The 90 best curiosity phrases
Curiosity is something innate in people, it is a way of acquiring new knowledge to have a fuller and happier life. However, it is not easy to understand what that force or motivation consists of that makes us want to explore, to know more about the world and about ourselves.
In this article you will find a selection of the best phrases about curiosity, commented.
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The most memorable and inspiring phrases of curiosity
These quotes and reflections on human curiosity invite us to think about everything that makes us want to continue learning and exploring about the world.
1. It is a miracle that curiosity survives formal education. (Albert Einstein)
Curiosity always remains in a latent state even in situations in which the environment is not conducive to its development.
2. Curiosity is looking for news. (Spanish saying)
Anyone who includes curiosity in his life always finds an interesting idea.
3. We will not stop exploring, and at the end of our search we will get to where we started and we will get to know the place for the first time. (Thomas Stearns Eliot)
Many times, curiosity leads us to see from another perspective what we already thought we knew well.
4. Humor and curiosity are the purest form of intelligence. (Roberto Bolaño)
Being curious boosts our ability to push our intelligence to its fullest potential.
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5. Curiosity is, in great and generous minds, the first and last passion. (Samuel Johnson)
It is always important to have an open mind.
6. Boredom is cured with curiosity. Curiosity will not heal anything. (Dorothy Parker)
Curiosity is something innate in people.
7. I'd rather my mind open out of curiosity than close out of conviction. (Gerry Spence)
It is important to give way to research and study.
8. Curiosity is the very basis of education, and if you tell me that curiosity killed the cat, I am saying only that the cat died nobly. (Arnold Edinborough)
Curiosity is the foundation of learning.
9. Intellectual curiosity is the denial of all dogmas and the driving force of self-examination. (José Ingenieros)
It refers to the importance of curiosity.
10. Teaching someone who does not want to learn is like sowing a field without plowing it. (Richard Dehmel)
Learning is not imposed, it is only desired.
11. The intelligence of an individual is measured by the amount of uncertainties that he is capable of supporting. (Immanuel Kant)
Intelligence is associated with curiosity.
12. Curiosity killed the cat. (Spanish saying)
For some, being curious can have negative consequences.
13. Curiosity: Human impulse that oscillates between the gross and the sublime. It leads to listening behind doors or discovering America. (José María Eça de Queirós)
Curiosity has many edges.
14. Old age is the loss of curiosity. (Azorín)
As we age, curiosity takes a back seat.
15. I think that if we lose our curiosity there is nothing; there is no reflection and therefore there is no knowledge and there is no possibility of knowing. (Luis Eduardo Aute)
Without the sense of curiosity, knowledge is scarce.
16. The whole art of teaching is the only art of awakening the natural curiosity of young minds for the purpose of satisfying it later. (Anatole France)
The implementation of curiosity in young people is something that is beneficial for them.
17. I do not have special talents, but I am deeply curious. (Albert Einstein)
Great geniuses are the product of curiosity.
18. The youth of a being is not measured by how old he is, but by the curiosity he stores. (Salvador Paniker)
A person is young as knowledge of him increases.
19. Curiosity dares more against what is most forbidden. (Diego de Saavedra Fajardo)
When something is prohibited, the greater the curiosity that it possesses.
20. Curiosity in language is a danger of vanity. (Ramón Menéndez Pidal)
It refers to the negative of curiosity.
21. Love is nothing more than a curiosity. (Giovanni Giacomo Casanova)
Curiosity is also related to love.
22. An intelligent person learns from the experience of others. (Voltaire)
Other people have something to teach us.
23. Curiosity itself can be vivid and healthy only in proportion, as the mind is content and happy. (Anatole France)
Knowledge grants a life full of happiness.
24. Without curiosity, you are not directly alive. (Luis Eduardo Aute)
Curiosity gives life.
25. One of the main diseases of man is his restless curiosity to know what he cannot know. (Blaise Pascal)
There is knowledge that we cannot have.
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26. What would life be like if we didn't have the courage to try something new? (Vincent van Gogh)
Life would be completely boring, if every day we did not try something new.
27. Curiosity is insubordination in its purest form. (Vladimir Nabokov)
Having knowledge can be seen as an act of rebellion.
28. The big reason kids indulge in silly activities completely and it takes up their time blandly it is because they find their curiosity hampered and their questions neglected. (John Locke)
Children need to know how to express their curiosity.
