Education, study and knowledge

The 10 best expert Addiction Psychologists in Naucalpan de Juárez

Victor Fernando Pérez López He has a degree in Psychology from the Universidad del Valle de Atemajac and has a specialized Master's degree in the specific field of Business Management, awarded by the EUDE Business training center School.

Over time, this psychologist has been able to treat some personal difficulties on more than one occasion. such as depression, suicidal thoughts, cocaine addiction, or high levels of stress labor.

Emotional Astronaut is a psychotherapeutic center located in the heart of Mexico City, which is made up of a large multidisciplinary team of highly experienced psychologists.

In this center some psychological difficulties such as phobias, anxiety disorders, addictions, job stress or related problems sleep.

Aribeth San Martin She graduated in Psychology at the University of Villa Rica and after spending some time, she decided to study a Master's degree through the Intercontinental University specialized in the practice of Therapy Psychoanalytic.

Currently this specialist can be of great help if, for example, we find ourselves suffering from a problem of alcoholism, a difficult situation of codependency or an addiction to video game.

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Adriana Serrano Robles She has a degree in Psychology from the National Autonomous University of Mexico and has a Diploma specialized in the study of Mythological Psychotherapy, issued by the Instituto El Saber de Mexico.

We can contact this psychologist if, for example, we find ourselves going through a disorder anxiety, a video game addiction, a family conflict or a stage with a very low esteem.

Rosa Rodriguez Alva She has a degree in Psychology from the Universidad del Valle de México and has a Master's degree specialized in the use of of Psychoanalytic Therapy, awarded by the institution specialized in psychological training Centro Eleia de Tlalnepantla.

In the consultation of this specialist, some psychological difficulties are usually treated in a very common way such as teen depression, alcohol dependence, anxiety, or complicated stages of duel.

Mirna Gomez she completed her basic studies in Psychology at the National Autonomous University of Mexico and after obtaining her academic degree accrediting, she made the decision to specialize via Master in the correct application of Cognitive Psychotherapy Behavioral.

Throughout her professional career, this psychologist has been able to acquire a remarkable ability in the treatment of some difficulties such as addictions, work stress, dependency situations or the Depression.

Ana Villasuso Escartín She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Champagnat and has a Master's degree specialized in drug addiction treatment, issued by the Complutense University of Madrid in Spain.

Together with this specialist, some difficulties can be treated with great efficiency, such as cocaine addiction, gambling, binge drinking, or obsessive compulsive disorder (TOC) ..

Ruth Margot Braunschweiger Monjaraz She has a degree in Psychology from the Universidad del Valle de México and has a training course she specialized in the practice of Ontological Coaching, which she was taught by the National University Acatlán Campus.

Drug addiction, alcoholism and very complicated stages of grief are some of the psychological difficulties that are most frequently treated in the consultation of this specialist.

Gabriela Corona She graduated in Psychology at the Universidad del Valle de México back in 2010 and since then, she is important It should be noted that this specialist has been able to accumulate considerable experience in treating both adults and teenagers.

This mental health professional stands out for her great ability in treating difficulties such as anxiety, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, or recurrent attacks panic.

Maria Antonieta Campuzano Sánchez She has a degree in Psychology from the Franco Mexicana University and has a specialized Diploma in Forensic Psychology, issued by the Mexican Legal and Expert College.

She is an expert treating some difficulties such as alcoholism, complicated situations of codependency, anxiety disorders, depression or post-traumatic stress syndrome.

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