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The 80 best famous phrases of Steve Jobs

Steven Paul Jobs, better known as Steve Jobs, he was a famous businessman specialized in the computer sector born during the year 1955 in San Francisco, California.

Being one of the co-founders of "Apple", Jobs managed to establish himself as one of the richest people in the world according to the prestigious magazine "Forbes". His open mind and his continuous search for innovation was totally relevant for the famous apple company to reach the highest levels of the business universe.

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Great phrases from Steve Jobs, creator of Apple

This entrepreneur may be a good source of inspiration for any entrepreneur who wants to join the business world with certain guarantees. Would you like to know the most interesting and inspiring phrases of this genius of technology?

Next you will discover the 80 best phrases of Steve Jobs, a clear benchmark of business success that we should all know.

1. Why join the army when you can be a pirate?

Making war on our own may pay us more in the long run.

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2. Quality is much more important than quantity.

The quality of a product is what the final consumer will perceive, a poor quality product will be much less salable.

3. You can't connect the dots looking forward. You can only do it by looking back.

Knowing where you come from you can know where you want to go, we must never forget our past.

4. Innovation differentiates a leader from a follower.

Innovation is extremely important and even more so in the field of technology. Jobs had to put great emphasis on this aspect if he wanted to succeed.

5. Deciding what not to do is just as important as deciding what to do.

Our employees must know what attitudes they should avoid, in this way they can achieve the efficiency that we seek in them.

6. You have to trust something, be it your instinct, fate, life, karma, whatever it is.

Having faith in the future will help us in the arduous task of our day to day. We must be patient, success will not come overnight.

7. I was lucky. I knew very early in my life what it was I wanted to do.

Being clear about our objectives, it will be totally necessary for us to be able to pursue them more accurately. Find out what you want first and fight for it later.

8. Things don't have to change the world to be important.

Our small actions are also important, the accumulation of them will mean a big change in the future.

9. Sometimes life hits you over the head with a brick. Don't lose faith.

Life can be really hard, but being persistent in our work will allow us to be successful.

10. I'd trade all my technology for an afternoon with Socrates if I could.

Without a doubt, Socrates was a genius of antiquity. As we see, Jobs would have loved to spend some time with him.

11. Work will take up a large part of your life, the best way to deal with it is to find something that you really love.

Dedicating ourselves to what we are most passionate about will give us the opportunity to be the best in our craft.

12. I am convinced that half of what separates successful entrepreneurs from unsuccessful ones is sheer perseverance.

Perseverance is, without a doubt, vital to be able to reach our objectives, without it we will never be able to achieve the goals that we have previously proposed. As Jobs tells us in this quote, perseverance may be the real key to success.

13. Everyone here has the feeling that now is one of those moments that are influencing the future.

The present will undoubtedly have a great impact on our future, and this businessman knew that the actions that he was doing at that precise moment would have their echo in posterity.

14. Design is not just what it looks like and what it feels like. Design is how it works.

For an electrical appliance to function as it should, its internal and external design must be perfect.

15. You have to do something that you are passionate about, because otherwise, you will not have the perseverance to carry it out.

Those tasks that we are most passionate about will undoubtedly mark our lives. Dedicating ourselves to them is a privilege that not all people can enjoy.

16. Great artists like Dylan, Picasso, and Newton risked failure, and if we want to be great, we have to risk it too.

We should not be afraid of failing, because we learn from mistakes. All experiences will always be positive if we know how to take advantage of them.

17. I think if you do something and it turns out to be pretty good, you should do something wonderful.

The search for perfection will help us to give the best of ourselves, we should not settle for what we currently have, there can always be room for improvement.

18. Be a quality criterion. Some people are not used to an environment where excellence is expected.

The quality of our product must be unquestionable, we must teach our competition what we are capable of.

19. Everything around you that you call life was made by people who were not smarter than you, and you can change it, you can influence, you can build your own things that other people can use.

We all have the ability to do great things, we should not put limits to our imagination.

