The 80 best consolation phrases
The consolation is not only to offer condolences, but also to show understanding and affection in the face of any difficult moment that someone is going through.
It even serves as a painkiller when we cannot achieve a desired goal. This experience goes beyond sadness and pity; It helps us understand that you don't always win, but you can learn a valuable lesson.
In this article you will find a selection of comforting phrases inspiring, commented.
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The most memorable comforting phrases
These are the best phrases of comfort, which can be of great use in difficult times.
1. Music gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flights to the imagination, consolation to sadness and life and joy to all things. (Plato)
Music is one of the greatest consolations in the world.
2. There are better things ahead than those we leave behind. (C. S. Lewis)
In a difficult situation it is important not to hold on to suffering, but to focus on finding a solution to the problem.
3. It is better to console yourself than hang yourself. (Diogenes of Sinope)
If you need to cry, do it. But don't stay long in that experience.
4. If faith were not the first of virtues, it would always be the greatest consolation. It is both. (Fernán Caballero)
Many find comfort in their faith.
5. It is consolation in great misfortunes that no greater one can happen. (Seneca)
It is a way to regain strength.
6. The unhappy is not consoled by company in mourning.
You cannot help someone who does not want to be helped.
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7. Kiss me out of desire, not comfort. (Jeff Buckley)
Never force a relationship out of pity.
8. The thought of suicide is a powerful means of comfort: with it you can endure more than one bad night. (Friedrich Nietzsche)
A strange way to justify suicide.
9. In times of misery and suffering, I will hug you, cradle you and make your pain mine. When you cry, I cry, when you suffer, I suffer.
Surround yourself with people who are with you through thick and thin.
10. There is no more clever consolation than the thought that we have chosen our misfortunes. (Jorge Luis Borges)
Each action has its consequence and the ideal is to learn from them.

11. I do not think of all the misery, but of all the beauty that still remains. (Anna Frank)
One way to find comfort is in our positive thoughts.
12. Evil of many, consolation of fools. (Saying)
There are those who console themselves when they witness someone else's misfortune.
13. The only thing capable of comforting a man for the stupid things that he does, is the pride that gives him doing them. (Oscar Wilde)
After all, every choice is personal.
14. Hope is primarily in those who find no comfort. (Theodor Adorno)
They find it as a way to keep persevering.
15. The poor have no consolation even with the rise in salary.
Sometimes money is not everything.
16. The defects of great men are the consolation of fools. (Isaac Disraeli)
Nobody is perfect, although some think they are.
17. Imagination consoles men for what they cannot be. Humor consoles them of what they are. (Winston Churchill)
Imagination can be motivating but also threatening.
18. Most people fear change, but if you see it as something you can always count on it can be a comfort, there aren't many things you can really count on.
Changes can be positive if we see them that way.
19. Homeland is that, fairness, respect for all opinions and consolation to the sad. (Jose Marti)
What the homeland means.
20. There is nothing like the active work of comforting those most in need. (Anne Brontë)
By comforting others, we also find comfort.
21. How much comfort we would find if we told our secrets. (John Churton Collins)
There are secrets that weigh more guarded than sharing them.
22. He had always offered the same words of comfort: courage, strength. Time heals all wounds. (Taylor Caldwell)
It is necessary to give us time to process and overcome any injuries.
23. Tears are a comfort to women and a torment to men.
Different ways of seeing tears.
24. The great comfort in life is speaking your mind. (Voltaire)
It is a favorite way of feeling freedom.
25. One of the greatest consolations of this life is friendship, and one of the greatest consolations of friendship is having someone to trust with a secret. (Alessandro Manzoni)
Friendship is a very powerful relationship for anyone.
26. As I am still weak in love, imperfect in virtue, I need your strength and your consolations. (Thomas of Kempis)
Sometimes we need another person to find our way again.
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27. You cannot comfort yourself and heal from a loss until you allow yourself to really feel it. (Mandy Hale)
Full relief is necessary first before healing.
28. Resignation, giving up all hope, is a consolation similar to death, and therefore it is a great consolation. (Benito Pérez Galdós)
There are things to which we must resign ourselves, because we cannot change them.
29. There are more sayings than bread, and when I don't have bread, I ask a saying for consolation.
Words have a great effect on how people feel.
30. The older the artist, the greater the doubt. Perfect confidence is bestowed on the less talented as a reward of consolation. (Robert Hughes)
On consolation as a form of reward.
31. Bad consolation is to have friends of misfortune. (Seneca)
Get out of your life those who do not bring you any positivity.
32. Whatever happens tomorrow, we will have had today.
Enjoy the present.
33. For anyone who is afraid, lonely or unhappy, the best remedy is to go on the air free, somewhere where you can be totally alone, alone with the sky, with nature and with God. (Anne frank)
A great way to find comfort and encouragement.
34. Only religion makes men endure inequalities of rank, because it has consolation for everything. (Napoleon Bonaparte)
An interesting critique of religion.
35. A father is a treasure, a brother a consolation. A friend is both. (Benjamin Franklin)
Friends are the family we decide to have.
36. Cold and insipid is the comfort when it is not wrapped in some remedy. (Plato)
There is no use of consolation if you do not offer a solution.
37. There is no mourning without consolation.
They are in these moments where we most need support.
