84 phrases about humility and honesty
Humility is the ability of human beings to recognize their limitations and weaknesses and act with their feet on the ground, always with respect for others.
This virtue, together with honesty, which is the ability to be honest with oneself and with others, makes us become people worthy of trust and respect. Who doesn't like to be around people like that?
Phrases about humility and honesty
Since these virtues make individuals great, in the following lines you can find a compilation of the best phrases about humility and honesty.
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1. Honesty is as rare as a man who does not fool himself
Sometimes it is not easy to find authentic and honest people, but when you are successful in the attempt, you should value them.
2. Forgiving others is not a sign of weakness, but of humility
We can believe that we are little to forgive others, but it is not like that. Forgiveness honors us.
3. A good repentance is the best medicine for diseases of the soul
Repenting is part of life. We all make mistakes, you have to know how to recognize it.
4. Greatness does not consist of an outstanding position, greatness belongs to the one who rejects that position
Despite being at the top, we must be humble.
5. When someone sings his own praises, he always has the pitch too high
A reflection that refers to conceited people.
6. There is something in humility that strangely exalts the heart
Being humble is one of the best virtues that human beings can possess.
7. To get big, you have to start by getting small
You are not born a teacher. You have to work your way up to being an expert. One of the most inspiring phrases about humility.
8. You shouldn't gloat over anything you've done; you should go ahead and find something better to do
We must not rest on our laurels if we do not want to remain stagnant.
9. Life's great lesson is knowing that even fools are right sometimes
Being humble means being tolerant of the opinions of others.
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10. Humility is the solid foundation of all virtues
Confucius reminds us how important it is to be humble.
11. The best friend of truth is time, the greatest enemy is prejudice, and its constant companion is humility.
Charles Caleb Colton gives us this beautiful phrase about truth and humility.
12. Too many people overvalue what they are not and undervalue what they are
Human beings can focus on our flaws and put aside our strengths.
13. It wasn't until late in life that I discovered how easy it is to say "I don't know."
It is hard to admit that we do not know everything, but we are honored to do so.
14. Don't talk about yourself, it will be done when you leave
You don't have to be cocky. If we do it right, others will remember us.
15. There are seldom great opportunities to help others, but little ones surround us every day.
We can make small gestures for others to make them happy, you don't always have to do big things.
16. Recognizing that we have been wrong makes us great
The most honest people recognize that they are not always right.
17. Titles don't honor men, men honor titles
A title is useless if the person does not represent it as it should.
18. Humility consists of silencing our virtues and allowing others to discover them
We must not impose anything or pretend to please. We must open our hearts.
19. The principles of living well include the ability to face problems with courage, disappointments with joy, and achievements with humility.
Life is not always easy, but you have to learn to accept failures and value the good times.
20. Only he who can dispense with the applause and favor of the crowd is great
You don't have to continually seek recognition. If we give the best of ourselves, it comes alone.
21. It is reckless to be too sure of your own wisdom
We must be humble even in our knowledge and intelligence.
22. A man does immense good if he doesn't care who gets the credit
When someone does not seek recognition, act from the heart.
23. It is much more impressive when others discover your good qualities without your help.
We can talk a lot and not prove anything. We can also speak little and demonstrate a lot.
24. Be humble when you go up so they will be lenient with you when you go down
If we are arrogant being up, we can suffer the consequences in the low hours.
25. Life is a great lesson in humility
Life teaches us every day that you have to step with your feet on the ground.
26. Be humble and listen to your ear
A way of saying that we should be humble and listen to others.
27. The instruments of good people are always the humble
One of our values should always be to be humble.
28. Everyone you know knows something you don't know, learn from them
It is good to learn from other people and enrich our life.
29. The real merit, like a river, the deeper it is, the less noise it makes
When one is humble, does not boast of his triumphs. The others will recognize them on their own.
30. "Thank you" is the best sentence anyone could say. Express extreme gratitude, humility, and understanding
There are few virtues more beneficial to us than gratitude and humility.
31. Few are humble, because you need a self-esteem that few possess
High self-esteem helps us to behave with confidence. We don't need to pretend, because we are comfortable with who we are.
32. A man must be big enough to admit his mistakes, smart enough to take advantage of them, and strong enough to correct them.
Everyone, at some point in our life, can make mistakes. But with humility and strength we can solve them.
33. Pride makes us artificial and humility makes us real
Humility helps us show ourselves as we are. Makes us authentic.
34. Without humility there can be no humanity
Humility makes us good people. People that everyone would enjoy having by their side.
35. The man who thinks that he can live without others is wrong; he who thinks that others can live without him, is even more delusional
A phrase that talks about how we can be better.
36. Humility is making a correct estimate of yourself
Humility is touching with your feet on the ground, it is connecting with yourself.
37. The firm is a fighter, the simple and the modest are close to virtue
Confucius, with this phrase, reminds us of some of the best virtues of the human being.
38. Humility is attentive patience
If being patient is one of the best qualities a human being can possess, so is humility.
39. Humility, that sweet root from which all heavenly virtues grow
According to Thomas Moore, the supreme virtue of the human being is humility.