20. I am optimistic in the sense that I believe that humans are noble and honest and that some are really intelligent. I have a very optimistic view of individuals.

As we can see, this businessman truly believed in people, and he also believed in the ability of the human being to improve himself.

21. Turning cool ideas and fledgling technologies into a company that can innovate for years takes a lot of discipline.

Creating a company like "Apple" is no small feat, it may even be one of the greatest business achievements of the 20th century.

22. Sorry, it's true. Having children changes your vision of things. We are born, we live briefly, and we die. It has happened for a long time. Technology doesn't change much.

Nature is wonderful, we must take advantage of life to its fullest. Enjoy the little pleasures that life gives you.

23. How does someone know what they want if they haven't even seen it?

Marketing is very important in the business world, how you sell your product is as important as the product itself.

24. Taking LSD was a profound experience, one of the most important things in my life. It reinforced my idea that it was important to create great things rather than make money.

LSD is a hallucinogenic drug that they say can expand your mind, Jobs tried this drug and as we see it gave him a new perspective on his work.

25. The problem is that I am older now. I am 40 years old and this does not change the world.

Time passes for all of us and for him too. When he died in 2011 at the age of 56, humanity was orphaned by one of his most prodigious minds.

26. Truth be told, I never graduated from college.

Not graduating from university does not have to limit your abilities, if you are truly capable of succeeding, you will do so anyway.

27. My mother orchestrated everything so that I would have a chance to go to college, so she made sure that those who adopted me were a lawyer and his wife. The problem was that when I was born they decided they wanted a girl.

In his childhood, Jobs had a series of problems that marked him for life, but he did not allow himself to be intimidated by negativism and came to achieve the success he had dreamed of.

28. I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life, much less how college was going to help me find out.

College can give you the tools to succeed, but ultimately it will depend solely on yourself to achieve your own goals.

29. When I left the university I decided to stop looking at the compulsory subjects and enter the classes that seemed more interesting.

Find out what interests you the most and study it thoroughly, in this way you will be the best in your field.

30. He walked more than 10 kilometers on Sunday nights to eat decently at least once a week at the Hare Krishna temple.

Jobs had to find his life countless times to be able to eat, in this way he was also able to build the magnetic personality with which we all knew him.

31. Woz and I created Apple in my parents' garage when I was in my twenties.

One of the most important companies in history, it had one of the most honest principles. Without a doubt, this is a lesson that we could all learn from.

32. I am convinced that the only thing that kept me going to keep going was that I loved what I did.

The love that he felt for what he was dedicated to, made him a true machine to create successes. Take the time you need to find what you want to do.

33. In all great relationships, things only get better as the years go by.

Over the years, the most stormy relationships always subside. Being patient is vital both in business and in personal relationships.

34. For every person capable of building his own computer, there are a million who don't know how to do it.

The sale of PCs was something that in those days simply did not exist, nowadays it is difficult to find a house without a computer.

35. Stay hungry, stay crazy.

The hunger for success is very important to be able to succeed, without it we could not be ambitious and innovative enough to achieve them. Dream big and be patient, in the end you will be able to make what you propose today come true.

36. The world is in your hands.

Working for our goals will lead us to achieve them, make every second that passes you are a little closer to them.

37. We created the computer out of necessity, because we couldn't buy one.

Who was going to tell those friends what their invention was going to become? The technological leap that humanity would have thanks to them would be unparalleled in history.

38. Hiring is difficult. It is the search for needles in a haystack. You can't know enough of one person in an hour-long interview.

For "Apple" to become the company it should be, they needed to bring together the best brains in the world to its cause.

39. I have always been drawn to the most revolutionary changes.

New technologies always interested this great businessman, not in vain this interest would be reflected in his entire professional career.

40. We just want to make great products.

"Apple" sought, under the leadership of Jobs, to become a company whose products stand out for their originality and quality.

41. Remembering that I will soon be dead is the most important tool I have found to help me make the big decisions in my life.

