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Psychological therapy in Pamplona: the 6 best centers

On Calle Irunlarrea we find the psychology center Vitalizes, created in 2004 by psychologists Javier Elcarte and Cristina Cortés. Today, this entity has a team of more than 10 professionals specialized in psychological therapy, psychiatry and neurotherapies.

In this center it is possible to find treatment for problems as varied as psychological trauma, anxiety disorders, mismanagement of emotions, addictions, cognitive impairment and even problems with coexistence and love relationships, as they offer family therapy and therapy for couple.

In all cases, both the psychological reality and the more easily explained mental processes are taken into account through neurosciences, and for this reason tools as varied as Mindfulness such as EMDR therapy and Neurofeedback.

Beyond therapy for adults, it should be noted that Vitaliza has an area specifically focused on care early childhood and neurodevelopmental psychotherapy, which works with boys and girls from birth to the early years of life. In this way, work is done on the overall well-being of the little ones both from the formation of adequate attachment links and from the monitoring and reinforcement of their neurofunctional development.

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The center GIFT Psychology, located in the Rochapea neighborhood, is another of the best options to attend to obtain therapy services in Pamplona.

This entity is made up of two psychologists who focus on problems that especially affect the youngest, such as Internet addiction, child and adolescent abuse, problems related to the expression of sexuality or cyberbullying.

In addition, at GIFT Psychology, courses and workshops are also held for professionals and individuals, on such diverse topics on emotion regulation, trauma management and the aftermath of sexual abuse, etc.

At Argia Psychology Center both individual therapy and couples, family and group therapy are carried out, in addition to carrying out training events.

Its team of professionals is made up of three psychologists with a solid career dedicated to the patient care, especially with regard to children's mental health and intervention family. They have worked both in the private sector and through involvement in municipal and regional programs.

Another of the best alternatives for those seeking therapy in Pamplona can be found in the Albea Psychology Center.

Located in the San Juan neighborhood, it offers a wide range of psychological and sexological assistance services: from couples therapy to cognitive-behavioral therapy for adults, through child and adolescent psychotherapy for children with depression, disorders of anxiety, etc.

The Aldebi Center He is specialized in the professional approach to phenomena related to sexuality, both through therapy and education.

Her facilities are located in the area of ​​the Plaza de la Libertad, and they provide services both in individual sessions and in sessions for couples. Among the problems for which professional help is offered are sexual dysfunctions, anxiety due to doubts or stigmas related to sexual identity, poor regulation of sexual desire, and expression of emotions in life intimate.

In the Iturrama neighborhood you can find the psychologist's office Marta Diaz de Rada, located on Calle San Juan Bosco. Adult therapy and child therapy are offered here, as well as counseling for couples. There is also the option of performing online therapy.

Psychological problems such as anorexia and bulimia, phobias, divorce and separation crises or Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, among others, can be treated with guarantees in this place.

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