (Pope Benedict XVI)

Being prudent means having responsibility.

53. The main danger in life is that you can take too many precautions. (Alfred Adler)

Precautions often bring difficulties.

54. The prudent man never uses the word for sarcasm or defamation. (Benjamin Franklin)

He who is prudent knows how to remain silent.

55. Prudence in the one who has it, prevents many damages and evils.

A sensible person avoids many evils.

56. Selective memory to remember the good, logical prudence so as not to ruin the present, and challenging optimism to face the future. (Isabel Allende)

You always have to remember the beauty of the past, live the present sensibly and see the future with peace of mind.

57. Be careful what you wish for, not because you get it, but because you are doomed not to want it as soon as you get it. (Kevin Spacey)

It may happen that what we wanted to have it already loses interest.

58. Be cautious. The best thing in everything is to choose the occasion. (Hesiod)

Analyze the moment before speaking.

59. The opposite fortune makes men prudent. (Mateo Alemán)

It refers to the importance of prudence.

60. Moderation and prudence can do and correct many things. (Carl Friedrich Zelter)

Being cautious allows you to correct mistakes in time.

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61. There are times when boldness is prudence. (Clarence Seward Darrow)

Good sense and recklessness can go hand in hand at times.

62. When forms are lost in an argument, all option to be right is also lost. (Popular saying)

Arguments are attitudes of someone who is not right.

63. Many times the words that we should have said do not appear before our spirit until it is too late. (André Gide)

There are times when we are silent when we should have talked.

64. He who is prudent is moderate; the one that is moderate is constant; he who is constant is imperturbable; He who is imperturbable lives without sadness; he who lives without sadness is happy; therefore the prudent is happy. (Seneca)

Good sense leads to happiness.

65. Follow your heart but take your brain with you. (Alfred Adler)

Follow your instincts, but wisely.

66. Prudence in the person, many joys provides.

Prudence provides the happiness so longed for.

67. They all wish your good. Don't let them take it from you. (Stanislaw Jerzy Lec)

He lives in such a way that nothing can disturb you.

68. Consider what you are going to say, not what you think. (Publio Siro)

You have to be careful of the words that do not come from the mind.

69. There are some people who are obsessed with prudence, who by dint of wanting to avoid all the little mistakes, make a single mistake of their entire life. (Arturo Graf)

Do not become a person who, to avoid a mistake, makes his life hell.

70. Recklessness often precedes calamity. (Apiano)

Who does not know how to be prudent, problems haunt him.

71. The prudent person takes a good look at what he promises. (Spanish saying)

Good sense makes a person act correctly.

72. Prudence is the virtue by which we discern what is right to do in various circumstances in time and place. (John Milton)

A prudent person has the quality of doing the right thing.

73. What is in the shadow has a force. (Jean-Jacques Schuhl)

Bad wishes come true.

74. Do not say more than is necessary, to whom it is necessary and when it is necessary. (André Maurois)

Speaking out what is necessary at the right time is a quality of prudence.

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75. He who lives wisely lives sadly. (Voltaire)

There are certain times when you have to take risks.

76. Prudence is the strength of the weak.

For many, prudence is synonymous with weakness.

77. Important decisions in our lives should not be presented with trumpets. Destiny must be undertaken in silence. (Agnes George de Mille)

Never tell your projects to anyone.

78. You have to be very careful with what you think you know, because behind it is an endless chain of unknowns. (José Saramago)

Half-knowledge cannot be considered absolute truth.

79. Prudence is the highest of all goods. (Epictetus of Phrygia)

Prudence is the best inheritance we can leave behind.

80. Prudence is the daughter of failure. (Carlos Blanco)

Failure and prudence often go the same way.

81. Cautious people are seldom wrong. (Confucius)

The wise are always on the right track.

82. Never act passionate. Why do you want to enter the sea during the storm? (Theogenes)

If you are obfuscated do not argue, you will only lose.

83. On the middle road you will always go very safe. (Ovid)

Go the right way and everything will work out for you.

84. Prudence is a love that is wisely chosen. (San Agustin)

Choose good sense as the rule of life.

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85. Prudence is certainly a valuable quality, but prudence that degenerates into shyness is seldom the way to safety. (Viscount Cecil)

When we use prudence as a shield, it becomes a danger to our growth.

86. Do not imagine that others are as interested in listening to you as you have in talking. (Antisthenes)

Take care that the people around you feel happy with your presence.

87. If you are prudent, you will carefully observe men so that they do not hide what they think from you. (Solon)

The body reflects what the mouth does not say.

88. When you see your neighbor's beards peeling, put yours to soak. (Popular saying)

Do not get involved in the affairs of others.

89. The force that is not guided by prudence falls under its own weight. (Horacio)

Try to guide your life under the shadow of good sense.

90. As soon as prudence and insight existed, great hypocrisy was born. (Lao Tse)

Falsehood is also part of life.

91. It is not the whiteness of the hair that communicates prudence. (Menander of Athens)

Appearance does not define a person.

92. The virtue of prudence is what educates us to reflect well and thus decide well. (Francisco Cardona)

Prudence invites you to act correctly.

93. If your shoe is loose, be careful not to bend over and try to tie it as you walk through a field of melons - those who see you might believe otherwise. (Anonymous)

Try to be with the right people.

94. Our prudence is subject to fortune, like our goods. (François de La Rochefoucauld)

Fortune is achieved wisely.

95. There is a courageous wisdom; There is also a false prudence of reptiles, the result not of caution but of fear. (Edmund Burke)

Fear leads to many mistakes.

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