When Jobs was in his last days, he knew that he had to make decisions very quickly, because he had little time left.

42. Some people propose: Give customers what they want. But that is not my position. Our job is to find out what they are going to want before they know it.

Anticipating the wishes of the general public will give us the opportunity to create a conducive market for our sales.

43. If you look closely, most of the hits took a long time.

Successes will always need their due time to be achieved. Great feats are never created without great prior effort.

44. Death is probably the best invention in life. It is the agent of change of life. Clean the old to make way for the new.

Death will come to all of us, the human being has a limited time in life and perhaps that gives us the opportunity to value our time much better.

45. My business model is that of the "Beatles": they were four guys who controlled the negative tendencies of others; they balanced each other. And the total was greater than the sum of the parts.

Knowing how to incorporate the ideas of others in our company will be vital to its success in the future. We must take advantage of any advantage that life gives us.

46. How can you get fired from the company you started? Well, as "Apple" grew, I decided to hire someone who I thought was very capable to run the company with me. At first everything was going well but then our visions began to diverge. When our differences were too great, the board of directors sided with him. And I was left out, in a very public way.

Jobs was removed from his position, but he will always remain for all the clients of that company as the most relevant original founder.

47. Whenever I asked people why does he do that like this? The invariable answer was "because that's the way it is done." Nobody knows why he does what he does in the business context, that's what I discovered.

Knowing all the ins and outs of your company will give you the knowledge of what is wrong or what can go wrong and thus be able to correct it.

48. Teamwork depends on trusting others, without the need for supervision. That's why I don't believe in committees, I believe in people.

Having a competent and committed team will be essential to be able to achieve success. If we don't have a team to trust, we will be doomed to failure.

49. The best ideas must always prevail.

Ideas are really valuable, without them we could never innovate in any field.

50. Talented people working together polish each other, polish ideas, and what comes out is gemstones.

The people around you can inspire you to improve, making you a much more efficient professional.

51. If you define the problem correctly, you almost have the solution.

The question is as important as the answer, you must know the problem well in order to find a feasible solution.

52. He had a hundred million dollars when he was 25, but it never mattered because I never did things for money.

Money was only a cause-and-effect of Jobs' success, he was not really pursuing great wealth.

53. One home run is better than two doubles.

We must do the best that it is not possible, if you think you can do better why not try it?

54. I'm not usually soft on those that I know can improve.

He fervently believed in the capabilities of his employees, and was frustrated that many of them were partly self-restricted.

55. We believe that there are people with passion who can change the world to make it better.

Passion will always be necessary for the development of human civilization. The human being is capable of achieving everything that is proposed.

56. If you want to hire wonderful people, what you must be clear about is that you have to let them work, make their decisions and accept their criticism of yourself.

To get the most out of our workers, we must let them do their own thing. If we have selected them well, they alone will know how to organize themselves.

57. I created two companies: one called "NeXT" and another called "Pixar." "Pixar" went on to create the first computer-animated feature film called "Toy Story," and is now the most successful animation studio in the world.

Jobs did not focus on creating a single company, he carried out numerous projects, some were successful and some were not.

58. I met Woz when he was 13 years old, in a friend's garage. He was around 18 years old. He was the first person I met who knew more electronics than I did at the time. We became good friends, because we shared an interest in computers and had a sense of humor. We did all kinds of mischief together.

Together with his friend Steve Wozniak, Jobs formed the most successful duo in the world of technology. Both were flesh and blood from the moment they met.

59. Your time is limited, don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't get caught up in dogma, which is living off other people's thinking. Don't let the sound of other people's opinions silence your inner voice. And most importantly, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.

In this beautiful quote, the most famous tech mogul in history encourages us to live how we really want to. Learn to discard from your life everything that you don't really need.

60. Getting fired from "Apple" was the best thing that could have happened to me. The heaviness of being successful was replaced again by the lightness of being a beginner.

A change of scenery can be positive for us. When a door closes in life, sometimes a window opens.

