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Top 10 Expert Couples Therapy Psychologists in Fort Worth

The psychologist Alejandra Ruffa She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Buenos Aires and has a Psychodramatist Training Course from CAPP.

Throughout more than 25 years of experience, this professional has specialized in serving adolescents, adults, older people and also couples who may be going through a period of discomfort or suffering.

His intervention is individualized at all times and some of the areas that he attends most frequently are the crises of the couple, the trauma, the divorce, the difficulties of relationship, the stress and the infidelities.

The psychologist and expert in human behavior Arodi Martinez He has been offering his services to people of all ages, as well as families and couples for more than 10 years.

This professional is a Graduate with Honors from the InterAmerican University College of Education and Behavioral Sciences, has a Doctorate in Psychology, a Master in General Psychology and also has Training Courses in Mindfulness and Access Consciousness.

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Arodi Martínez is a specialist in applying in an integrated way various therapies of proven efficacy adapted to the needs of each client, among which Mindfulness, Cognitive-behavioral Therapy or Acceptance and Commitment Therapy stand out.

In addition to that, some of the main alterations that this professional attends are conflicts family or partner, anxiety, depression, divorce, addictions, low self-esteem and stress.

The psychologist Nuria Miranda She has a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology from the University of the Balearic Islands, she has a Master's Degree in Child Neuropsychology, a Higher Degree in EMDR Therapy, another in Brief Systemic Intervention Focused on Solutions and has Diplomas in Couples Therapy and Brief Therapy Focused on Solutions with Children, Families and Schools.

At present, her intervention is offered online with all possible comforts and in its sessions cater to people of all ages and also couples who may have some kind of difficulty in their relationship.

Throughout more than 15 years of career, Nuria Miranda has specialized in jointly applying EMDR Therapy together with the cognitive-behavioral approach, thus as well as other highly effective ones with which she deals with addictions, codependency, cases of anxiety and depression, family conflicts and low esteem.

The Psychologist and Coach Monica dosil He has more than 25 years of professional experience behind him and currently serves people of all ages, couples and also families online.

This professional is a specialist in integrating Coaching with other proven highly effective therapies such as the cognitive-behavioral approach, with which he deals with emotional difficulties, sexual and relationship disorders, anxiety, depression, low self-esteem and stress.

Monica Dosil has a degree in Psychology from the University of Barcelona, ​​she has a Master's degree in Child and Adolescent Psychology, a Training Course of Coach in Results and also has a Master's Degree in Social Gerontology and in Behavioral Disorders Food.

The psychologist Javier Ares He is a Graduate in Clinical Psychology with Honorable Mention from the Complutense University of Madrid, he has a Master's degree in General Health Psychology and also has Master's degrees in Cognitive-behavioral Psychotherapy and in Clinical and Psychology of the Health.

Javier Ares is a specialist in providing a Sexology and Clinical Psychology service through the online modality and aimed at couples who can present sexuality disorders, low self-esteem, deficits in coping skills, infidelities, addictions, anxiety or stress.

His intervention is integrative in nature and is based on the joint application of Therapy cognitive-behavioral together with Third Generation Therapies, all of them adapted to the needs particular to each client.

The Clinical Psychologist Diego Tzoymaher He is also a specialist in attending online to couples who may have relational difficulties, anxiety, depression, stress, deficits in anger management or cases of insomnia.

In his consultation you will find a professional with more than 18 years of experience behind his back, whose intervention is based on joint application of the cognitive-behavioral approach together with other effective guidelines such as Mindfulness or Therapy Brief.

Diego Tzoymaher has a degree in Psychology from the University of Buenos Aires, he has a Postgraduate degree in Cognitive Neuropsychology and also has a Postgraduate Specialization in Disorders of Anxiety.

The psychologist Ana Ortiz Lugo is another of the most recommended professionals in Fort Worth and its services are offered to people of all ages, couples and families, both online and in person.

Their intervention is based on the integration of the cognitive-behavioral approach together with other equally effective guidelines, with which deals with family conflicts, cases of anxiety and depression, relationship difficulties, low self-esteem and crisis of couple.

Ana Ortiz Lugo has more than 14 years of professional experience, is a Doctor in Clinical Psychologist from the Ponce School Of Medicine and is licensed by the state of Texas.

The Family and Marriage Therapist Lillian S. Ochoa She also has a License from the state of Texas and in her consultation she attends both in person and online to couples who may have some kind of consultation in the field of mental health or at the behavioral.

Her intervention integrates the cognitive-behavioral approach together with Contextual Therapies and some of the areas that she successfully serves in her sessions of it are marital or premarital conflicts, depression, difficulties in the family environment, trauma, bereavement and violence domestic.

The Licensed Professional Counselor Lydia hernandez He graduated from Texas Wesleyan University, is a member of the American Association of Christian Counseling and is licensed by the state of Texas.

His services are offered both online and in person to couples who can present cases of anxiety, grief, trauma, post-traumatic stress disorder, codependency, divorce proceedings or addictions.

The Licensed Professional Counselor Alex Guevara She attends in face-to-face sessions and also online to couples who may have relationship difficulties, addictions, codependency, divorce processes, grief or family conflicts.

Alex Guevara graduated from Amberton University, has a Certificate from the University of North Texas and is also licensed by the State of Texas.

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