40. No one is greater than those willing to be corrected
A reflection by William Safire, which invites you to think deeply about the greatness of people.

41. I always say “be humble but firm”. Humility and openness are the key to success without compromising your beliefs.
You don't have to put aside your own thoughts and opinions when you are humble.
42. It is good to remember that the entire population of the universe, with one insignificant exception, is made up of other
Relationships with others are key to our well-being and, therefore, we must be humble.
43. People who put themselves above others will fall harder and harder
The fall is much stronger when we try to be above the rest.
44. A true genius admits that he knows nothing
An intelligent person knows not to disrespect others or look down on them.
45. When we are great in humility, we are closer to great
If something makes us stand out from the rest, it is when we are humble. A curious paradox.
46. Have the humility to learn from those around you
When we have our feet on the ground, we can observe and learn from others.
47. There is no respect for others without humility
It is impossible for us to show respect to others if we are not humble people.
48. Talking a lot about yourself can also be a way to hide yourself
Friedrich Nietzsche explains to us how low self-esteem it can make us not humble.
49. A great man is always willing to be small
In this phrase, small refers to humility. But a humble person is actually very great.
50. Only when a man has been defeated can his true greatness be discovered.
In bad times, the worst of us can come out, but also the best.
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51. Humility enriches the soul
Humility makes us pure beings, transparent people.
52. Traits such as humility, courage and empathy are easily overlooked, although it is very important to find them in your closest relationships.
Sometimes we don't value the good values of some people, except when we lose these people we loved.
53. When you perceive the applause of triumph, let the laughter that you caused with your failures also ring in your ears
The good moments must be savored when they arrive, and the bad ones must be recognized. This is the best way to learn from them.
54. When pride comes, dishonor also comes; but with the humble is wisdom
Pride is one of the biggest flaws. They do not let us acknowledge our own mistakes or learn from them.
55. When science discovers the center of the universe, many people will be upset to realize that it is not them
The egocentric people they may believe that the world revolves around them when in reality it does not.
56. The higher we are, the more humble we must be
Humility makes us even bigger than we are. Pride makes us smaller.
57. Humility is the only true wisdom that prepares us for all possible life changes
This value is a sign of intelligence and wisdom.
58. Humility is nothing but the truth, and pride is nothing but the lie
Humility is a positive quality of people, pride a negative one.
59. The less you are, the more you take care of everything
Humility makes us be in the present, and makes us keep fighting to be better.
60. Throughout my life, I have often had to eat my words, and I must confess that I have always found a healthy diet
A phrase with a touch of irony that talks about humility.
61. Power is dangerous unless you have humility
Having power can be positive, but power, if misused, can cause many problems.
62. Humility precedes honor
A proverb that makes it very clear that honesty and humility go hand in hand.
63. Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it is thinking less of yourself
Humility has to do with having a high relational intelligence.
64. Humility makes you see further
Being humble means that you can learn from others.
65. If I have learned anything on this incredible journey we call life, it is that the sign of a truly successful individual is humility.
A quote that makes clear the relationship between success and humility.
66. We are closer to being great when we are humble
Humility is a characteristic that people worth remembering have.
67. It is better to humble the spirit with the humble than to divide the spoil with the proud
Pride is a disease that slowly destroys the soul.
68. The key to humility? Make and disappear
An explanation of what it means to be humble. Humility is doing without asking for praise.
69. No one is as empty as those who are full of themselves
Those who call themselves excellent are actually anything but.
70. Great leaders don't need to be tough. Their confidence and humility serve to underline their toughness
When you have complete self-assurance, you don't have to appear tough.
71. Humility is life
Humility helps us to live in harmony with ourselves and with others.
72. Humility is a necessary veil for all graces
William Gurnall, humility is one of the best thanks.
73. Do nothing out of contention or out of pride; rather with humility, considering each one to the others as superior to himself
Humility should come from the heart, not from trying to look good to others.
74. Humility is making a correct estimate of yourself
Humility is good for those around us, but it is also good for those who practice it.
75. We approach the greatest when we are great in humility
Humility is only in the hands of bright people.
76. The brother who is of humble condition, glory in his exaltation
One way of saying that humble people should be recognized.
77. It is better to be humble and live with the poor than to share wealth with the proud.
It is always better to be around humble people than people without a heart.
78. We are all apprentices in a trade where no one becomes a master
Ernest Hemingway delivered this incredible phrase about how we must learn little by little to become experts.
79. Thinking well is not only of interest to philosophers, but to the simplest people
Having a good heart and honest thinking make us a treasure.
80. Believe those who seek the truth, doubt those who have found it
Legit people are those that pretend to be honest and humble.
81. A man only has the right to look down on another when he has to help him up.
We can only look over our shoulder to help the other person recover after a fall.
82. The art of life is to be happy with little
Being humble and content with what you have makes us happy and special people.
83. There are great men who make everyone else feel small. But true greatness is making everyone feel great
Being great means treating everyone with respect and treating them equally
84. Nothing is so low and vile as being haughty with the humble
Wretched is someone who looks down on someone humble.