61. Death is the destiny that we all share. No one has escaped it, and this is how it should be.

As living beings, we will all die at one point or another, which is why it is so important to take advantage of the time we have in our lives.

62. For the last 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: if today was the last day of my life, would I do what I am going to do today? And every time the answer has been 'no' for many days in a row, I have known that I needed to change something.

This quote gives us great vital advice, do not dedicate yourself to what does not really fill you. Life is too short to waste it doing what you don't want.

63. Creativity is simply connecting things. When you ask creative people how they did something, they feel a little guilty because they really don't know, they just saw something.

Where does creativity come from? A very difficult question to answer, to which no one has an answer yet.

64. My job is not to make it easy for people. My job is to make them better.

As an entrepreneur, Jobs was willing to make the most of all of his workers. A way of acting that, without a doubt, says a lot about him.

65. Your work is going to take up a large part of your life and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you think is great work.

We should not settle for a job in which we are not fully satisfied. You can always find one that is more like you.

66. I didn't go back to "Apple" to make a fortune.

Money was always in the background for this privileged mind, personal development was undoubtedly much more important to him.

67. The broader the understanding of human experience, the better the design we have.

Jobs wanted to be able to create the best product that was possible for him, and for this he had to have an army of testers who would give him their opinion on the matter.

68. We are capable of creating something, with the ability to control some of the world's infrastructure that costs billions of dollars.

Companies can grow very fast and have a really important impact on society. The business world can be really exciting if we understand it.

69. I came across my first computer when I was 10 or 11 years old, I have a hard time remembering it because I am a real old man.

From an early age, this genius of technology already used computers frequently, something that in those days was not usual.

70. When I was diagnosed with cancer, my doctor told me to go home and pack my things. It was his way of telling me about him: prepare to die.

She quickly knew that his life was coming to an end, a truly bitter moment for those who, at that moment, had everything in life.

71. When I was 17, I read a quote that said something like: If you live each day of your life as if it were your last, one day you will be right.

One day will be the last of us all, and at that moment we will not wish we had left anything behind. The experiences that we live in our life will be all that we take with us.

72. You have to find what you love, and that applies to both your work and your lovers.

We must live our life with the utmost passion, putting the best of ourselves in everything we do.

73. In ten years, "Apple" grew from just Woz and me in the garage to a company valued at more than $ 2 billion with 4,000 employees.

The growth of this technology giant was really very fast, as we see in this appointment, even its creators were totally amazed with its growth.

74. Many of the curious things that I came across in my youth turned out to be invaluable later on.

The experiences of our youth will accompany us throughout our lives, many of them we will remember regularly over the years.

75. In most people's vocabulary, design means sheet metal. It is interior decoration. It is the fabric of the curtains and the sofa. But for me, nothing could be further from the meaning of design.

The design of a product is essential in all aspects of its construction, this is not only relevant its mere physical appearance.

76. In college he didn't have a dormitory, so he slept in the beds that my friends lent me in his rooms.

From a very young age, Jobs knew how to surround himself with the right people, thanks to this he managed to push himself to the highest levels of society.

77. My adoptive mother never got a college degree from her and my adoptive father didn't even graduate from high school.

Her adoptive parents, as we see, were not her role models for her, he was a man who had to make himself.

78. My biological mother was a recently graduated young woman who decided to put me up for adoption.

His biological mother gave him up for adoption, perhaps seeking a better future for him. Who would tell his biological mother the man she would become?

79. If you keep your eyes on the profit, you will skimp on the product. But if you focus on making great products, the benefits will come.

Having a great product will undoubtedly allow us to obtain benefits, make sure you have a better product than your competition.

80. This is a tribute to the crazy people. To the misfits. To the rebels. To the rioters. To the round tiles in the square holes. To those who see things differently. They don't like rules, and they don't have any respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can't do is ignore them. Because they change things. They are what advance the human race. And although some see them as crazy, we see their genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who change it.

Great motivational speech from computer genius Steve Jobs, perhaps the quote that best represents him as the great person he became.

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