The 90 best angry phrases
There is a saying that goes: "anger is a bad counselor." And it makes all the sense; When we get angry, our minds are clouded and our way of making decisions changes completely, often for the worse.
Therefore, it is always advisable to understand this emotional phenomenon in order to know how to manage and regulate it in our personal relationships. In the following lines you will find help in this regard, since we will review the best phrases about anger, commented.
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The most memorable angry phrases
This is a compilation of interesting quotes and reflections about anger and everything that this feeling involves psychologically.
1. As much as we commit to being one way, when push comes to shove, our most visceral part leads us to act in a contrary way. (Eduardo Punset)
Negative behaviors are very difficult to control.
2. Never make a decision when you are angry, never make a promise when you are happy.
When emotions are at their peak, making a decision or making a promise backfires.
3. You can curse fate, but when the end comes, we have to let go. (Brad Pitt)
Living angry is not convenient.
4. Normally, when people are sad, they do nothing. Just cry about her condition. But when they get angry, they cause a change. (Malcolm X)
Anger transforms people.
5. Getting angry with the right person, in the right degree, at the right time, with the right purpose and in the right way, that certainly is not so easy. (Aristotle)
We always get angry at the wrong person.
6. Every minute you are angry you give up sixty seconds of peace of mind. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)
Anger keeps us from peace of mind.
7. Erase your memories of me, even being in them annoys me.
Do not harbor negative feelings against someone, the only one harmed is you.
8. Anger is a choice and a habit. It is a learned reaction to frustration and as a result of which you behave as you would rather not. (Wayne Dyer)
Remove anger from your life, it does not bring anything good.
9. Anger is an acid that can do more damage to the container in which it is stored than to anything it is poured into. (Mark Twain)
If you feel anger, only you are harmed.
10. To get angry is to avenge the faults of others in ourselves. (Alexander Pope)
Before speaking when you are angry, take a breath.
11. Without anger, nothing changes. (Pablo Hasél)
There are situations that cannot be changed by being angry or without being angry at all.
12. Deep anger is a form of insanity. You are crazy when you cannot control your own behavior. (Wayne Dyer)
Try to control yourself so that anger doesn't play tricks on you.
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13. The truth will set you free, but first it will make you angry. (Gloria Steinem)
The truth also brings with it some anger.
14. There is nothing heavier than compassion. (Milan Kundera)
Don't feel sorry for anyone, it's a horrible feeling.
15. Anger is a paralyzing emotion. You can not do anything. People think that it is an interesting, passionate and exciting feeling. I don't think it's any of that. It is powerless. It is the absence of control. (Toni Morrison)
Anger completely paralyzes, stops thinking.

16. I could still be angry about everything that happened to me, but it is hard to be angry when there is so much beauty in the world. (Kevin Spacey)
Put the irritation aside, there are wonderful things you may be missing.
17. I love the anger of losing you, your absence on the horse of days, your shadow and the idea of your shadow. (Cesar Moro)
Losing always gives way to anger and rage.
18. We will always have reasons to be angry, but those reasons will rarely be good. (Benjamin Franklin)
Nobody gets angry over good things.
19. I don't understand why I have to learn to control my anger... Let others learn to control their stupidity!
If you learn to control anger, then you will have taken a big step.
20. Someday they will regret what they have done, in the meantime I will let them laugh.
Do not be angry with the behavior of others, each one receives their prize.
21. Against anger, procrastination. (Seneca)
Seek to retard anger, you will not regret it.
22. The sharpest sword is a word spoken in anger. (Gautama Buddha)
Words full of anger cause a very deep wound.
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23. Even if you advise yourself late, look, oh reckless young man, that to be brave in anger is not to stop being a coward. (Pedro Calderón De La Barca)
Letting go of anger is not an act of cowardice.
24. One day someone will have to say enough. One day someone will have to say it's over. (Pete Postlethwaite)
Seek to be the one to take the first step.
25. Angry people are not always wise. (Jane Austen)
Wisdom does not come associated with anger.
26. Always remember what your friend told you when he was angry.
When we are angry we say things that we regret.
27. I want to say it so much that if I keep quiet I get subtitles.
When you have something to say, take a deep breath and say it, don't stick with it.