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38. I have not had consolation, it has been very painful for me to see that in such a short time you have forgotten me. (Violeta Parra)
When loneliness feels eternal
39. Being blameless is the greatest comfort. (Cicero)
There is nothing more peaceful than having a clear conscience.
40. Nothing so comforts our afflictions as a noble resolution. (Armando Palacio Valdés)
Finding a way out will always bring relief.
41. Just as a day well spent gives you a happy dream, a life well lived gives you a happy death. (Leonardo da Vinci)
Live your life without regrets.
42. Do not say with pain "it is not here". Say with gratitude that "he was here." (Hebrew proverb)
A great way to deal with a loss.
43. What is beautiful never dies, but passes to another type of beauty. (Thomas Bailey Aldrich)
Things only die when they are forgotten.
44. Loneliness is a comfort to a saddened soul. (Jalil Gibran)
Loneliness can be a moment of personal reunion.
45. A tiny consolation is but a small memory of grief. (Oliver Goldsmith)
In this case it is not consolation, it is a pity.
46. There is a certain comfort in the familiar. (Kristin Hannah)
Known things offer security.
47. This pain gives hope, which is the beauty of life, the supreme beauty, that is, the supreme consolation. (Miguel de Unamuno)
The pain from another perspective.
48. When the itch is inside the boot, scratching outside of the boot offers little comfort. (Proverb)
Many seek comfort in unknown places.
49. A bad stranger is a base consolation.
On comforting ourselves before the sorrows of others.
50. The human need for comfort is insatiable. (Stig Dagerman)
We are always in search of understanding and relief.
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51. What is the comfort of the heart is not known except when we are alone. (Edgar Allan Poe)
When we are alone it is that we appreciate things and lost relationships.
52. Love is not consolation, it is light. (Friedrich Nietzsche)
What love really should be.
53. The present is the only heritage of life, which can never be taken away. It is the only consolation of the transience of the individual, as long as the will to live is there. (Arthur Schopenhauer)
That is why it is important to focus more on the present and less on the past or future.
54. After all, tomorrow will be another day. (Vivien Leigh)
There is always hope for a better tomorrow.
55. That propitious something that serves as a comfort to all who close their eyes when they look, or understanding when they reason. (Jane Austen)
Everyone has a place, a person or a thought to take refuge.
56. There is a comfort in being sick, and it is the possibility that you can recover to a better state than you were before. (Henry David Thoreau)
The hope that does not die.
57. Never mistake a single loss for a final loss. (F. Scott Fitzgerald)
Life is full of obstacles to overcome.
58. Try to understand that things are neither as good nor as bad as they seem to you now. (John Steinbeck)
Things take on more or less meaning when we let ourselves be carried away by emotions.
59. Like a bird singing in the rain, let the memories of gratitude survive in times of grief. (Robert Louis Stevenson)
Sorrows are overcome with positive thoughts.
60. Never be offended, but rather, when you notice that someone needs a consolation, give it to them and console and help each other... (María Mazzarello)
Everything good you do comes back to you.
61. Do not feel pain. Everything you lose comes back in another form. (Rumi)
Great things await us tomorrow.
62. Try and fail, but don't fail to try. (Stephen Kaggwa)
Don't let fear win you over.
63. Modern science has not yet produced a calming drug as effective as a few kind words. (Sigmund Freud)
Positive words are what help us emerge and move on.
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64. Books, though we take them for consolation, only add depth to our misery. (Orhan Pamuk)
A dark side about books.
65. Sometimes the best way to help someone is simply to be around them. (Veronica Roth)
If you don't know how to help, just stay close.
66. But the consolation was that the painful memories were also quickly forgotten. (Yoko Ogawa)
That the bad moments of the past do not affect your present.
67. Death cannot kill what never dies. (William Penn)
Death is not the end.
68. If there is any consolation in the tragedy of losing someone we love so much, it is the hope, always necessary, that perhaps it was better that way. (Paulo Coelho)
There are times when a loss is in everyone's best interest.
69. Little thing consoles us because little thing afflicts us. (Blaise Pascal)
Don't let little things hurt you.
70. He who has left meets us more intensely than the man who lives. (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)
People remain alive in our hearts.
71. Sex is the comfort for those who no longer have love. (Gabriel Garcia Marquez)
sex can be an escape route.
72. It is more appropriate for a man to laugh at life than to lament. (Seneca)
A more effective way to face life.
73. The mere juxtaposition of warm bodies provides the deepest of animal comforts. (Lionel Shriver)
Sex as a natural comfort.
74. The only difference between a good day and a bad day is your attitude. (Dennis S. Brown)
It all depends on how we view life.
75. Never say anything about yourself that you don't want to come true. (Brian Tracy)
The importance of trusting in our capabilities.
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76. The consolation is knowing that I have loved as much as I could love. (Laure Conan)
Never regret loving.
77. Learn to value yourself, which means: fight for your happiness. (Ayn Rand)
Don't stop improving for your benefit.
78. A nail drives out another nail. (Saying)
One of the most popular comforting sayings of all time.
79. What a worm calls the end of the world, God calls a butterfly. (Richard Bach)
Sometimes an ending is just a new beginning.
80. Wisdom serves as a restraint to the youth, a comfort to the old, wealth to the poor, and an adornment to the rich. (Diogenes of Sinope)
Wisdom in its different forms.