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Top 10 Mindfulness Psychologists in San Diego

The psychologist Arodi Martinez He is a Graduate in Psychology Psychology from the InterAmerican University College of Education and Behavioral Sciences, has a Doctorate in Psychology, a Master in General Psychology and also has Certificates in Mindfulness and Applied Behavioral Analysis.

Her intervention is currently offered online to children, adolescents, adults, the elderly, couples and also families who may be going through a bad time, all in a totally individualized.

In her consultation you will find a professional specialized in applying various therapies of great proven efficacy, among which stand out the Mindfulness, in order to deal with cases of anxiety and stress, depression, family conflicts, addictions and problems of couple.

The Psychotherapist and Life Coach Kenya Chia She is another of the most prominent Mindfulness professionals today and currently her intervention is based on Also in Coaching, orientations with which they attend a great variety of difficulties in the day to day or health alterations mental.

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This professional offers her services online and throughout her career she has specialized in offering tools of great utility with which the client can achieve any of their objectives and overcome their problems at the moment current.

His intervention specialties include family conflicts, low self-esteem, stress, domestic violence, depression, obesity, codependency and divorce.

The psychologist Javier Ares She is a Graduate in Clinical Psychology with Honorable Mention from the Complutense University of Madrid, has a Master in General Health Psychology, a Training Course in Mindfulness and a Master in Clinical Psychology and Health.

This professional integrates Mindfulness into his sessions along with other therapies based on scientific evidence, such as Cognitive-behavioral Therapy and Third Generation Therapies, all of them adapted to the particular needs of each customer.

Her services are offered online to adolescents, adults, the elderly and also couples who may present problems of anxiety and depression, low self-esteem, stress, internet addiction, infidelity or cases of Alzheimer's.

The psychologist Maria Sol Stagnitto She is a professional specialized in treating anxiety disorders and in her consultation to provide a high quality online therapy service aimed at adults and couples.

Her intervention integrates Mindfulness together with Brief Therapy and Cognitive-behavioral Therapy, all of them proven highly effective and widely used by psychology professionals throughout the world. world.

Some of her main intervention specialties are emotional and relational problems, low self-esteem, anxiety, stress and insomnia.

Maria Sol Stagnitto is Graduated in Psychology from the National University of Rosario, she has a Postgraduate Degree in Cognitive Psychology by Altue and she also has a Postgraduate Degree in Psychodramatist from the Mariano Institute Dark.

The Family and Marriage Therapist Vanessa Villasenor He is also a specialist in applying Mindfulness Therapy to successfully treat a wide variety of consultations in children, adolescents, adults, couples and families.

If you wish, in your consultation you will find a professional specialized in dealing with family conflicts, emotional disorders, relationship problems, school difficulties, low self-esteem and autism.

Vanessa Villasenor has more than 9 years of professional experience, she is Certified by the National Association for Healthcare Quality and is also licensed by the state of California.

The counselor Melinda constance attends adolescents, adults, couples and also families who may present cases anxiety or depression, family conflict, relationship difficulties, low self-esteem, stress or trauma.

This professional is licensed by the state of California and throughout her career she has perfected an intervention based on the Mindfulness, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Cognitive-behavioral Therapy, all of them adapted to the needs of each customer.

The psychologist Jason linder he has more than 10 years of professional experience behind him, he is a graduate of the California School of Professional Psychology, he is Certified by the California School of Professional Psychology and is licensed by the state of California.

Her intervention is offered both in person and online to adolescents, adults, couples and families with problems anxiety, low self-esteem, trauma or PTSD, codependency, depression, divorce processes or deficits in the management of go to.

This professional is a specialist in integrating various therapies based on scientific evidence, among which Mindfulness, EMDR Therapy and Cognitive-behavioral Therapy stand out.

The Licensed Professional Counselor Lyss de la Torre She is a Graduate of the University of Northern Colorado, she has an EMDR Therapist Certificate and is also licensed by the State of California.

Her intervention is integrative in nature and is aimed at adolescents and adults who may have problems anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, trauma or PTSD, family conflict, relationship difficulties or duel.

The Family and Marriage Therapist Clara Robles-Guerrero She serves children, adolescents, adults, couples and also families online and with all possible comforts.

Her intervention is based on Mindfulness and some of the main areas that she successfully addresses are emotional and relational problems, anxiety, problems with children, and transitions vital.

Clara Robles-Guerrero graduated from SDSU, has more than 9 years of professional experience and is licensed by the State of California.

The Family and Marriage Therapist Sandra Milstein-Ostrom She is a graduate professional from Brandman University, she has over 9 years of experience and is licensed by the state of California.

In your consultation you will find a professional specialized in applying Mindfulness in adolescents, adults, couples and families that may have addictions, relationship problems, anxiety, depression, addictions, autism and codependency.

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