28. Between love and hate, there is only an argument with the mother-in-law.
Funny phrase that refers to the figure of the mother-in-law.
29. Two out of ten people carry encapsulated anger that will affect them, and they are seven times more likely to die of heart disease. (Bernardo Stamateas)
Anger causes endless illness and even death.
30. When you are upset, count to ten before speaking. If you are very upset, count to one hundred. (Thomas Jefferson)
If you are angry, wait a minute to speak.
31. Anger makes you smaller, while forgiveness forces you to grow beyond who you are. (Cherie Carter-Scott)
Forgiveness grows, anger shrinks.
32. When I stop being indignant, my old age will have begun. (André Gide)
As we grow and mature, the anger subsides.
33. The consequences of anger can be far more dire than the reason that caused it.
The result of anger is often fatal.
34. Anger, if not restricted, is often more painful to us than the injury that causes it. (Seneca)
The actions we do in anger have severe consequences.
35. Anger is one of the most serious problems the world faces today. (Dalai Lama)
Anger, rage and anger are the diseases that are hitting humanity the most.
36. Helping someone we want to help does not have so much merit. But if you are angry with my mother and help her from her, then it has a lot of merit. (Haley Joel Osment)
It is always a good idea to help other people and eliminate anger.
37. The strong man is not the good fighter; the strong man is only the one who controls himself when he is angry.
If you control yourself when you are angry, then you are a great human being.
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38. I practice 'I don't give a damn' at the Olympic level. (Miss Borderlike)
Don't let anything or anyone make you angry.
39. If you're going to blame me for the way I am, make sure everyone likes me.
Do not criticize without first seeing you.
40. Anger alters vision, poisons the blood: it is the cause of diseases and decisions that lead to disaster. (Florence Scovel)
Anger is counterproductive to health.
41. What starts in anger ends in shame. (Benjamin Franklin)
Anger and revenge always go hand in hand.
42. When anger comes out of the mother, it does not have the father, tutor or restraint language to correct it. (Miguel De Cervantes)
Anger has no restraint.
43. Life is a tornado, peace, fury and again peace.
Anger is part of life.
44. A man is only as great as the things that make him angry. (Winston Churchill)
Anger is as big a monster as the person wants.
45. There is no pleasure that does not anger, nor vice that does not tire.
Pleasure and vice are cloying.
46. I don't think your fighting ability has anything to do with how great you are. She has to do with how much anger there is in you.
Fighting in life is also motivated by anger.
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47. I only get angry for three reasons: for everything, for nothing and because yes. (Miss Borderlike)
Anger often comes from superfluous things.
48. Bad spelling also shows when you open your mouth.
Be careful what you say, remember that it is a reflection of you.
49. When anger walks it is stronger; let it rest and it becomes weak. (Edward Counsel)
When you get angry, just stop for a moment and you will see that little by little the anger goes away.
50. Don't hold onto anger, hurt, or pain. They steal your energy and take you away from love. (Leo Buscaglia)
Don't let anger and rage take over your life.
51. He is a fool who cannot be angry; but it is a wise man who does not get angry, because anger makes nothing and only punishes the same person who gets angry. (Noel Clarasó)
Anger only causes harm to those who suffer it.
52. Also, anger can heat you up at night, and hurt pride can encourage a man to do wonderful things. (Patrick Rothfuss)
Controlled anger produces good things.
53. With a hug, in a few minutes you will eliminate all the pain and anger. (John Gray)
A hug is great medicine.
54. I think all of us have a lot of darkness in our souls. (Kevin Bacon)
We have all felt some anger at some point.
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55. Anger is a gust of wind that extinguishes the lamp of intelligence. (Robert G. Ingersoll)
Anger and rage cloud thinking.
56. It is wise to direct anger at problems, not at people. To focus your energies on answers, not excuses. (William Arthur Ward)
Get mad at problems, not people.
57. How much more serious are the consequences of anger than the causes of it. (Marcus Aurelius)
Anger is bigger than its source.
58. Anger makes you deaf, and despair, blind. (Laurent Gounelle)
Helplessness and anger make it difficult to see, hear and think.
59. Anger is the beginning of the end of patience.
Patience is lost when we get angry.
60. Dear Life: When I ask 'Couldn't it be worse?' This is a rhetorical question, not a challenge.
Life is full of difficult situations.