29. In the study there is no satiety. (Erasmus of Rotterdam)
We are always looking for new learnings.
30. The larger the island of knowledge, the longer the shoreline of wonder and curiosity. (Ralph Washington Sockman)
As we get acquainted, curiosity increases.
31. The saddest people in the world are those who, faced with ignorance, choose hatred and not curiosity. (Daniel Arzola)
If you want to get rid of ignorance, just practice curiosity.
32. A men love marvel. This is the seed of the science. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)
Astonishment is typical of men.
33. Scratching where it doesn't itch is to let yourself be seduced by new interests in addition to the ones you already have, to maintain a constant spirit of searching among the unknown and allowing curiosity to guide your learning. (Pere Estupinya)
The search for new ideas is something that causes a lot of interest.
34. Thought is the steed, reason the rider. (Aurore Dupin)
Everything that is learned must go hand in hand with good judgment.
35. Our crime is being men and wanting to know. (Alphonse de Lamartine)
We are human beings and we want to learn something more every day.
36. How many things are we about to discover if cowardice and laziness do not hinder our curiosity! (Mary Shelley)
Fear and laziness are deadly enemies of learning.
37. Curiosity always ends up prevailing over reason, especially when guilt disrupts your plans. (Lorena Franco)
Sometimes curiosity is stronger than reason.
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38. A sense of curiosity is nature's original education school. (Smiley Blanton)
Man is curious by nature.
39. The public has an insatiable curiosity to know everything, except what is worth knowing. (Oscar Wilde)
On many occasions, we are focused on learning what is appropriate.
40. I write to people everywhere young enough to be curious about the world. (Ryszard Kapuściński)
Youth has the ability to be curious.
41. I didn't mean to fool anyone, think now. Just live other lives. Her curiosity was - is - too great to be confined to a single existence. (Sara Meza)
We are always curious about other people's lives.
42. Curiosity is the gasoline that ignites the spark of creativity… innovation… and entrepreneurship. (Antonio Paez Pinzon)
To innovate and undertake, curiosity has to be present.
43. Only intelligence examines itself. (Jaime Balmes)
When a person is intelligent, he is capable of self-examination.
44. The curiosity to know things has been given to men as a punishment. (Michel de Montaigne)
There are people that knowledge is something undesirable.
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45. Just out of curiosity and for the well-being of my mortal self. Is there someone at this party that you haven't slept with?
Curiosity is often a disrespectful practice.
46. Curiosity is one of the most permanent and sure characteristics of a vigorous intelligence. (Samuel Johnson)
If you want to be smart, then be curious at all times.
47. Be less curious about people and more curious about ideas. (Marie Curie)
Don't focus on people, but on knowledge.
48. It is not my fault that we are so constituted: half of disinterested contemplation and half of appetite. (Czeslaw Milosz)
Everyone has a curious side and a apathetic side.
49. Fortunately, nature has endowed me with an irrational curiosity even for the smallest things. That saves me. (Pedro Almodovar)
To do certain things, you have to have some irrationality.
50. Curious people are never bored, and their life is an eternal study in joy. (Tony Robbins)
If you want to be happy and cheerful, curiosity is the secret.
51. Curiosity is not so inclined to the good and the beautiful, as to what is rare, unique. (La Bruyère)
The curiosity for the unusual is something very attractive.
52. Little capable intelligences are interested in the extraordinary; powerful intelligences, in ordinary things. (Victor Hugo)
Seeks to know only the essential and simple.
53. The first and simplest emotion that we discover in the human mind is curiosity. (Edmund Burke)
Since we are born, curiosity belongs to us.
54. Without curiosity we are just existing beings, without reason and motive in it. (José A. Pallavicini)
Life without a bit of curiosity is meaningless.
55. Curiosity overcomes fear more easily than courage. (James Stephens)
Fear is only overcome with knowledge.
56. Curiosity is the lust of the mind. (Thomas Hobbes)
For some people, curiosity becomes a disease.
57. The thirst for knowledge, like the thirst for wealth, always increases with its acquisition. (Laurence Sterne)
As we acquire knowledge, we always want more.
58. Curiosity is the only thing that keeps me afloat. Everything else sinks me. (Pedro Almodovar)
For a curious person, activities become easier.
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59. Curiosity must be kept alive. One should never, for any reason, turn one's back on life. (Eleanor Roosevelt)
Never lose your curiosity.
