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The best 10 Psychologists in Iztacalco (Mexico City)

Psychologist and Psychotherapist Violet Levy She is a specialist in applying the cognitive-behavioral approach, a methodology based on scientific evidence and with which she attends to various psychological disorders online.

His intervention is individualized from the first moment and some of his main specialties are the cases of anxiety and depression, addictions, chronic pain, low self-esteem and stress.

The Psychologist and Psychotherapist Adriana serrano She has more than 25 years of career behind her and currently serves people of all ages online, that is, children, adolescents, adults, couples and also families.

Graduated in Psychology from UNAM, this professional has a Diploma in Gestalt and Humanist Psychotherapy, she has a Higher Degree in Sex Education, a Diploma in Neurolinguistic Programming and another in Coaching of the Health.

Her intervention integrates the cognitive-behavioral approach together with other equally effective orientations, such as Mindfulness or Programming Neurolinguistics, with which she deals with low self-esteem, cases of anxiety, divorce processes, family conflicts and difficulties schoolchildren.

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The Clinical Psychologist Lewis Alcantara Throughout her career, she has specialized in serving adults individually and also couples or families who may request her services.

His intervention is integrative in nature and some of the therapies that he integrates in his sessions are the cognitive-behavioral approach, Brief Therapy, Humanist Therapy and Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy, all of them adapted to the needs of each customer.

In addition to that, some of the main disorders that this professional attends are family conflicts, cases of anxiety and depression, low self-esteem, infidelities and stress.

Lewis Alcántara has a degree in Clinical Psychology from the Intercontinental University, has a Postgraduate Degree in Clinical Psychotherapy with Logotherapeutic and has Diplomas in Psychogerontology, Logotherapy and Existential Analysis, Thanatology and Grief and also in Therapy of Couple.

The psychologist Maria de Jesus Gutierrez She graduated in Psychology from the Universidad del Norte, she has a Specialty in Legal and Forensic Psychology and She has Diplomas in Developmental Disorders, Forensic Psychology, Marriage Breakup and State Disorders Cheer up.

This professional has more than 10 years of experience behind her and currently she attends in a online and with all the guarantees to children, adolescents, adults, the elderly and also in the field of couple.

Her intervention is based on the application of the cognitive-behavioral approach, a therapy of proven efficacy with which she treats cases of anxiety or depression, autism spectrum disorders, bipolar disorder, drug addiction, and sexual and relationship disorders.

The psychologist Juan Francisco Cruz He has more than 15 years of professional experience and currently offers a Legal Psychology service and forensic through the online modality to adolescents of all ages, adults, seniors, couples and also families

Graduated in Psychology from UNAM, this professional has a Master's Degree in Thanatology and has Diplomas in Psychology Forensic, in Crisis Interventions and Brief Therapy, and also in Multidimensional Family Therapy for addictions and violence family.

His intervention integrates the Brief Therapy together with the cognitive-behavioral approach and other guidelines of proven efficacy, with which addresses family conflicts, gender violence, grieving processes, divorce, family conflicts and difficulties emotional

The psychologist Victor Fernando Pérez López He graduated in Psychology from UNIVA, has a Specialty in Brief Systemic Therapy from the Milton H. Erickson de Guadalajara and also has a Certification in Transformational Coaching.

This professional has more than 15 years of experience behind his back and currently serves teenagers online, adults, seniors, families or couples with cases of codependency, gender violence, addictions, anxiety, depression or stress.

The Psychologist and Life Coach Maria Villasenor He has more than 10 years of experience and currently attends online to adolescents, adults, people seniors or couples who have family conflicts, school difficulties, addictions, codependency, divorce or anxiety.

Maria Villaseñor has a degree in Psychology from the Autonomous University of Mexico and also has a Master's Degree in Human Development from the Motolinia del Pedregal University.

The psychologist Aribeth San Martin She is also a specialist in serving children and adolescents of all ages, adults, seniors, families and also couples who may have difficulties in their relationship.

Through the joint application of various highly effective therapies, this professional attends online cases of anxiety, codependency, alcoholism, deficits in coping skills and addiction to the internet or video game.

Aribeth San Martín has a degree in Psychology from Villa Rica University, she has a Master's degree in Psychotherapy She is psychoanalytic and she also has a Diploma in Child Psychotherapy from the Centro de Estudios Psychological.

The psychologist Mariana gutierrez She has a degree in Clinical Psychology from the Autonomous University of Nuevo León and is a specialist in both the field of Clinical Psychology and Occupational Psychology.

His intervention is offered online to adults individually and also to couples who do so. request, and is based on identifying the origin of each and every one of the person's inquiries attended.

In his consultation you will find a professional specialized in successfully treating addictions, cases of anxiety and depression, low self-esteem, stress, substance abuse, job difficulties, and conflict relatives.

The psychologist Juan Carlos Morales Quiroz She has a degree in Psychology from UNAM and a Specialty in Clinical Psychoanalysis from the Lacanian Analytical Network.

His intervention is offered both in person and online to adults individually who can present cases of anxiety, eating disorders, post-traumatic stress, addictions, grieving processes or personality disorders.

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