61. If you feel anger growing inside you, remember the consequences of paying for it with others.
Do not pay your anger with those who do not deserve it.
62. When you get angry with someone, please do not pretend that you are not angry. (Thich Nhat Hanh)
Anger and anger can hardly be hidden.
63. Do not say hurtful words when you are in a bad mood, your mood will change, but you can never replace the words you said.
Try not to say anything offensive when you are angry as it will be very difficult to pick up on what was said.
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64. Anger, rage, fear, sadness. I don't think that's just reserved for people who have horrible upbringings. I believe that it really exists and that it is part of the human condition. (Kevin Bacon)
Every person harbors negative feelings in their heart.
65. We lose the battles against our exalted tongue on almost every occasion. (Javier Marías)
What is said becomes a whip that causes many injuries.
66. Don't pretend you don't suffer. If the other is dear to you, then you have to confess that you are angry and that you are suffering. And say it in a calm and loving way. (Thich Nhat Hanh)
She expresses what you feel, but do it calmly.
67. The hurricanes. Life is like a tornado. Peace, fury, and peace again. (Luz Gabás)
After anger comes tranquility.
68. Why should you get angry if by getting angry you offend God, you annoy your neighbor, you have a hard time yourself... and you have to finally get out of hand? (Josemaria Escrivà de Balaguer)
Anger is something that doesn't make sense.
69. Anger is a great force. If you can control it, it can be transformed into a power that can move the entire world.
Well controlled anger can make a difference.
70. Anger makes boring men resourceful, but keeps them poor. (Elizabeth I)
Anger is a sign of weakness.
71. The most dangerous thing about anger is that it gives you enough courage to say what can do the most damage.
Shut up when you find yourself angry.
72. Success and failure depend on wisdom and intelligence, which can never function properly under the influence of anger. (Dalai Lama)
Intelligence is dimmed when anger is present.
73. When you clench your fist, no one can put anything into your hand, nor can your hand pick anything up. (Alex Haley)
Anger keeps you from moving forward.
74. The strength we draw from resentment and irritation is only weakness. (Madame De Swetchine)
Anger and rage are only signs of weakness.
75. If your anger diminishes over time, you have done injustices; If it increases, you suffered injustices. (Nassim Taleb)
Anger leads to commit some infamies both with others and with himself.
76. The stronger the anger, the more beautiful the reconciliation.
Make sure that after the anger comes the tranquility.
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77. Anger is a fiery horse; if it is given free rein, it is soon exhausted by an excess of burning. (William Shakespeare)
Anger and rage have a life of their own.
78. Bitterness is like cancer. The host is eaten. But anger is like fire. It burns everything to ashes. (Maya Angelou)
Anger consumes everything.
79. Express yourself when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret. (Laurence J. Peter)
Don't shut up when you find yourself angry.
80. Sometimes you have to give up on people, not because you don't care about them, but because you don't matter to them.
There are friendships and loves that do not agree.
81. Maybe if you look inside, the person you should be angry with is yourself.
Anger at yourself also hurts.
82. How could the same people have built such churches and (hundreds of years later) destroyed so many of them in a fit of blind fury? (Andre Amalrik)
Uncontrolled rage can destroy everything.
83. The hardest thing about anger is taking the step towards reconciliation.
Anger blinds people.
84. For every blow our fury delivers, it is safe to hit ourselves at last. (William Penn)
Anger makes us lose ourselves.
85. Anger shortly after receiving an offense is the most generous thing one can do. saves the offender from the flowering of guilt and the need to bring down the offended from his tower crenellated. (Alain de Botton)
It refers to what makes you angry.
86. Anger is useful only up to a point. After that, it turns into rage, and rage will make you care about nothing. (Lauren Oliver)
Being angry should be for a single moment.
87. I was shaking with rage for having started to speak, furious at myself for showing my secret.
Anger shows weakness.
88. The best warrior is never angry. (Lao Tzu)
To win you have to put anger aside.
89. Remember that pride will never give you what a good friend can offer you.
Being proud is an attitude that makes loved ones turn away from us.
90. The gentle response calms anger, just as oil calms the waves. This soft, almost soft, slow, good response is one of the most difficult undertakings in this world. (Noel Clarasó)
To minimize anger, you have to give way to love.