60. Walk into the future, opening new doors and trying new things, be curious... because our curiosity always leads us down new paths. (Walt Disney)
Curiosity is the door to the future.
61. Curiosity is the daughter of ignorance and the mother of science. (Vico)
Through ignorance one comes to knowledge.
62. While the foolish decide, the intelligent deliberate. (Plutarch)
Curious people only ponder.
63. Children's curiosity is an inclination, which goes ahead of instruction; it is therefore necessary to take advantage of it. (Fénelon)
Children are curious at all times.
64. I am not afraid of death, what I do have respect for is the trance, going there. I confess that I am curious to know what it is about. (Atahualpa Yupanqui)
Death is a subject that causes great curiosity.
65. Natural curiosity is more effective in learning than fearful compulsion. (San Agustin)
True knowledge is only achieved through exploration.
66. Curiosity is a willing, proud and eager confession of ignorance. (S. Leonard Rubinstein)
For certain people, curiosity is a form of ignorance.
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67. The first love is a little madness and a great curiosity. (George Bernard Shaw)
In matters of love, curiosity is the faithful friend.
68. To stay young we have to be permanently in a state of intellectual curiosity. (Salvador Paniker)
Curiosity and knowledge keep the mind jovial.
69. The lack of curiosity or lack of appetite for foreign cultures is, in my opinion, an index of decline and passivity. (Juan Gotysolo)
It is essential to know the culture of other countries.
70. Ideas come from curiosity. (Walt Disney)
Knowledge springs from curiosity.
71. Time is the only capital of people who have nothing but their intelligence fortunately. (Honoré de Balzac)
Time is wise and it comes at the right moment.
72. You are curious, what do you look for in those books? (Morgan Freeman)
Books are open doors to carry out curiosity.
73. The need to know and understand is seen in early childhood, perhaps even more strongly than in adulthood. (Abraham Maslow)
In general, children and adolescents are the ones with the most curiosity.
74. If curiosity killed the cat, it was satisfaction that brought him back. (Holly Black)
Curiosity does not kill, it teaches.
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75. There are four things that would have happened better without them: love, curiosity, freckles and doubts. (Dorothy Parker)
It refers to the importance of curiosity.
76. Excellence as a leader has been achieved when people follow you everywhere, if only out of curiosity. (Colin Powell)
People are just curious at all times.
77. Children do not need to be taught to be curious. (Abraham Maslow)
Children are curious from the moment they are born.
78. Fools open the paths later traveled by wise men. (Carlo Dossi)
Smart people wait for the right moment.
79. It is important to teach to study on your own, to search on your own, to be amazed. (Mario Bunge)
Teaching is essential to activate curiosity.
80. Constant happiness is curiosity. (Alice Munro)
Curiosity leads to knowledge and knowledge leads to happiness.
81. Be curious. Read widely Try new things. What people call intelligence simply boils down to curiosity. (Aaron Swartz)
Looking for new things and reading daily are opportunities to put curiosity into practice.
82. It is simply this: don't get tired, never lose interest, never become indifferent, lose your invaluable curiosity, and let yourself die. It's as simple as that. (Tove Jansson)
Always look for the opportunity to acquire knowledge.
83. What really helps is having a great power of observation and a curiosity about people and situations. (José Carlos Somoza)
Observation is also a way of putting curiosity into practice.
84. I think that if at the birth of a child a mother could ask the fairy godmother to endow him with the best gift, this would be curiosity. (Eleanor Roosevelt)
Curiosity leads to knowledge.
85. It is not that genius is a century ahead of his time, it is humanity that is a hundred years behind him. (Robert Musil)
A genius is one who has known how to take advantage of his curiosity.
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86. The curious person always has new questions that move him to the oasis of knowledge. (Antonio Paez Pinzon)
A curious person is always going to be an intelligent individual.
87. We only really grow old, inside, when we stop loving and being curious. (Elsa Punset)
The day you no longer have the desire to inquire into something, old age knocks on your door.
88. Curiosity is the engine of achievement. (Ken Robinson)
To achieve something you have to have knowledge.
89. Ignorance can be bliss, but only if it overcomes curiosity. Curiosity is a gateway drug to sympathy. (Victoria Schwab)
There are those who prefer to live in a deception, than to seek the truth.
90. There is always a place where I can take someone's curiosity and land where they end up enlightened when we are done. That is my challenge as an educator. (Neil deGrasse Tyson)
You always have to teach the value of curiosity.