Education, study and knowledge

The best 10 Psychologists in Álvaro Obregón (Mexico City)

Victor Fernando Pérez López She has a degree in psychology from the Universidad del Valle de Atemajac, in addition to having a experience of more than 15 years in the field of mental health, having achieved results excellent.

Among the pathologies that she has treated the most are problems of low self-esteem, suicidal ideations, the problems of anxiety, depression and stress, and the processes of separation and divorce, among others disorders.

Yolanda alcantara She has a degree in psychology from the Autonomous University of Mexico, she has a postgraduate degree in individual and group psychotherapy by the UNAM, and she has also completed a training in cognitive therapy behavioral.

During all these years she has had the opportunity to treat patients with problems of anxiety, depression and stress, in grief situation over the loss of a loved one, and with eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexy.

Aribeth San Martin She has a degree in psychology and a master's degree in child psychotherapy and psychoanalytic psychotherapy from the Intercontinental University of Mexico, achieving very good results.

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She stands out for having treated patients with addictive disorders to alcohol, tobacco and other types of substances, with different types of phobias such as the fear of flying or the fear of open spaces, and with addictions to substances such as alcohol or tobacco.

Adriana serrano She has a degree in psychology from the National Autonomous University of Mexico, she has a diploma in gestalt and humanistic psychotherapy, and is also a specialist in the management of emotions.

Throughout all these years she has cared for patients with family and relationship conflicts, with problems with sick leave. self-esteem, and with problems in school performance caused by attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity

Mariana gutierrez She has a degree in clinical psychology from the Autonomous University of Nuevo León, in addition to having extensive experience in psychological care for children, adolescents and adults.

Among his main specialties, addictive disorders to alcohol, tobacco and other types of substances stand out, separation and divorce processes, and people with low self-esteem problems, achieving results excellent.

Lewis Alcantara She has a degree in clinical psychology from the Intercontinental University of Mexico, in addition to being specialist in logotherapy and existential analysis, achieving very good results in his patients.

She has treated patients with all kinds of pathologies, including alcohol addictive disorders and smoking, anxiety, depression and stress disorders, and sleep problems such as insomnia, among others.

Maria de Jesus Gutierrez She has a degree in clinical psychology from the Universidad del Norte, in addition to having a professional career of more than 10 years in the field of mental health, she being a specialist in medical sexology and developmental disorders.

She stands out for having cared for patients with learning disabilities related to attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity and autism spectrum disorder, in addition to having treated cases of patients with dependence emotional.

Maria Concepcion Valdes Parra She has a degree in psychology, and she has a master's degree in gestalt psychotherapy and educational psychology, as well as a doctorate from the Gestalt University of America.

Throughout her more than 30 years of professional experience, she has cared for patients with anxiety, depression and stress problems, with problems of work stress, and she has also had the opportunity to treat people with different types of phobias such as the fear of flying or the fear of spaces open.

Gibray Aminjoab Hurtado Dorantes He has a degree in psychology from the National Autonomous University of Mexico, in addition to being a specialist in couples therapy and sex education, improving the quality of life of his patients.

He is a great specialist in the field of sexual orientation and sexual dysfunctions, treating people with erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, and inhibited sexual desire, obtaining results excellent.

Mauricio Ramirez Castillo He has a degree in psychology from the Universidad del Valle de México, has completed a master's degree in psychotherapy psychoanalytic from the Intercontinental University, and also has a master's degree in clinical neuropsychology from the UNAM.

He stands out for being a specialist in the field of psychoanalysis, having treated people with disorders due to anxiety, depression and stress, mourning the loss of a loved one, and sleep disorders such as insomnia, among other types of pathologies.

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